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JezC:If you can at least theoretically afford a gaming PC but DON'T want to game on PC, what are your reasons for sticking with a console?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I have a pretty beastly machine, and I still MUCH prefer the console experience. First off, I like to game on my couch and TV, and while that’s possible to do with PC (I’m doing it right now for SH2), it’s still a much larger pain in the ass than console. I don’t care who you are, there is inevitably SOMETHING that you end up having to mess with when playing on PC. Usually it’s not a huge problem, but it’s still precious time that could otherwise be spent gaming.

Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.

So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.

The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.
Chris Jericho What GIF by CBC

Dude. I’m not claiming consoles are as bad as PC… but I’ve been console gaming since the 80s, and to try to make out that consoles haven’t become more complicated and fiddly to play games on over the years is just crazy. They’re essentially bespoke PC architecture anyway these days. There’s a lot more involved in buying and playing a console game. The days of just slapping the disc or cartridge in are long gone - and that’s only going to get worse with the greedy fucking companies trying to kill physical.

Marry with that with an increasing ease of being able to hook a PC up to a Tv and play, and that gap is closing.


They were worse back in the ps3/4 era, ps5 is much better from a UI or “fiddling” standpoint


Gold Member
How many times must this be asked and answered? Some people prefer the convenience of consoles. Some people don't want to mess with the tech and the hassles involved in running games on PC. Or maybe they don't want to play at a desk or have a PC in their living room. It's not complicated.
Console gamers are better customers than PC gamers.

The same game sold on PC would sell better on a major console. That's just the facts. That was the entire reason why The Elder Scrolls became a console game instead of being a PC game. Bethesda saw the console money and never looked back.

The irony is that Bethesda would now be forced back to PCs because Xbox died. Frankly about time TES became a PC property again. Maybe we can have spell customization and true powered flight again.
Chances are steam will be on Xbox lol. It’s an indirect way to pressure Sony into giving up their fully walled garden, and it helps MS get people into their ecosystem.

Fail written all over it

1. MS would have to sell it at high PC prices as they wouldn’t make enough profit through 3rd party game sales (the reason they’re shifting from consoles to begin with)

2. Even if it were fairly priced with other OEM desktop PCs it would draw price comparisons to PS6 due to the “Xbox” branding

It’d be an expensive niche product that only hardcore Xbox fans would buy
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It was always has been my place to gaming.

I like the controller a lot more than the mouse and keyboard combo (for most of the genres).

And I always loved to see, ever since the NES days, the capability of the developers to pull off good looking graphics and creative gameplay in a very limited and affordable hardware for most people.
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I have a pretty beastly machine, and I still MUCH prefer the console experience. First off, I like to game on my couch and TV, and while that’s possible to do with PC (I’m doing it right now for SH2), it’s still a much larger pain in the ass than console. I don’t care who you are, there is inevitably SOMETHING that you end up having to mess with when playing on PC. Usually it’s not a huge problem, but it’s still precious time that could otherwise be spent gaming.

Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.

So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.

The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.

Nice post. I generally prefer a console all else being equal, but the same way that PC has issues that make you want to fire up a console, certain games beg for a decent PC.

And because my regular gaming rotation involves a lot of FPS, RTS and Tower Defense, those situations arise more commonly for me.

But I also feel like complete dogshit playing a platformer at my desk and would probably rather play the same game on console than change the TV HDMI input to PC for a few more frames.

The console vs PC debate gets more interesting as the cost of consoles go up. I see PS5 Pro as a wise buy for a certain type of customer, but as way too limited in the software it can run for that kind of money. To blow that much $ it may as well run everything not just stuff through Sony's storefront (in before all the "it also plays Xbox games!" jokes). I prefer PC to be the powerful swiss army knife to do whatever my el cheapo consoles can't. For example consoles have failed to provide a decent port of Sonic Adventure, so I took ten minutes and solved the problem on PC, now I have the spitting image of the Dreamcast version in 1080/60. I'd rather a turnkey solution existed, like Unleashed on Series S doing 60, but it doesn't, so I downloaded a mod manager with checkboxes instead (I know...the agony of setup lol). It's easy for me to say, because I already require the PC for competitive shooters at high framerates, so the rest is gravy. People mock needing so much power but FPS games are one area it makes a legitimate gameplay difference, deal with it!


