Grizzled Ghost
Did techno Viking die?!
He's in Techno Valhalla now.
Did techno Viking die?!
I hope not, but he disappeared from the scene after impregnating every single women in that video with his aura.Did techno Viking die?!
It’s a weirdly segregated country, praised for being progressive but like many other things it’s centralized to the big cities in the south, the north and countryside just get dragged along for the ride. Up north Stockholm has been called ”sissy swamp”, or Fjollträsk for locals, for the longest time and the pride thing is mostly seen as some traveling circus. And it’s perfectly okay to say that there are 2 genders. I don’t even understand, how would people do otherwise in public places like bath houses if you’re a 3rd gender? You have two doors. Men, Women. Where do you go??As a swede.... there is so much in this country that i really hate and are ashamed of.
If i say that there is only 2 gender, many will probably call me; nazi, fascist, right wing extremist etc.
Its really really f*cked up here.
NeoGAF (this thread specifically) mentioned in an Asmongold video lol
You made it brahLectureMaster
Dunno about that, at least for JRPGs Japan sure likes it's men to look like women, women look like girls, and girls look like dragons.As a swede this is 0% surprising unfortunately. You'd have a hard time finding a society, state and culture that is more effeminate.
NeoGAF (this thread specifically) mentioned in an Asmongold video lol
You made it brahLectureMaster
This mentality that they have is how right wing parties have become more popular in recent yearsman... its just unreal ... "right wing extremist", because male and female exist.
I don't see how we get past this and create normal games again.
NeoGAF (this thread specifically) mentioned in an Asmongold video lol
You made it brahLectureMaster
Not really surprising. I faintly remember reading country by country male/female attitudes and Scandanavian countries skewed more to feminine traits. Not saying that means guys all act like girls, but whatever leads to that results means guys probably act more motherly or less aggressive compared to dude in other countries.As a swede this is 0% surprising unfortunately. You'd have a hard time finding a society, state and culture that is more effeminate.
'I'm not sexy, so sexy should not exist.' - teacher.
Why do we still have to mis-represent what Gamergate was and started as? I hate that progressives still have to lie about it constantly to score virtue points with each other, it isn't fooling anyone. I wasn't a gamergater and didn't champion the movement but I absolutely lived through and observed that shit show in 2014. It did not happen that long ago.
- Journalists were colluding and the famous "Gamers are Racists" hit piece was on every gaming site within 2 hours of each other.
- There was absolutely an inside clique group between major gaming journalism outlets (GameJournoPros).
- If you were on the outs with this group you were basically unhireable at a majority of outlets.
- Dev friends of this group were absolutely getting favourable coverage.
- The group leaned incredibly hard left / progressive and was very anti right wing even if you were moderate.
- Gamergate was for at least the first 1 - 2 years not at all anti women in games and made it expressly clear that it's enemies were the gaming journalists and super progressive indie devs (Zoe Quinn, etc).
- There were sub movements of the Gamergaters (Even the 4chan ones) who made it absolutely clear they liked female protagonists and the beef was with the activism the game journalists were spouting.
None of that even gets into the Zoe Quinn sleeping with a Kotaku editor who covered her game or all the shit that went down at Destructoid related to this. I don't know why this revisionist shit that gamergate was an anti women / LGBT / DEI movement became the narrative. It was pure slander from opposition and the very journalists implicated in the whole mess.
With that said... There was growing frustration with figures like Anita Sarkeesian around the same time. She was a rediculous borderline con-artist who made a series of comically bad / inaccurate criticism videos, made speeches at studios, and scammed her fans on kickstarter. Maybe one could argue gamergate and the early anti-dei movement had some overlap or eventually morphed from one to the other... I think there's probably some audience share but it's some revisionist shit to claim it was all one and the same group and tag anyone who was pro gamergate as a biggoted racist. Gamergate was specifically a reaction to how bad games journalism had gotten (And still is).
