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That's more likely to come with the next master collection.Imagine if they announce MGO included, I would die.
I don't think Kojima would have done it this way. He would've included modern ideas to make the game better.
Kojima is sadly swimming in Sony's money to care about MGS3. I mean they could've at least brought him as an advisor. Maybe they asked him and he refused.WWKD?
Everything he said is spot on, and come release there will be plenty of reviewers saying similar.Truth be told, what IGN stated is indeed a fair critique for a REMAKE where the original is easily accesible on modern platforms.
However given Kojima's lack of involvment in this project, taking the safest route was likely the best option Konami could've taken to not fuck this up for the fans.
I don't think Kojima would have done it this way. He would've included modern ideas to make the game better.
I’m still excited for it, nowhere near as excited as I would be if they had actually brought the game more up to date.
I feel like these remakes are for people who haven't played the original.
I feel like these remakes are for people who haven't played the original.
I mean, the dev interviews I saw stated that they were resistant to changes because they didn't want to mess with the fan nostalgia aspect. They were initially considering making wider gameplay changes but decided against it specifically for that reason. Can't have it both ways.One of the excerpts in OP includes an interview where they literally said that.
Meaning, you are right.
I wonder what changes people would actually welcome?
I swear when the first rumors for this game appeared most people were asking for a faithful remake and for Konami not to fuck this up.
Now that they did that, people are asking for something different.
Awesome game. Can't wait for DS2.
The fade out during cutscenes is a Kojima trademark. It’s planned for the pacing of the cutscenes.They added fake fade to black transitions to fake a loading screen because the original had fade to black transitions. That is pushing it in terms of “bring faithful”.
while i agree, & as much as i've always loved kojima, I'd say that, if he has a weakness, it's his compulsive need to endlessly tweak. he's never really satisfied, &, while that can be a good thing, it can also become a self-defeating obsession...I don't think Kojima would have done it this way. He would've included modern ideas to make the game better.
I mean, the dev interviews I saw stated that they were resistant to changes because they didn't want to mess with the fan nostalgia aspect. They were initially considering making wider gameplay changes but decided against it specifically for that reason. Can't have it both ways.
Plus, if it's for newer players, that's even more reason to modernize level design and AI more. Plenty of previews have noted how dated some of it feels. They didn't keep dated gameplay intact for new players.
As the first title in the franchise since Metal Gear Survive back in 2018, Konami is facing a lot of pressure from fans to deliver. Taking a break from my play session, I spoke to producer Noriaki Okamura about the process behind modernizing one of the most acclaimed games of all time.
Foremost, I wanted to discover why the team decided that now is the best time for a remake rather than a new entry. “There’s lots of younger fans that do not know the series and we found that quite shocking,” Okamura explains via a translator. “Younger fans not only had not played the games but had not even heard of the series. We knew that if we didn’t do something, the Metal Gear Solid series would just vanish out of existence.”
“Delta is the game that we really want to have draw in new fans and be the reason why people want to either get into Metal Gear Solid for the first time or get back into the series,” he continues. As for why they chose to remake the third Metal Gear Solid game, “This is the very first in terms of storyline [...] if I was asked by a friend or anyone, a younger fan perhaps, which game they should start from, I would recommend Metal Gear Solid 3.”
I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, but that interview states that new fans are the reason they decided to modernize some aspects.Just repeating what I saw on the first page:
So from what I understand one of their motivations is bringing the game to new (younger) audiences.
I mentioned before that messing with the game further is too risky. I rather wait for a new game to play with new mechanics and whatever, no need to use MGS3 as a basis if they want to make something new. I'm guessing that the commercial success of this game will define if they continue making new games or not.
Apparently plays the same as MGS3, nothing related to MGS5 at all.Konami still owns the rights to the (Phantom Pain) Fox Engine correct? I wonder how that specific game engine would be incorporated into Delta? Would it literally just be MGS5 gameplay with 1:1 cutscenes of Snake Eater? Or is it just easier for them to program the same PS2 gameplay/engine and just have better graphics?
Honestly reading that this is 1:1 faithful is kinda disappointing, not going to lie.
All the good remakes take the base game and add new elements to it, elevate it to a new high. There’s so much potential here but reading that they did nothing aside some control/UX stuff feels like a missed opportunity.
Kojima is sadly swimming in Sony's money to care about MGS3. I mean they could've at least brought him as an advisor. Maybe they asked him and he refused.
Honestly reading that this is 1:1 faithful is kinda disappointing, not going to lie.
All the good remakes take the base game and add new elements to it, elevate it to a new high. There’s so much potential here but reading that they did nothing aside some control/UX stuff feels like a missed opportunity.
I mean, I played MGS3 hundred times and I’ve had my fill , why should I replay it a 101st time if the base game is the exact same?