I have a pretty beastly machine, and I still MUCH prefer the console experience. First off, I like to game on my couch and TV, and while that’s possible to do with PC (I’m doing it right now for SH2), it’s still a much larger pain in the ass than console. I don’t care who you are, there is inevitably SOMETHING that you end up having to mess with when playing on PC. Usually it’s not a huge problem, but it’s still precious time that could otherwise be spent gaming.

Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.

So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.

The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.
The traversal issue is most certainly NOT negated on the consoles.

I've always been a PC + Console owner (PC, Switch, and PS5 right now), and for me the reason I tend to stick with buying games on my PC is actually the reason many are listing here as to why they prefer consoles. I love tinkering with settings and getting the most frames out of my PC hardware. The whole "it just works" thing that consoles offers is obviously a selling point for many, but I prefer having control over graphical settings.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
The traversal issue is most certainly NOT negated on the consoles.
They’re far less noticeable due to vsync, but you’re right that they’re still there. But I guess the console version also has its own issues. Really, regardless of platform, SH2 is a bit of a technical mess.
I have a pretty beastly machine, and I still MUCH prefer the console experience. First off, I like to game on my couch and TV, and while that’s possible to do with PC (I’m doing it right now for SH2), it’s still a much larger pain in the ass than console. I don’t care who you are, there is inevitably SOMETHING that you end up having to mess with when playing on PC. Usually it’s not a huge problem, but it’s still precious time that could otherwise be spent gaming.

Additionally, I can not STAND the way some UE4/5 games run on PC. I’m playing SH2 right now, and it has SO much traversal stutter. That issue is mostly negated on the console experience.

So really, I just prefer the absolute simplicity and no-nonsense with console gaming. I know that my game runs exactly as the developers intended, and I just don’t have to worry about settings or driver updates or configurations.

The only thing that consistently makes me come back to PC is playing a game that has outstanding visuals or demands more processing power than available on console. That’s why I played Cyberpunk, BG3, and AW2 on PC with no regrets. But otherwise, I prefer consoles 9/10 times.

This was my view when I tried to switch to PC gaming. It's very close to providing the experience I need but ultimately didn't reach it. I went back to console gaming. The performance of games was incredible though. I noticed the difference moving from BG3 on PC to BG3 on PS but ultimately I was able to do it and got used to the games performance on PS in act 3 BTW.


You don't want this Jez.

1. PC has few physical games, can't resell, loan, bargain bin in wal mart to pick them up
2. Non-uniform hardware making games more likely to have issues on a bespoke PC setup and take longer to get patch(ie no saftey in numbers ie latest intel issues)
3. PC gaming is considerably more expensive than a console. Nobody wants a shitty PC instead of the best console
4. My brother is not a PC or tech guy and doesn't want to move to PC, so I can't leave him behind
5. First party support provides like hardware innovations such as the controller on PS5 or the Steam Deck which is a copy of Nintendo Switch's innovation
6. Convenience - "Plug and play" with the device already setup with a wireless controller out of the box for a standard television, it's all setup on my phone by scanning a QR code
7. Tech distraction - I tend to want to apply user addons which cause crashes and I end up playing the "is my computer messing up or is my addon messing up" game or chasing fps/res with settings instead of enjoying the game, any crash is a disaster as I must reevaluate everything
8. PS5 gets games sooner than PC, especially big ones. For example GTAVI will likely be on PS5 for a year before it hits PC. Also many PC ports are afterthoughts and have issues, so while the library is technically there, if you dig down, some surprising games still have major issues
9. Can't hold platform holders accountable for unacceptable things, ie stutter in a major game engine across multiple titles and nobody cares or even notices


MS told them the talking point against the Pro was Just get a PC.

Big brained Jez who is not as dumb as many of us, saw this opportunity to get tons of marketing on this topic by simply asking for a fanboy war between Sony and PC fans by ostensibly asking "what advantages does a console provide vs PC" knowing that the elitist PC mindset is that of course PC is superior in every way and console provides no advantage. This isn't true of course but he also knows cocky crazy Sony fanboys who will already have their talking points ready, so now we have 10, 20, 100 pages of arguments between console and PC with Xbox being the only beneficiary.

It's genius organic marketing and none of us would have thought of it.
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Ease of use and I have no desire to play games above 60fps. Hell, i still prefer 30 with certain games. Namely survival horror and slower paced games. I really dislike hyper-fluid movements in games. Total uncanny valley for me unless the game is all-out action. It even makes me motion sick at times which is bizarre because I never get motion sick.
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Gold Member
My beast-ass PC is good until I want something specific from it. HDR, wireless DualSense (yes, I love haptic and triggers) and even ATMOS output to soundbar is so fiddly it's just easier to use a PS5 where all this just works without soundbar acting as a third monitor and HDR incorretly tonemapping a scene just because.

