Source: Masayoshi Yokoyama, RGG Studio director.

ゲームクリエイター163人に聞いた2024年の抱負。コメントから2024年のゲーム業界をチェック【年末年始特別企画】 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

This is my 4th year in the Year of the Dragon! We are very happy to be able to release the new game ``Ryu ga Gotoku 8'' in such a year. I'm already looking forward to the release, but I hope to be able to make another big announcement sometime in 2024! Please look forward to Ryu ga Gotoku Studio in 2024!
Please let it be another Judgment, I really want to see Yagami again. But there is chance that it may be a new IP instead. Reason for my thinking is this article from 2021: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/yakuza-studio-ryu-ga-gotoku-is-creating-a-new-ip/1100-6498115/
In an interview with Famitsu (translated by Ryokutya), studio director Masayoshi Yokoyama says, "If we have an environment where we can make new works, not just Judgment, we will take on the challenge positively." He also went on to say that there are unreleased titles other than both of the studio's flagship franchises in progress.