Gamergate 2.0 (The 2023/2024 anti Sweet Baby Inc movement) is the anti-dei movement just flagged as gamergate to slander them. That movement that has fuck all to do with the gamergate of 2014 and should not even really share the same name.
She's not a looker but if she had a better haircut it would make a big difference. She needs to cover her massive forehead.
It's almost as if she is choosing to be ugly.
That's nice and all, but in order to get hired these days most companies require some sort of relevant degree whether it's actually useful or not. For better or worse it's not the 80s or 90s anymore, you can't just barge in the front door with zero qualifications and start making games unless you do your own indi thing in your basement which has its own set of issues. It's also easy to point at the few dozen people that succeeded while ignoring the thousands that didn't. There's many people who started from zero and became millionaires, but it's not like you can just say to a random person "why don't you just do the same?"learning game design in school in general is absolutely cringe...
Gaben was a software programmer and just one day was like "hey, what if we made video games guys? who's with me?"
and went on to revolutionise first person shooters.
Miyamoto was a toy maker and went on to design the game that revolutionised platformers and the game that revolutionised
and in part established action adventures.
Fujibayashi (director of BOTW) designed attractions in theme parks before going to Nintendo and from there getting into game design.
Kojima studied economics, was a film nut and revolutionised/invented stealth games...
and neither Akira Nishitani, Akira Yasuda went to school for game design before completely revolutionising fighting games with Street Fighter 2,
a game basically every modern fighting game is still based on at the core.
notice how none of them went to school for game design. neither did the best and most revered tabletop game designers (an adjacent profession).
it's almost like designing games is something that doesn't need to be taught in school, and can be mastered by just direct practice (easy these days with tons of free engines), asking yourself how you can use the medium in interesting ways, and how to use its strengths to its fullest potential.
This is like taking the most progressive city of the US and do research on the people and then say that’s how all US and Canadian people are.Not really surprising. I faintly remember reading country by country male/female attitudes and Scandanavian countries skewed more to feminine traits. Not saying that means guys all act like girls, but whatever leads to that results means guys probably act more motherly or less aggressive compared to dude in other countries.
Even before the net, you could already see that in hockey. The Swedish players were always super skilled and great skaters. But would always be soft spoken, never fight, and they'd often get mashed up by the US/Canadian players ( especially in the playoffs when the hitting picks up). Thats why Don Cherry always called them wimps.
Sweden – the feminine society
Last night, I experienced something that I rarely experience in Sweden. I found myself at O’Leary’s Irish Bar. O’Leary’s is a sportsbar. Screens and televisions on every wal…
Not with that slang.'I'm not sexy, so sexy should not exist.' - teacher.
Nobody ever said the entire country is this or that. I even said that in my first paragraph. Just generalities, just like you did.This is like taking the most progressive city of the US and do research on the people and then say that’s how all US and Canadian people are.
I’ll try to avoid getting too political but the north and south is really not the same. In general the further north you go the less progressive the country is. Likely comes from cities being smaller and population being based more on countryside folks, and gender roles becomes more traditional.
Go further south and the cities become bigger, more progressive, people come from families living in cities, often have a higher education level and in general are more driven to have a career, and gender roles are more equal.
This is generalization of course. In the end I would say it’s a big city versus small city or village thing. Pretty sure it’s the same in the US or any country. Inside there are constantly jokes about the differences between regions in how we behave and sound, so it’s hilarious to see an outsider try to lump us all together as if we’re the same.
That's nice and all, but in order to get hired these days most companies require some sort of relevant degree whether it's actually useful or not. For better or worse it's not the 80s or 90s anymore, you can't just barge in the front door with zero qualifications and start making games unless you do your own indi thing in your basement which has its own set of issues. It's also easy to point at the few dozen people that succeeded while ignoring the thousands that didn't. There's many people who started from zero and became millionaires, but it's not like you can just say to a random person "why don't you just do the same?"
