LikChan Lik Chan
Someone on GAF asked what site that @gameinformer cover will be revealed...smh
LikChan Lik Chan
Someone on GAF asked what site that @gameinformer cover will be revealed...smh
Should I DM you my address for sending that five dollars?
6 minuteshow much time left
I'm seriously banking on GamePro/Game Informer merger
how much time left
5 minutes CHOO CHOO
6 minutes.
Diablo 3 officially announced for PS3, 360, and WiiU. Will be fully integrated with 2.0 and have the RMAH.
Steam, Origin, and Onlive heading to WiiU.
Or Informer Pro.
That's it.
If I had to bet, that's it.
pkollar Philip Kollar
Note: I've yet to see anyone come close to guessing this one. RT @Andrew_Reiner Our cover reveal hits soon. Any last second guesses?
add homeworld 3 to the list and its completeGames that would actually surprise me:
Shenmue 3
Half Life 3
Zone of the Enders 3
Has any announcement like this actually been a huge shocker?
Ok... interest piqued.Should I DM you my address for sending that five dollars?
Better not be a sequel to a popular franchise.
GamePro / Game Informer merge to become GameGame.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
3 minutes until disappointment