They literally just spent over $70 billion for that plastic box. Well, that’s what it was originally for… maybe not now.
The ‘Xbox console isn’t important for Xbox’ is copium of the highest order.
If even more rumors are true, the leaks are coming from folks unhappy with this direction. Further, I'm not sure how you make the timing "right" and put a positive spin on this for the Xbox brand. Maybe a week to let things cool off isn't the worst thing in the world.
They spent $70B for a publisher that makes games on all platforms and made it clear as day they intended to keep it this way. That narrative only exists in console warrior heads.
Listening to the Xbox hive mind, it seems the financial pressure for xbox to actually make money is too damn real.I still don’t think people understand Microsoft’s long term vision here.
They absolutely will foreclose on PlayStation…one day
That day will come whenever everyone moves completely to the cloud through streaming. Could be decades off, but they’ll wait patiently
In the meantime, they need to make their gaming studios relevant and competitive. They can only do that by going third party
They spent $70B for a publisher that makes games on all platforms and made it clear as day they intended to keep it this way. That narrative only exists in console warrior heads.
That confirms it.
If Xbox were going third-party then Phil would have said so in the tweet.
Next week they'll announce two or three games are going to PS and Nintendo, and that's it. No Starfield or Halo on Playstation etc.
Everyone was making a mountain out of a molehill.
You think things will cool off? I think it’ll do the exact opposite. Lack of concrete information is going to spook a lot of shareholders.
Yes. You‘re absolutely right. The Xbox company doesn’t care about the Xbox. All of what’s happening is part of the plan they’ve always had. Everything is fine.
Good grief.
I don't know what to tell you man. I guess everyone else is crazy and you're the only sane one. If you can't see why this is different than I don't know what to say.
1.To make possible to run demanding games without the need for powerful local hardware:
These types of games are marketed to the enthusiast gamer which is the one who is willing and even happy to buy a brand new expensive toy.
cloud is complementary in this case.
Sure. Just like they didn't immediately make all Bethesda games Xbox exclusive once that deal went through.
Lmao why are people pretending they haven’t had games coming to PlayStation? Or this is something new? They literally signed a ten year deal to bring their biggest IP to PlayStation and Nintendo. They’ve also published games on Nintendo over the years as well as PlayStation. So what if PlayStation gets a couple of older games. I’m not sure where the doom and gloom is coming from. As long as those games come to game pass day one I don’t think majority of people are going to care.
They’re not going third party Microsoft is not going to give up their own store front to sell stuff on Sonys and let them keep all the money when they can get that directly. This is just fanboy fudder. In fact putting their games on Sony is actually a Trojan horse to push their agenda forward they’re literally working on a mobile store. Xbox is also their only consumer facing brand the rest is enterprise. They get to make money from subs on game pass with their hardware. They aren’t going to share game pass revenue with Sony to get rid of their hardware but keep dreaming.
What’s the doom and gloom they just reported their best quarter at Xbox. They gaming business is now their third largest business over windows. You think they’re doomed? What kind of spin is that? Or are people just have Xbox derangement syndrome. People are acting as if they’re bleeding money and they’re so abysmally down. No company invest 70 billion into a dying business or one that they plan to get rid off that’s just stupidity.
Dude they said they'd want Game Pass everywhere for years. Phil literally said last year they're never going to win the console space.
MS doesn't care where people play, xbox clearly isnt as important to them as it was during the 360 era.They literally just spent over $70 billion for that plastic box. Well, that’s what it was originally for… maybe not now.
The ‘Xbox console isn’t important for Xbox’ is copium of the highest order.
Xbox controller for the PS5Imagine next week's announcement is simply about a new color variant for an Xbox controller?
We’ll find something don’t worry. Anything but actually playing gamesLast I checked Bethesda isn't Activision but OK. What are you guys gonna argue over when Microsoft is actually done?
No lie, that looks awesome. I would buy that in a heartbeat. But of course being Sony/Microsoft you can be sure there would not be hall effect sticks or mechanical buttons. LOL!!!Xbox controller for the PS5
I imagine GAF will look something like this:What are you guys gonna argue over when Microsoft is actually done?
Put some respeck on Don Matrick’s name, he wasn’t nowhere near close as the PoS that Phil Spencer is.Phil will now go down as Matrick 2.0 if they go through with it.
People weren’t dancing on Sega’s grave like now.Not a lot of threads made it to the Web Archive, butManaByte was there, he might remember.
Gaming Age Boards - General Forum
Just looked up Sarah Bond, wow!
Put some respeck on Don Matrick’s name, he wasn’t nowhere near close as the PoS that Phil Spencer is.
I buy physical games. I ain't touching no cloud bullshit.
I think spending $80bil (including Zenimax) is half the reason to go 3rd party. That price can only be justified with wider audience and their Xbox and GamePass plans didn’t pan out. So either write off a substantial amount of that or go 3rd party.They literally just spent over $70 billion for that plastic box. Well, that’s what it was originally for… maybe not now.
The ‘Xbox console isn’t important for Xbox’ is copium of the highest order.
I think spending $80bil (including Zenimax) is half the reason to go 3rd party. That price can only be justified with wider audience and their Xbox and GamePass plans didn’t pan out. So either write off a substantial amount of that or go 3rd party.
70% is better vs 100% if nothing.
I imagine GAF will look something like this:
and who is going to make these kind of games?They’d be playing games on cloud hardware that wouldn’t be possible locally
Yep, that acquisition took long enough that their sales had enough time to crater, basically making the whole thing pointless. Well, CoD was going to other consoles/platforms for 10 years in either case.Oh, I think they originally intended for the two acquisitions to power XBox forward... but then the financial realities of GamePass hit, as did the realities of very bad console sales. And now someone has panicked... and this is what we're getting.
Buying ABK killed Xbox. That will be the headline in the years to come.
Oh, I think they originally intended for the two acquisitions to power XBox forward... but then the financial realities of GamePass hit, as did the realities of very bad console sales. And now someone has panicked... and this is what we're getting.
Buying ABK killed Xbox. That will be the headline in the years to come.
and who is going to make these kind of games?
What do you think, Microsoft's management teams woke up the other day and realized "we were doing it all wrong!" and knee jerk course corrected? This has all the makings of an internal power struggle long in the making.
Do we genuinely think this is going to happen?
I'll put 5 bucks on another career defining moment for phil
Put some respeck on Don Matrick’s name, he wasn’t nowhere near close as the PoS that Phil Spencer is.
Do we genuinely think this is going to happen?
Nutella likely put his foot down after Starfield failed to drive Game Pass growth and move Xbox hardware. The only way they can make money in the short-term is by porting their games to platforms where people are actually playing.What do you think, Microsoft's management teams woke up the other day and realized "we were doing it all wrong!" and knee jerk course corrected? This has all the makings of an internal power struggle long in the making.
If xbox goes third party it's just a matter of time. Nintendo does its own thing.
No offence, but this is crazy talk. They closed ABK a fraction over 100 days ago - you think they went through with a $69bn dollar purchase and the “financial realities” of the next 100 days were so severe and so unexpected that they abandoned their plans?Oh, I think they originally intended for the two acquisitions to power XBox forward... but then the financial realities of GamePass hit, as did the realities of very bad console sales. And now someone has panicked... and this is what we're getting.
Buying ABK killed Xbox. That will be the headline in the years to come.