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Diablo III |OT2| Queues Rise. Servers Fall.

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Welp, my monk now has four defensive abilities on the taskbar with only my primary attacks capable of doing damage. Really having a ton of fun now trying to get used to the BoH nerf

Yep. Having 3 kinda shitty healing abilities on your bar to compensate for the lack of decent healing on the Monk in Hell and Inferno is really stupid.

And then Boon gets nerfed. AWESOME.



10k+ DPS w/ over 35k HP.

crushing hell mode.

nice stats

edit: whoops wrong class


All the "I can't do shit in inferno :(" whining is kind of funny considering that, the whole point of inferno is it's supposed to be really, really hard. Plus, people haven't even begun to figure out what the best-of-the-best gear is, and inferno was probably balanced for that equipment in mind.

Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.

People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.
I haven't been in this thread for days and came looking for farming tips and now I find out my Monk is getting nerfed. This fucking sucks I barley managed Hell as it is and now I'm getting reduced to nothing.
Ugh, I come to the thread and see they're nerfing Boon of Protection, that's just dumb. There's some way worse shit in the game than that.

Read what I posted earlier - they're just calling out this fix in particular since it's so drastic (currently making the skill useless.) A full list of the changes that have been done will come out tomorrow.

Diablo 3: It's too easy and too hard.

That's what's so funny about it all. People don't seem to get that, you know, the average person isn't intended to be clearing Inferno a week or less after launch. You don't see (many) WoW players bitching that they haven't cleared the heroic version of the new raid's end boss a week after release.
throw me into the pissed off about the monk nerfs group....Seriously anyone have any other viable options? Worthless class for now I guess...

guess i'll roll a stupid Wizard.....

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.

People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.

Yeah, and wizards and demon hunters are getting nerfed too.


Weird... One of my auctions just disappeared. I'm pretty sure it wasn't close to ending. It's not listed anymore. It disappeared at some point when the AH was acting a little funky. It wasn't one of the things I sold at that time, it was before that. I really hope it comes back, because it was a pretty expensive set of armor...


formerly sane
Weird... One of my auctions just disappeared. I'm pretty sure it wasn't close to ending. It's not listed anymore. It disappeared at some point when the AH was acting a little funky. It wasn't one of the things I sold at that time, it was before that. I really hope it comes back, because it was a pretty expensive set of armor...

Email them directly they are good about it had it happen a bunch of times the last two days during lag spikes.


All the "I can't do shit in inferno :(" whining is kind of silly considering that, the whole point of inferno is it's supposed to be really, really hard. Plus, people haven't even begun to figure out what the best-of-the-best gear is, and inferno was probably balanced for that equipment in mind.

The thing is, there are classes that can solo to the end without best-of-the-best gear. When a couple classes can do it with level 57 gear but a barb needs level 60, act 4 gear which essentially adds up to ~50k hp, 9k armor, 900 resists with a 10k dps 1 hander and 28% block shield just to barely survive act 2.. there is a huge problem.

Yeah, and wizards and demon hunters are getting nerfed too.

Good. I won't even care anymore if all the classes suffer as much as barbs do. :)
This is getting out of hand, yesterday i could't play because of horrendous ping, today the ping is still in the 1500-1700ms range. WTF?!

And it's like early in the morning in the EU right now.


Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.

People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.
Sounds like the same basic balance issues from D2 have carried over to D3.


You'd rather they'd not balance it?

No. I would like to live in a magical world where games are balanced at release. But really, I was being facetious but that's really something that I'm dreading for D3. The constant fluctuations in power for the classes are going to be a pain.


Kill Azmodan in Nightmare... But before you
grab his soul
, have all members except the lowest level leave the game and resume their own game. Then the lowest member completes the quest(and the next quest where you head to the watchtower back at camp/town) in his game, and then he leaves his game and joins the next lowest player. In that game you complete the quests again(having just beat Azmodan but not having
grabbed his soul yet
.. then those two leave and join the third lowest, completing the quests in that game. Then all four move to the last one. It takes patience but once you've got it down you can fly through the order. My friends and I were all over the place in levels but now we're all balanced out at around 50-52.


