Played some Black Hawk Down again. Getting better with KBM but my mouse sucks and im pretty sure i need a mousepad to be able to turn quickly.
Still, finally got back outside and holy fucking shit. The game feels just like the movie. It is insane how much is going on at one point. Soldiers being dropped off by black hawks while you provide covering fire, enemy jeeps with turrets rushing in to open fire on landing zones, other soldiers firing from cover like their lives depend on it. It's like you are just an NPC in a big war around you. If you are a big fan of the movie like I am, you will notice all the chatter from the movie is in the game. The movie took the comms chatter straight from the reallife mission so it feels incredibly authentic.
I didnt realize you can view the landing from different helicopters depending on your character selection. They all get dropped on the same building, but take different routes and you can see dozens of other choppers and balck haws\ks landing where they did in real life, or doing strafing runs, or avoiding RPGs while the real life comms chatter plays in the background.
The city is full of detail. Even during the fly by. There might be a couple of instances of pop-in but the level of detail is unlike anything ive seen this gen. it's not photorealistic like the Matrix, and they use a pre-rendered CG video right before the chopper intro which diminishes the quality of the ingame graphics a little bit, but overall I wasnt just impressed by the graphics, but also just how alive the warzone feels with dozens of choppers doing their own runs, dropping their own soliders, and hundreds of somali militia just firing at every direction. Absolutely remarkable stuff.