Yeah, there are some games that I prefet to play with MKB (BG3 or any RPG like CP2077 for that matter), but 90% of my time outside of streaming spent gaming on either on PS5 or Deck OLED that I concider more of a console-like device.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
POV: you just told a PC gamer that you went to the movie theater with your friends instead of watching it from your pc.

Angry The Office GIF

How dare they! People should never opt for watching movies in a movie theater. Don't these people know you can watch the same movie from a PC 6 weeks after it's released in theaters?


Chances are steam will be on Xbox lol. It’s an indirect way to pressure Sony into giving up their fully walled garden, and it helps MS get people into their ecosystem.
It could backfire so Sony pull the plug on Steam alltogether or try to block their games on the Xbox, similar to how publishers blocked games on Geforce Now.
If they do nothing all Playstation games will come to Xbox, I don’t think they like that.


Gold Member
Some people don't want to mess with the tech and the hassles involved in running games

I agree, I used to love to tinker with the OS and game mods, but I don't have time or the energy for that anymore, so now I don't. All I do on my computer these days is to just click on run and I play. So you're right; it's not complicated.
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It's REAL simple. Ease of use. I tried to play Off the Grid on my $4,000 PC and I can't boot it up because it won't let me install Easy Anti Cheat.

I downloaded Off the Grid on my PS5, booted it up in 5 seconds. Worked perfectly fine.


It's REAL simple. Ease of use. I tried to play Off the Grid on my $4,000 PC and I can't boot it up because it won't let me install Easy Anti Cheat.

I downloaded Off the Grid on my PS5, booted it up in 5 seconds. Worked perfectly fine.
Clearly a lie. PC GAF told me that nowadays gaming in Windows is plug to your TV and play. And why would they lie about it?
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Gold Member
Clearly a lie. PC GAF told me that nowadays gaming in Windows is plug to your TV and play. And why would they lie about it?
I play on consoles and PC and have to admit I just kind of shake my head when I see people here saying PC is as easy to game on as console

Still a pretty big gulf of ease of use for the super casual gamer who wants to sit down on the couch after pulling a 12 hour shift and pick up the controller and jump right into playing their favorite game.


I play on consoles and PC and have to admit I just kind of shake my head when I see people here saying PC is as easy to game on as console

Still a pretty big gulf of ease of use for the super casual gamer who wants to sit down on the couch after pulling a 12 hour shift and pick up the controller and jump right into playing their favorite game.
PC gaming has many advantages, but ease of use is not one of them.

For example....VR gaming on PSVR 2 vs PCVR is night and day.

PSVR 2 is a much better user experience, but PC has VR mods, etc.


I play on consoles and PC and have to admit I just kind of shake my head when I see people here saying PC is as easy to game on as console

Still a pretty big gulf of ease of use for the super casual gamer who wants to sit down on the couch after pulling a 12 hour shift and pick up the controller and jump right into playing their favorite game.
These kids never made a mem-maker or edit the autoexec.bat and they are telling me to switch to PC while asking in Reddit why game A isn’t working properly in their configuration. PC gaming is awesome for strategy and 4X, but not need to push an agenda based on an imaginary system that doesn’t exist.

Boo Who?

I got back into PC gaming after a 2 year hiatus. 7800x3d and a 4070 Super. I hooked it up to a monitor to set it up. Its now connected to my OLED along with my PS5. I bought one of the Logitech small keyboards with the trackpad. That PC is for gaming only. I have a Macbook for doing computer shit. Could not be happier.


These kids never made a mem-maker or edit the autoexec.bat and they are telling me to switch to PC while asking in Reddit why game A isn’t working properly in their configuration. PC gaming is awesome for strategy and 4X, but not need to push an agenda based on an imaginary system that doesn’t exist.
Kids? This is GAF, most of us are dinosaurs here 🦖 I’m gray and I’ve done all the early DOS wizardry and a decade earlier computer fiddling too, programmed my own game before I even touched a console, then I had to learn how to steer with a stinky lil D-Pad because joysticks were my start, played console for another two decades, fell in love with the simplicity, hated the framerates, then bought a dedicated gaming PC in 2014 and was in awe at how easy everything was. Almost all the early computer hurdles were now gone.