Corporate Apologist
I have come up with the plot for expansion:
The Thieves guild has returned! And this time, with people who do damage! They have broken into the Templar Order's Base, and stolen the plans for the Angelic Weapons! They have Kidnapped the Prophet to decipher the text! They have found and contained Shen's Gem, and release the creature from it! They have opened a portal to the Greed Demention! And they have obtained the Black Soul Stone, and do something with it!

There we go, best plot outline. Send it to the writers, ships next fall.


They don't have to.

They can even earn more $$ by staying online when AH hits the real money thing.

I just read that they are going to charge for every single equipment transaction, and if people want their money on PayPal instead of their Battle.net account, they'll take another 15% cut.

Blizzard is going to be rolling in so much money, it's insane.


I have come up with the plot for expansion:
The Thieves guild has returned! And this time, with people who do damage! They have broken into the Templar Order's Base, and stolen the plans for the Angelic Weapons! They have Kidnapped the Prophet to decipher the text! They have found and contained Shen's Gem, and release the creature from it! They have opened a portal to the Greed Demention! And they have obtained the Black Soul Stone, and do something with it!

There we go, best plot outline. Send it to the writers, ships next fall.

But I want it noooooooow!


formerly sane
Sometimes D3 won't even launch if I have the SMAA injector installed. Anyone get this?

Blizzard games do not play nice with graphical modifications, I'm surprised darkd3 still works. Color clutch is broken too for this game it's something expected despite the typical pc quality of this company work.


I just read that they are going to charge for every single equipment transaction, and if people want their money on PayPal instead of their Battle.net account, they'll take another 15% cut.

Blizzard is going to be rolling in so much money, it's insane.

They only take the transaction fee if it sells, and PayPal is the one taking the second $15 cut, not Blizzard.


Weird... One of my auctions just disappeared. I'm pretty sure it wasn't close to ending. It's not listed anymore. It disappeared at some point when the AH was acting a little funky. It wasn't one of the things I sold at that time, it was before that. I really hope it comes back, because it was a pretty expensive set of armor...

I've had the same issue with both buying and selling. It'll show up in your Completed tab saying there was an error trying to list your item. Might take a few hours though.


Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.

People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.

I guess this is the problem with a game like this. Everyone has a different idea of which class is better than the others and Blizzard is the only opinion that ultimately matters.

I'd like to be able to survive more than two or three hits in Inferno. It's not fun to die twenty times to the same boss because they've got an attack that can get you from off screen at very high speed (invisible, thanks to the high pings). Yeah, we can farm like no other class. A lot of invulnerability time plus great AOE damage equals excellent farming.

Is it balanced if you have to give the class an ability that makes them invulnerable?


LOL anyone ever read the official diablo forums? I check it out from time to time to get a chuckle and there is a hilarious thread going on about how they should just delete every character and shut it down for 3-5 months and start over.

The amount of stupidity on the official blizzard forums is just outstanding, so outstanding i can't stay on it for longer than 5 minutes without getting a headache.

throw me into the pissed off about the monk nerfs group....Seriously anyone have any other viable options? Worthless class for now I guess...

guess i'll roll a stupid Wizard.....
worthless? my friend is taking on inferno by himself with no problems.


What build are you high level DHs going? Mine's a missile based build. I could probably take out Vault and Caltrops for Preparation and Smoke Screen.
So is that the thing to do right now run Act IV Hell ad infinitum til you get the gear you need to progress into Inferno? Or is there a good gold farming method to buy stuff off the AH?


DH nerf:

Smoke screen lasts 1 second, 2 seconds with rune. 3 second cooldown.

Is that true? If that's true, I'm done.

If not, y u be trollin me? :p

Bashiok said Barbs aren't as bad as they seem? Aren't a lot of people having problems in inferno?

I've yet to meet one in a public game that could actually tank. They get ravaged. I don't know if it's an inherent problem to the class, or the skills/items they're using.


The amount of problems the Auction House is having is absolutely astounding. Has there ever been such a terrible, buggy launch of an auction house? I mean don't most MMOs have it down pretty well? I know I never ran into some of the crazy lag and things not showing up issues when I played FFXI.

They really better get their act together with this if they expect people to put down real money on the auction house...
I have no faith in Blizzard when it comes to balancing. WoW was a trainwreck for years. Druids completely dominated in healing and Death Knights in DPS for the longest time.

