No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I have a pretty beastly machine, and I still MUCH prefer the console experience. First off, I like to game on my couch and TV, and while that’s possible to do with PC (I’m doing it right now for SH2), it’s still a much larger pain in the ass than console. I don’t care who you are, there is inevitably SOMETHING that you end up having to mess with when playing on PC. Usually it’s not a huge problem, but it’s still precious time that could otherwise be spent gaming.
Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.
So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.
The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.
Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.
So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.
The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.