But the real console-like experience on PC is in Steam big picture mode. Controller-only UI, simple, tidy, few clicks and it can boot your PC into it and dodge Windows. It’s great.
But the real console-like experience on PC is in Steam big picture mode. Controller-only UI, simple, tidy, few clicks and it can boot your PC into it and dodge Windows. It’s great.

Yes this is what I did. Very close but still not good enough for me and just random issues that annoyed me. Like at one point I noticed trophies weren't popping up. Which is annoying to me because I like trophies. Also the display in big picture mode looks like shit, but if I try to make it look good then my trophies get so damn small I can't see shit. Just kept running into little shit non-stop.
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Yes this is what I did. Very close but still not good enough for me and just random issues that annoyed me. Like at one point I noticed trophies weren't popping up. Which is annoying to me because I like trophies. Also the display in big picture mode looks like shit, but if I try to make it look good then my trophies get so damn small I can't see shit. Just kept running into little shit non-stop.
I’ve had no issues at all except when playing games from other launchers from within Steam, no play time logged or cover art shown (can be fixed). Can’t blame Valve for that though, the other launcher providers has to wake up and implement their own big picture modes, and Microsoft has to make life easier through Windows as well. A docked Steam Deck is the gold standard for user experience. Console+desktop in one device.


Doesn't matter what the reasons are. Play what you want to play.

I choose PC because I want my games to run at their best. Doesn't make sense for me to own an expensive 4K TV if I'm only going to settle for half output.


I play on consoles and PC and have to admit I just kind of shake my head when I see people here saying PC is as easy to game on as console

Still a pretty big gulf of ease of use for the super casual gamer who wants to sit down on the couch after pulling a 12 hour shift and pick up the controller and jump right into playing their favorite game.

Consoles are definitely more reliable to "just work" but PCs are much easier than they used to be when this argument began, so both sides invoke their own brand of hyperbole that has to be corrected by the other side, sometimes with more hyperbole.


Gold Member
Consoles are definitely more reliable to "just work" but PCs are much easier than they used to be when this argument began, so both sides invoke their own brand of hyperbole that has to be corrected by the other side, sometimes with more hyperbole.
Still no comparison


When you make statements in absolutes like this, you are wrong. If it were so obvious there wouldn't be hundreds of millions of consumers playing on consoles.

The reason to stick to consoles is convenience of plug and play with less of a hassle factor, preferences in UI that is custom made as a gaming machine, ability to more easily utilize the entertainment center, consistency in performance optimized for fixed hardware, first party games that likely come to the consoles either exclusively in the case of Nintendo or much earlier in the case of Sony, a library of games you bring forward on those platforms, and cheaper cost of entry.
When I make statements in absolute with provisions it’s from pure experience of owning all platforms. Almost all non Nintendo exclusives come to PC. That’s just facts.

Consumers are slow to change. I didn’t even realize how easy it had become until recently. And I’ve been pc gaming for 40 years since Commodore 64. Everything is automated now and so so simple. But hey you clearly know it all😂 While saying things that are clearly false all at the same time.

The PlayStation and Xbox “entertainment centers” are trash compared to much cheaper options like an Apple TV or just what’s packaged in most modern TVs. Anyone that can afford a PC isn’t trying to force it into a media machine anyways.

I love when people say “consoles are plug and play” yeah bullshit they are. That died about 15 years ago. Now it’s constant updates and connectivity issues. Like when PSN was down a few weeks ago. It’s hardly plug and play. Like when I actually decide to dust off my consoles and have tons of slow ass updates vs on PC it’s lightning quick.
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Reverse groomer.
for me i think PC is more convenient than console when it comes to managing game library. Having a set of devices for exclusive games is honestly a pain in the ass to manage and deal with compared to having everything all in one place. plus, everything being digital and all that.

I can play all of my PS2, PS3, Switch, Xbox and whatever else games in one place. don't need to hook up any consoles or charge any handhelds. I like that convenience, even if it comes with the supposed risk of a game not booting up once or twice.

Then again I'm speaking for myself as a PC gamer. For consoles, there's a convenience to the UI, physical games, and a more focused gaming experience- it is easy to get caught up in doing other stuff when you primarily game on PC. Earlier exclusives are a boon too, but these days there aren't enough of them coming out for me to justify the extra hassle
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My argument is mainly about the things I posted above that quote. There was a thread a while back you might wanna glance at though about this topic:

PCs are big square boxes, which are in most cases too big for any custom shelving (e.g. floating), which means flooring it next to a subwoofer (or looking at new units). Arsing about with lots of third party apps, or resyncing controllers to switch on from the couch, or using mobile apps is just a poor experience too. Then we get into the other argument of sff or micro atx which pushes prices higher and limits compatible/powerful hardware.

