I'm curious!
Oh shit it's the same guy lol. In all seriousness. If videogames aren't doing it for you anymore, I would recommend looking into other hobbies. There's a whole lot of fun shit you can do. Most of which don't involve sitting in front of a screen.Nothing's going to bring back the childhood joy factor. Some games can be so good they pull you back in for a while though.
Adderall just makes you more focused, it doesn't make things fun.
Also have you ever answered if you're doing any of this under the supervision of a doctor?
Should I be playing videogames on Dopamine Receptor Blockers?
My roommate and I were watching Dopamine detox videos on YouTube, and it occured to me that since I have taken Dopamine Receptor Blockers as an injection, that the dopamine hits from games don't hit the same. So should I play videogames while medicated this way?
Heroine is much better
I popped some addies a couple of years and played Black Flag for 27 straight hours.
Do not try this..Try ketamine.
While Adderall may help with alertness, reflecting its “study drug” reputation, the drug wouldn’t improve cognition, decision-making, communication, or other important skills in professional gaming.
If you need to do drugs to enjoy gaming then maybe you need to find different hobby?
Or Krokodil................... (don't Google.....seriously)......Heroine is much better
Have you played Elden Ring?
like hard drugsSounds like the perfect time to try out other hobbies.
I think OP has enough trouble as it is already.1. Get married
Do not try this..
It will fuck you up
No. Being happy enough in life to enjoy gaming has only three elements:
1. Get married.
2. Have kids.
3. Work out.
Try some psychedelic mushrooms