Just don't argue based on flaw logic, something you often do on here.
I really try to debate with sound logic, something I'm not seeing from you here in this discussion. But I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

( I'm seeing a lot of wiggling, but very little sound reasoning)
Again, I was talking about the difference in console sales expectations and how the differences between the two brands would change those.
My exact post:
MS and Sony are clearly working different strategies which would change the expectations for console sales.
Sony wants those PC gamers to buy a console even if they only play 4 or 5 games on it over the course of the generation, MS can not expect to get those sales since they launch on PC day one. Even if brand recognition was the same between the two companies, this difference alone would change console sales outcomes.
This is Sony's position at the moment. You are forced to buy a PS5 to play their biggest exclusives unless you plan on waiting quite a while. Sony has acknowledged this on several occasions. If you want to play Sony's games anywhere near release you need a PS5, that is not the case for Xbox. This is the difference in models that changes the sales expectations between the companies. Like I said, Spider-man 2 and Starfield are the perfect examples already. I stand by my statement, because it is simply the reality of the moment. If you disagree with me, please explain why Spider-man 2 isn't on PC right now. If you are agreeing with me than don't let the door hit you on the way out. I don't know what else to say about that.
Keep in mind that I was responding to your post here, which simply wasn't the case based on what we know.
We know how Microsoft felt going into this console generation and they believed they had a winning strategy.
You don't automatically ignore this because their strategy failed. Do you think the Xbox Series S wasn't designed to sell more consoles? Do you think having the power narrative wasn't important for Microsoft? Why do you think Phil was anxious about the PS5 spec reveal?
Because he was worried about Sony. They want to win. Period and you have to treat it as important.
We now know that their internal targets for Xbox Series were around 60m for the generation, they literally never expected to "win". Or maybe that's the wrong way to put it, they may want to "win" overall (in revenue, in profits, in market control, etc.) but they clearly didn't think they were winning console units this generation unless they figured the wheels were really going to fall off of Sony's cart. I'm sure they do want to sell as many units as they can and they were worried about how the series systems were going to launch given how X1 sales were going that last 18 months or so before the series systems launched. Selling products isn't an Olympic sport, they can absolutely be focused on extracting as many $ from their business as possible and maximizing growth without being consumed with needing to "win" against another company. It's not a zero sum game.
So, I'll agree with you on the points you made about them wanting to compete, and creating two consoles instead of one, and spending a lot of money on acquisitions, those things prove that Xbox/Gaming are important for MS and they are trying to compete (basically flat-lines the idea about them wanting to exit gaming - the arguments are good for that angle). That doesn't equal them necessarily needing to be #1. Even companies at #9 and #10 can still compete and try to grow also.