Is this a guy dressed as a female? Looks like a guy with make up on.They all have that same look to them.![]()
Im in my 40s, born and rised in eastern europe, so i got real life comparision to what women supposed to act/do vs current modern momen from western world, at least if they dont wanna end up 40, single cat-mom
I know it sounds like utopia to men in the west, but here, at least in the early 2000s u could meet proper virgins even in college, not first semester, whole college, quite a few girls(not saying majority, majority were already doing hoe-shit) stayed virgins whole college and waited till marriage![]()
Guess all the men in history of humanity over tens of tousands of years, including lords/kings were creeps coz they all prefered their women virgins and pureSorry bro but your women sound lame as hell.
Wanting virgins just sounds like the behaviour of a creep
Our meta-analysis of 138 studies across 119 species found evidence that males prefer virgin females over mated females (Figure 2)—regardless of the pattern of sperm precedence (Figure 3) or whether or not males encountered females sequentially (Figure 4). Our findings add to prior evidence that males do not mate indiscriminately (Bonduriansky, 2001; Edward & Chapman, 2011; Wedell et al., 2002). Moreover, our results suggest that males sometimes reject mated females, even when faced with opportunity costs, as males preferred virgin females even in no-choice tests that measured mating dichotomously. We substantiate the conventional wisdom that males prefer virgin females across species (Bonduriansky, 2001).
Guess all the men in history of humanity over tens of tousands of years, including lords/kings were creeps coz they all prefered their women virgins and pure
Pr0 tip- ofc we lie about this stuff if we just wanna pump and dump, but for anything other than recreational use its extremly important for woman to keep her pairboinding ability, aka she cant have high bodycount.
There were studies about it, even meta-analysis:
Funny thing is, prefering virgin females is even observed in other species, not only humans.Loading…
They had access to most variety and highest quality of women tho, since they had power, wealth and status most of them had actual harems of women, so perfect case study.Oh yeah, kings were super creeps, study some history
Those are some definite man hands.Is this a guy dressed as a female? Looks like a guy with make up on.
Well as long as you realize that the regional differences we’re talking about is like what you see in the northern parts of inhabited Canada versus California, with research reports focusing almost completely on California because of population density. Goes for behavior, weather, politics etc.Nobody ever said the entire country is this or that. I even said that in my first paragraph. Just generalities, just like you did.
Hofstede Combined Cultural Masculinity (PDI & MAS) Score
Hofstede's model consists of five dimensions to describe a country's culture. Two dimensions depict archetypical masculin energies: Power Distance Index (PDI) and Masculinity (MAS). This map shows the combination of the two dimensions. There is
12 Top Countries For Women’s Rights And Gender Equality, According To 2024 Reports
The most feminist and female-friendly countries, where gender equality is at its highest and women can rest assured their rights and protections are top
Most Feminist Countries 2024
5 Most Feminist Countries in the World
In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 most feminist countries in the world. - All
Well as long as you realize that the regional differences we’re talking about is like what you see in the northern parts of inhabited Canada versus California, with research reports focusing almost completely on California because of population density. Goes for behavior, weather, politics etc.
Yeah, no joke, northern and southern Sweden could’ve been different countries. There is barely even snow in the south while in the north you barely see the snow go away. And a person far up north you can barely understand what a southern person says. The country is too tall tbh.Canada and California are also completely different because they're not the same country. I do get what you're saying, though, about regional differences within each country and how it's important to consider that before drawing conclusions.
They had access to most variety and highest quality of women tho, since they had power, wealth and status
Lets stick to adult relationships then, so 18yo and older, aka adult women , aka women at their peak/prime w/e u wanna call it xDAnd they were creeps? Dont care what they value.
Is a king having 13 year olds in his harem upposed to teach me something?
A lot of people doing it doesn't make it any more convincing when its clearly fucked.
If you go to Sweden
This dude is creepy as hell and seems to want barely legal women but doesn't dare to admit itAnd they were creeps? Dont care what they value.
Is a king having 13 year olds in his harem upposed to teach me something?
A lot of people doing it doesn't make it any more convincing when its clearly fucked.
This dude is creepy as hell and seems to want barely legal women but doesn't dare to admit it![]()