Episode 1: “A Son for a Son” — June 16
Episode 2: “TBA” — June 23
Episode 3: “TBA” — June 30
Episode 4: “TBA” — July 7
Episode 5: “TBA” — July 14
Episode 6: “TBA” — July 21
Episode 7: “TBA” — July 28
Episode 8: “TBA” (season finale) — August 4
-When a new episode airs, do be courteous by contextualizing what you're talking about and/or using spoiler tags rather than dropping bombs right away, as people have different start times for episode availability. 24 hours or so from airdate, you can be more relaxed and assume people are caught up.
-Discussion of previews should be marked and spoiler tagged, as not everyone watches previews.
-No book discussion. Don't wink wink or nudge nudge. Put it in the book thread instead.