Pretty much every ue5 game they review.
DF doesn't go hard enough when it comes to that dogshit engine imo. They still blindly praise RT GI just for being present, even if it looks like diarrhea in basically all UE5 games.
when you have to install mods and do manual .ini tweaks to get a game like Silent Hill 2 to not look like absolute garbage, then there's nothing worth praising.
and the post you quoted about how great games would look if they pushed graphics at 1080p 30fps is quite hilarious in combination with trying to say UE5 games get too much criticism.
UE5 at its core, completely breaks apart at low resolutions like 1080p.
nearly everything in UE5 is dithered. as in, basically imagine if every single shadow, every single cloud you see in the sky, every single strand of hair, is missing half the pixels in a checkerboard pattern... that's how UE5 works by default.
UE5 is designed entirely around being upsampled and reconstructed, as a clean non smeared image would make games look broken. the smearing from reconstruction and/or agressive TAA is needed, while also making everything look blurred and adds ghosting.
so low resolution games in UE5 rely entirely on denoising and upscaling to create anything resembling a remotely coherent looking image... and often fails at doing so.
TLDR: 1080p 30fps in UE5 in its default form looks disgusting, as most effects it uses would run at basically checkerboard 1080p, then get smeared over multiple frames to hide that fact.
the only type of UE5 game that would look good at 1080p 30fps is one that basically uses none of its features and runs with only mid-last-gen UE4 level features like Gears 5 or Gears 4 for example... that's the only way to make a 1080p UE5 game look presentable, at which point you can just as well run that game at dynamic 4k 60fps... like Gears 5...