Last Hearth
So this group can now generate a talking or singing person with realistic lip movements and facial movements from a single frame picture.
Here is Audrey Hepburn signing from a single photo.赫本16_9.mp4
Here is a singing video create from an AI created photo比9视频结果/talk_yomir.mp4 This from an anime picture using the audio from Nier Automata.
Pretty soon any indie developer can make a high production cinematic cutscenes in a game.

EMO: Emote Portrait Alive - Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
Here is Audrey Hepburn signing from a single photo.赫本16_9.mp4
Here is a singing video create from an AI created photo比9视频结果/talk_yomir.mp4 This from an anime picture using the audio from Nier Automata.
Pretty soon any indie developer can make a high production cinematic cutscenes in a game.
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