Gold Member
Bring back E3.
Good graphics can cover up bad game design. Bad graphics can be covered up by good game design.Its funny how everyone's complaining about AAA first party games take too long to release, but then as soon as a game doesn't look like film-quality CGI, everyone starts complaining about the graphics.
You can't have it all kids.
Games like this is where RE Engine shines.
Onimusha: Sekiro 2.
thats definitely the boss voice, so she either still workin or theres no new voice stuff
MGS 3 is shit
There is nothing in this show. Don’t do this to yourself.PLEASE RE-IX TRAILER !!!!!!
Exactly, Elden Ring looks like ass graphically (don't kill me fromsoft evangelicals) but the game is too good to ignore.Good graphics can cover up bad game design. Bad graphics can be covered up by good game design.
But, bad game design and bad graphics creates no hype.
people here are just miserableWorking so I can't watch, but from the replies I'm guessing I haven't missed much.
No, maybe only Randy Pitchford.Sony needs to ban the following from their shows:
- Quirky games
- 2d games
- PS2 remasters
- Top down games
- Games made by Randy Pitchford
- Anything thats cross gen.
Have some standards. It's 2025.
Have a show called 'indie games and quirky japanese shit' and see how no one bothers to tune in.