What a ride:
I have so much to say and not exactly sure where to begin. Let's try this: after finishing Shadow of the Erdtree I said nothing is touching it as my GOTY. Removing SOTE from the conversation (since it's DLC after all) I said repeatedly nothing is touching FFVII Rebirth as my GOTY. I've bought and completed a lot of games this year, I feel it's important to quantify one's statements:
Prince of Persia (plat trophy)
Tekken 8
Infinite Wealth
Helldivers 2
Unicorn Overlord (plat trophy)
Rise of the Ronin (plat trophy, underrated)
Stellar Blade
Animal Well
Hi-Fi Rush
Have A Nice Death
Dragon's Dogma 2
Darkest Dungeon 2
System Shock
Wukong (plat trophy)
Astrobot is now my GOTY and I can definitely say *nothing* is touching it.
Astrobot is the distillation of pure joy, a whimsical adventure that taps deep into a well of nostalgia and happiness. This is a game that put a smile on my face from the very start and didn't relent until the credits started rolling. It's a game that's masterfully paced and balanced, wisely opting to have it's levels on the easier side, nothing in it's main path tedious or invoking frustration. Welcome to the Garden of Astro Delights, don't think too hard, listen, *feel*.
And boy will you feel it, the DualSense once again showcasing why it's the most next-gen thing about this generation. Every bump, whir, crash and electrical buzz a tactile experience taking what is already a god-tier game into another realm entirely. Combine that with some of the most gorgeous visuals this side of heaven and an OST that is a shoo-in for soundtrack of the year and you get a package that delivers it *all*.
Sights and sounds would mean nothing without the gameplay to back it up, Astrobot delivers in *spades*. Does it borrow from the likes of Mario? Absolutely! Some of these ideas are familiar, I've seen them before in both 3D and 2D platformers so it's not really a question of *what* Astro does but *how* it does it. Art should inspire art, I couldn't care less about who did it first or where a game borrows from, my only concern: is it GOOD?
Astrobot is *exceptional* and it very much has an identity all of it's own. There are so many standouts but these are a few of my favourites: Downsize Surprise, Trunk of Funk, Apes On The Loose, Slo Mo Casino, Bathhouse Battle, Free Big Brother, Dude Raiding, Balloon Breeze, Luna Sola, Turtles in Trash. It's also the best controlling/feeling 3D platformer since SM64 and if we want to compare to Nintendo's latest Mario it nukes Odyssey from up on high (as much as I enjoyed that entry it's no contest).
Perhaps more than anything else, Astrobot is a love letter to all things PlayStation. As a diehard, OG PlayStation fan this game is nothing short of a dream come true, a journey tinged with sunny nostalgia, a whimsical walk down memory lane. Countless characters emerge from the PlayStation's vast library, I couldn't *believe* some these throwbacks and I could count on one hand the ones I was fuzzy on/unfamiliar with, these are some of my faves:
Alundra, Kain, Raziel, Klonoa, all MGS stuff, Tokyo Jungle, all Resident Evil stuff, Polygon Man (wild!), Alucard, Ape Escape (give Asobi the IP!), Patapon, Demon's Souls, BB of course, Tearaway, Sackboy, Puppeteer (remaster and sequel please!), Teddy, Arthur, my boy Kaz (animation is so good!), Onimusha, Pyramid Head, Killzone, Jak .
Yet crucially, this is a game *anyone* can pick up, play and fall in love with even with ZERO familiarity with PlayStation and it's venerable legacy. On Sunday I was watching a movie with my wife (a TOTAL non-gamer), she fell asleep, Astrobot time! She wakes up 2 hours later, is staring at the screen in amazement, "なにこれ!?" (what is this!?). I tell her I'll finish the level and we can resume the movie, she says no, keep playing, she wants to see more, the whole time she's commenting "the people who made this are amazing", "woooooooow", "how did they think of that!?" and so on and so on but it gets even better!
She comes home after work yesterday, I'm chilling playing Hotline Miami 2 (what a contrast!

), she says "what about the game from yesterday??" I tell her I 100% cleared it, she literally looks sad! I tell her to come over, I'll show her a couple of my favourite levels, she has a huge smile on her face, this is the power and charm of Astrobot! I imagine there are many stories like this because more than being a homage to all things PlayStation Astrobot is an encapsulation to all things that make this thing called videogames special, it should be celebrated no matter what platform you prefer to game on.
If you've read up until this point I thank you, I tend to go long and deep (heh heh) when it comes to games I'm passionate about. I could go on (and WILL add some thoughts to a follow-up post lol) but I'll leave it at this: Astrobot is my GOTY, it's one of the best games of the generation, it's one of the best games PlayStation ever produced, it's in the conversation for best 3D platformer of all-time. Let us hope Asobi is given whatever they need to make whatever they want, sequel or otherwise, I can't wait to see what's on the horizon, the future is bright!