It seems to be what people encounter in the games because in Skyrim, I have had a couple of hard freezes in loading screens but other than that I haven't encountered any which is way more than I can say for game like New Vegas where I encountered not only freezes but bugs as well.
Great, anecdotally Skyrim has freezed on me around 5 times in loading screens and I'm not even halfway through, the new patch has resulted in dragons flying in reverse and resistences no longer have any effect. NV Froze on me once, I encountered no other major glitches.
Given Dungeon Siege had was relatively glitch free on launch I think it's fair to say a lot of, if not most of the issues people had with NV derived from Bethesda's poor coding on the Gamebryo engine.
Really SHITTY RPG elements in Alpha Protocols case, unless you look up the perfect build to make before you start the game.
I think by RPG elements people were referring to the structure and conversation system of the game. With that said I never got the complaints about builds given I took neither stealth nor pistols and did fine.