I agree you can get an approximation of the experience but realistically on average once a month you're going to have to do some tampering for a number of various reasons, not always related to steam of the game itself.

And to go back to my original point, none of that effort improves any of the quality criteria I mention. Playing Cyberpunk? Man it looks great with that RT but wtf is with those walking animations. A premium to still see peds walk like they shit themselves? A premium to still see the same A.I. in Far Cry 6? With those mentioned sacrifices and the tending overhead? Just ain't worth it for most of us.

I would be interested in how many of those preferring consoles now are fatigued techies/developers etc. as that seems to make up a large contingent.
You literally buy an Xbox controller and turn it on. That’s it. How is that arsing about? It’s the same as on Xbox or PlayStation 😂 thanks for proving my point about what I was just saying above. People don’t know wtf they are talking about.

As for PC dimensions wrong again. You can literally mount it on the wall with a flat design or whatever you want. Tons of options in size and shape.
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When I make statements in absolute with provisions it’s from pure experience of owning all platforms. Almost all non Nintendo exclusives come to PC. That’s just facts.

Consumers are slow to change. I didn’t even realize how easy it had become until recently. And I’ve been pc gaming for 40 years since Commodore 64. Everything is automated now and so so simple. But hey you clearly know it all😂 While saying things that are clearly false all at the same time.

The PlayStation and Xbox “entertainment centers” are trash compared to much cheaper options like an Apple TV or just what’s packaged in most modern TVs. Anyone that can afford a PC isn’t trying to force it into a media machine anyways.

I love when people say “consoles are plug and play” yeah bullshit they are. That died about 15 years ago. Now it’s constant updates and connectivity issues. Like when PSN was down a few weeks ago. It’s hardly plug and play. Like when I actually decide to dust off my consoles and have tons of slow ass updates vs on PC it’s lightning quick.

Nope, your opinions aren’t gospel, you’re free to have them. Absolutes don’t exist for preferences

Sounds like you just regularly use your pc, this don’t encounter those same issues you argue about in console


Reverse groomer.
Used to be ease of use and cost effectiveness.

What’s happened in the past 10 years is that PC gaming has become more streamlined so has narrowed the gap in terms of the usability factor. In the same period console gaming has become more and more expensive with ballooning hardware, software and subscription costs whilst PC hardware costs have only increased marginally - narrowing the cost effectiveness factor.
I overall agree but to say that PC hardware costs increased marginally is the cap of the century.

in 2016 1000-1200 bucks was all you needed to make a top of the line computer that would slam any game easily, and you only needed to spend 500 bucks to keep up with consoles in terms of GPU/CPU compute. Nowadays that's hardly capable of covering the cost of the GPU- you'll get a build with a 4070 super at best. Covid+Crypto was the 2 punch combo to raise PC component prices forever.


I overall agree but to say that PC hardware costs increased marginally is the cap of the century.

in 2016 1000-1200 bucks was all you needed to make a top of the line computer that would slam any game easily, and you only needed to spend 500 bucks to keep up with consoles in terms of GPU/CPU compute. Nowadays that's hardly capable of covering the cost of the GPU- you'll get a build with a 4070 super at best. Covid+Crypto was the 2 punch combo to raise PC component prices forever.

The costs for higher end graphics cards are insane now. Just no arguing that point, and it's not likely to change. If you are on a budget, forget about it.


Reverse groomer.
The costs for higher end graphics cards are insane now. Just no arguing that point, and it's not likely to change. If you are on a budget, forget about it.
Its so utterly infuriating that the PC you could build for 500 dollars in 2016 is the exact same PC you could build for 500 bucks now. 1050ti, lower end last gen I5, 8gb of ram, etc.... like what happened


Reverse groomer.
This happens overnight without you having to think about it
when i had my switch this exact type of shit would happen with games so often it'd often kill my mood to play. Especially when i took it out and lacked a good internet connection- i couldn't even play the game at times. updates are a universal problem with modern gaming you cannot escape them whether on PC or on console.
when i had my switch this exact type of shit would happen with games so often it'd often kill my mood to play. Especially when i took it out and lacked a good internet connection- i couldn't even play the game at times. updates are a universal problem with modern gaming you cannot escape them whether on PC or on console.

Yes but my point is, PS5 downloads and installs them in the background while asleep without you needing to worry about it

Not all platforms allow this and it’s much more of a nuisance
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