Still surprised he didn't confess on his deathbed.
"I totally did that shit!"
"I totally did that shit!"
Dude he wrote a book detailing what he did with a wink and a nod. He basically confessed and turned a double murder into a joke and a meme. This is one case where we can say cancer did its jobStill surprised he didn't confess on his deathbed.
"I totally did that shit!"
Oh my fucking god. I’ve written some poor sentences in my nearly 40 years but Jesus Christ, take the trophy NYT person
It’s unlikely he did it unless he could teleport.
Yes, it's a very compelling theory. It explains why a lot of the evidence doesn't quite fit.I read that they think it may have been their son that killed his mom.
Yes, it's a very compelling theory. It explains why a lot of the evidence doesn't quite fit.
Yeah, that was my experience with the verdict as well. Regardless of your personal thoughts over his guilt/innocence, the "not guilty" verdict euphoria was strongly linked to your ethnicity. Plus that ridiculous year long showboat trial under Ito was just lunacy.I was in middle school at the time and this middle-aged black lady that worked for the school as an admin brought a TV into my class to watch the verdict. It went down like this:
Verdict is read. Admin lady starts jumping around and cheering like she just won the lottery.
Class: You think he is innocent?
Admin: No
Class: Then why are you cheering?
Admin: Silence, later followed by a shrug.
I've always found that so bizarre.
Plus that ridiculous year long showboat trial under Ito was just lunacy.
Idea for Nightcrawler 2, Jake Gylenhaal mistakenly reports that a celebrity has died, and to save his reputation he tries to murder them in the specific circumstances he reported before his error is exposed.If TMZ say you're dead, then you're dead.
Don't matter if you're alive, TMZ say it - you're dead.
George Floyd.
Damn you, beat me to it.Poor Chloe Kardashian lost her dad.
Sure, but the real murderer got away scot-free. Doesn't matter much at this point unless Jason confesses.Then he still took part in the murders as he basically helped his son to hide it, on top of it him making money out of the whole situation kills any sympathy.
Dude is guilty.
Holy shit.
USC paid off the families of two blonde white girls that OJ beat the shit out of and OJ's lawyers pressured USC to keep quiet on it.
It’s unlikely he did it unless he could teleport.
Watching Made in America and it just makes you even happier the fucker is burning right now.
I still remember the bronco chase. It was the last day of school and my parents seriously thought something was going to happen like him killing himself.
I'm from the city where he played the majority of his career. You wouldn't believe the amount of people around here that still love the guy.
Jury system works fine. My life would be completely different if we didn't have it. Media and money are the problem. Jury nullification is good for protesting government overreach, or situations that are understandable, but still technically against the law.Reason why juror system doesn't work, letting people judge that have no qualification to judge shit is beyond idiotic and where human emotion can get the better of them.
It’s a white broncoWhat's with the truck jokes? I don't remember
I still don't get itIt’s a white bronco
St. Peter “If it doesn’t fit you must aquit.”I wonder if he'll find some gloves that fit in hell.