This is all in the same year! A year where they also have another few high scoring games (Pikmin 4, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem are all 80s games), and they still have a couple of games coming up (a Mario RPG?)
Like, I can't think of any other publisher who put out four 90+ games in the same year. And this is the final year of the Switch's life (supposedly), this is Nintendo's support for it in its last year? I always thought Nintendo consoles died in their last year lol.
Never been a big fan of Nintendo before, but the Switch, and specifically 2023, have sold me on Nintendo completely. At a time when the rest of the industry keeps engaging in clown shoes nonsense like chasing live service games, cancellations and layoffs and acquisitions and buggy launches and chasing tech over gameplay, Nintendo just quietly puts out great games upon great games that are among the best on the market, and they do it on a console that is more than two generations outdated.
Just insanity.
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