Oh, some big changes coming. My guessing...
The "tear" list:
- No more first party (AAA) day one on Gamepass (Small games and or live services, sure)
- Big games like Halo, Gears, Starfield, will only hit gamepass after X months (Old CODs, sure, new entries? F nO!)
- All "Console Exclusives" will land on Playstation and/or Nintendo after X months (pretty much all crucial old games already considered)
- Microsoft will continue to make Xbox console for those who like the platform and ecosystem (lots people prefer xbox console over pc/pc/nintendo..., others doesnt even got all platforms... so)
- The biggest change will be reaching new players, and expanding the content (not the platform) to the
Forbidden Islands and Beyond 
Microsoft is already a third party publisher but now they are going full force. IMO, this will change the landscape for the better for them, since the focus is on content and not platform. Even Sony stop with that mentality, kinda of (games on PC, PS4, PS5, Remote play, streaming). The way you will enjoy those contents gonna be irrelevant, and if MS do what these fanboys want, yeah, that's gonna take their gaming division to the grave. Because shit will become less and less sustainable. You need +$5bi/year to make those big games, than the game flops, big loss... since you are not reaching the necessary crowd.
The big impact of those decisions is how big MS gaming division is now. They can't keep all those studios running by putting the content on limited platforms, when PS and Nintendo got a TON of consumers waiting to spend money (and streaming clearly is not working for them).
Google is Apple's biggest competitor in the mobile area. Still, all the apps Google make are available on both Play Store and Apple Store.