Balance is pretty good in WoW at the moment. The real clusterfuck of WoW balance has always been trying to get PvP and PvE right with the same ruleset, which is almost entirely impossible, especially since it's a matter of balancing normal raids, heroic raids, 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5. They basically gave up on 2v2 balance which is just as well, it's not worth doing.

Jay Wilson has said encouraging things about not giving a fuck about PvP balance in Diablo 3, which is basically what I want to hear.

Then again, there is a lot more shit to balance in this game in terms of crazier itemization stacking, skill and rune loadouts and monster affixes. I don't expect it to ever really be balanced. It's not like D2 was ever remotely balanced, I'll just be happier if they get it much better than that.

It's not really possible to properly balance very open-ended RPGs. PvE in WoW is highly balanced mostly because of how controlled it is, even so many MMOs have or had fuck-all for balancing.


They only take the transaction fee if it sells, and PayPal is the one taking the second $15 cut, not Blizzard.

Still. I was expecting the majority of the items on the RMAH to be selling with prices ranging from 50 cents to around 1 or 2 Euros at the most, with the exception being extremely well-rolled items that'll go for a lot more.

Basically, the RMAH will probably be the exclusive selling place for the best gear in the game. I'm really interested in seeing how it all stabilizes.

Bashiok said Barbs aren't as bad as they seem? Aren't a lot of people having problems in inferno?

Inferno is the hardest difficulty in the game. Everyone should be having some kind of problems.
I'd be way more worried if every class was able to faceroll their way to the end, like Wizards and Demon Hunters are supposed to be able to right now.


Balance is pretty good in WoW at the moment. The real clusterfuck of WoW balance has always been trying to get PvP and PvE right with the same ruleset, which is almost entirely impossible. Jay Wilson has said encouraging things about not giving a fuck about PvP balance in Diablo 3, which is basically what I want to hear.

Then again, there is a lot more shit to balance in this game in terms of crazier itemization stacking, skill and rune loadouts and monster affixes. I don't expect it to ever really be balanced. It's not like D2 was ever remotely balanced, I'll just be happier if they get it much better than that.

No. No it's fucking not. One of the healing classes is near useless in PvP, and we won't even get started on Mages and Dragon Soul DPS...

Still. I was expecting the majority of the items on the RMAH to be selling with prices ranging from 50 cents to around 1 or 2 Euros at the most, with the exception being extremely well-rolled items that'll go for a lot more.

Basically, the RMAH will probably be the exclusive selling place for the best gear in the game. I'm really interested in seeing how it all stabilizes.

I'm okay with it having the best gear in the game, as long as the gear is still realistically obtainable elsewhere. I fully intend to sell my items cheap early on and just hope to make a buck.

I've yet to meet one in a public game that could actually tank. They get ravaged. I don't know if it's an inherent problem to the class, or the skills/items they're using.

I've seen a lot of awful Barbarians in public games. Ones far worse than me. Coincidentally, they get slaughtered while I'm just dragging buy with stuns, knockbacks, and lifesteal.


I guess they got tired of people shadowing to the next checkpoint.

They've basically ruined what the class had going for it if that turns out to be true.

Good lord. Yes, please reroll another class. Having a gameplay mechanic where a player stands still and spams invulnerability is downright stupid. The nerf is completely justified but they need to rebalance some of the runes.
No. No it's fucking not. One of the healing classes is near useless in PvP, and we won't even get started on Mages and Dragon Soul DPS...
You really mean 1 spec out of 30, right. I'm not referring to the PvP balance anyway, I should've made that clear. PvP in WoW will never be balanced as long as it's on the same rule set as PvE.

PvE isn't bad. The only thing about mages that comes to mind is class stacking for world firsts on certain fights, which doesn't matter at all.


Force Armor/Energy Armor is either removed from the game or in a completely non-working state.

So, to recap, from Blizzard regarding hotfixes coming tomorrow:

- Monks MoH: Boon is nerfed to cap at 3.6k shield.
- DH's Smoke Screen lasts 1 second, 2 seconds with rune. On a 3 second CD.
- Force/Energy Armor either removed from the game or completely broken.

Oh Blizzard.
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