I was on various forms of Riddlin from the age of 4 to 17 for ADHD that was diagnosed very early. Essentially, my parents were bothered by my high levels of energy and activity. I went from being a kid that people were worried about as I was "under weight" to being morbidly obese and zonked out half the time. I ended up on antidepressants as well, it was all bad. Best thing I ever did for my health was dump all my Wellbutrin, Concerta, and Zoloft, (what I was on at the time), down the toilet and commit to fitness and better eating. That was at 17, took me another three years to lose the weight and get in shape, as I did it the smart way, through exercise and carefully managed caloric deficits, but I've never been able to restore those energy levels and that enthusiasm for life that I had as a kid, and I've tried everything imaginable.
Fast forward quite a few years and I've got a 12 year old girl who has as much energy and enthusiasm as I ever did, and you bet your ass I've got her in the gym three times a week, she's in band, she's in Chorus, she's in STEM. These drugs blunt our greatest asset man, they blunt the human lust for life, and sometimes if you blunt it enough it's almost impossible to repair it. I won't let that happen to my daughter.
Take care of your body folks, and don't assume that someone has your best interests at heart simply because they have a doctorate; these offices receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their products. Hell I met a doctor recently when I took my wife to the ER that told us you can wish cancer away with good attitude and positive thinking. Think critically, and remember the "appeal to authority" falacy. Anyone can be wrong, as we all are sometimes, or often in my case