Aren’t there new scenes in the SH2 remake where as this is just more of a 1:1 remake.So then dont play it? Shadow of Collosus was a 1:1 remake, Demon Souls on PS5 was 1:1 remake and both games outshine the originals. Besides the visuals the most important thing in remakes is the quality of life changes to the controls. They already added changing cameo on the d-pad instead of having to pause and go into the menu to do that. I dont think games going out of their way to change the original vision is a good thing.
I dont care how big of a FF fan you are, nobody can deny that Rebirth had an insane amount of bloatware to the point of absolute boredom. Also because of their new vision for the game, you are esentially waiting 8 years to get a finished story with all 3 parts. Is that better than having a properly concentrated single 40 hour game of perfection. Based on critics of part 2, I dont know how many ppl are even excited for part 3, they are already burnt out and they remake hype has died down. Black Mesa (HL remake) was great until the Xen levels. Then they used their own creative minds and made the most boring and annoying part in the original, twice as long, twice as boring. Nobody asked for that.
In short, nothing bad with a solid direct 1:1 remake like SH2, because that is how I remember my games. I dont want a new outlook on a story or god forbid add some woke crap and start censoring left and right. So far we can still grab guys by the balls to interrogate.
They aren't? Look at the video preview he's praising and is happy that it's just a visual overhaul with better controls...Fucking IGN complaining that the game is faithful to the original MGS3.
They have the Fox Engine, its great, but It's probably deprecated technology at this point. Worth just using an engine like Unreal that has all the latest features out of the box.Konami still owns the rights to the (Phantom Pain) Fox Engine correct? I wonder how that specific game engine would be incorporated into Delta? Would it literally just be MGS5 gameplay with 1:1 cutscenes of Snake Eater? Or is it just easier for them to program the same PS2 gameplay/engine and just have better graphics?
Aren’t there new scenes in the SH2 remake where as this is just more of a 1:1 remake.
eva looks as hot as ever.The remake will feature Calorie Mate and Eva's character model was revealed:
Bingo!while i agree, & as much as i've always loved kojima, I'd say that, if he has a weakness, it's his compulsive need to endlessly tweak. he's never really satisfied, &, while that can be a good thing, it can also become a self-defeating obsession...
i'm just as happy to hear that they're leaving the game as it is...
But does her tactical advantage stay faithful to the original? We need the trained eyes..eva looks as hot as ever.
Master Collection (available on PS4) is probably the best way to play. 2 and 3 are ports of the PS3 HD versions but many things have been fixed. Only problem is the controls. You need to play on PS2 or 3 if you want to the original control scheme with the pressure sensitive buttons. Its hard to say if its better to play on PS3 or 4 but I think I lean towards 4. They have fixed things and you get more stable fps.Hey Metal Gear fans... not to hijack the thread or anything, but what is my best bet for experiencing Metal Gear for the first time?
I've only played a little bit of the original Metal Gear as a Blockbuster rental for my NES ca. 1990, and maybe tried playing Metal Gear Solid (PSX) two or three times lasting maybe one to two hours each time. I feel like I am missing out on a big chunk of gaming culture as it were.
I still have a PSX MGS copy and a CRT. I have a PS2. I have a PS3 which may or may not work as it's been sitting in a bin on a weird angle upside down for about 11 years. But I do have this still shrink-wrapped:
Own a PS4/Pro but no PS5. Have all the major Xboxes. Prefer PC in general, not opposed to emulation,.
I think I'll try MGS on the PSX/CRT combo but after that? I don't think 3D games have that much charm going the CRT route. How many hours will the whole saga take me start to finish?
I put in like 100 hours into Hades the last 3 weeks so I'm feeling ambitious that I can reconcile this missing piece of my video gaming life.
And it's just straight through mainline games. MSG 1 through 5? Or are there spinoffs that are essentially required like say "Revengeance", and if I play "Revengeance" will the word "Revengeance" seem any less stupid to me?Master Collection (available on PS4) is probably the best way to play. 2 and 3 are ports of the PS3 HD versions but many things have been fixed. Only problem is the controls. You need to play on PS2 or 3 if you want to the original control scheme with the pressure sensitive buttons. Its hard to say if its better to play on PS3 or 4 but I think I lean towards 4. They have fixed things and you get more stable fps.
MGS1 is exactly the same on PS3 and 4.
Peace Walker that is set between MGS3 and MGS5. Its the only required spin-off in my opinion. Its a PSP game that was remastered for PS3 and 360. You can find the digital version on PS3 Store. I still haven't played Revengeance.And it's just straight through mainline games. MSG 1 through 5? Or are there spinoffs that are essentially required like say "Revengeance", and if I play "Revengeance" will the word "Revengeance" seem any less stupid to me?
Pressure sensitive buttons sound kind of gimmicky, I had forgotten those were even a thing. Now that I think about it, not sure I ever got DualShock 3, might have stuck with launch Sixaxis. Not sure if odds are very good about that controller even powering up.