Tears of Nintendo
Here's the thing with this BS puzzle in particular. Unless you've explored the word well the minute you got out of the prologue and found the first Seeker's Token in the first few areas before the first major city, good luck wasting a lot of time checking everyone of them on the interactive map and not even Trickster perk will help you, cuz you still need to check a lot of placed so it's not better in this regard as daggers which help you find treasures.Yerd Not sure if this has been discussed, but regarding Game of Wits with the Sphinx, Riddle of Rumination....
How the hell do you know where you picked up your first Seeker's Token. I found a most to show me where it is, but that doesn't work for me.
From what I've experienced, you'll most likely find what you've missed instead of Finder's Token. I got lucky cuz I found the first one almost at the start after the prologue, but even still it took me 2 days to check every one of them in that area before I finally found Finder's Token.
DUUUUUDE! I'm with ya on this. FFXVI has insanely better story presentation and just what's going on in the story missions, how everything presented - dialogues, cutscenes, set pieces and such, but everything else is a pale shadow of what DD"2" did much better and on top of that theres dozens of mechanics, various classes, completely different playstyles with lots of moves etc. etc. etc. Ah, if only DD"2" was as good in terms of story, but oh well.This game has quite a few issues, and is far from perfect. I feel the exact opposite with DD2 than FF16. I feel like DD2’s high far outweighs its lows, while FF16’s highs aren’t enough to overlooks its lows.
Probably everyone will complain yet again about how much I wrote, but when I finish the game I'll write my thoughts cuz there's a lot to say about DD"2" cuz as you've said, it's not perfect. But it's not gonna happen anytime soon cuz I take my time playing the game and have no intent to rush it.
Ask someone to send you a forgery, the Sphinx will accept it

I should've done it and gift it to someone's pawn.
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