When does Hell get really difficult? I'm in Act 2 with an undergrared DH and I do fine outside of the the occasional elite with the wall attack.
I went full on stupid with my DH yesterday, converting my gear from vit/dex (38k hp/~23k dps) to full-on dex and MF, bringing me down to 15k hp, but boosting my dps (without sharpshooter) to 33k. Got my MF to 88% as well.
Of course, this leaves no safety net whatsoever on inferno. I'm pretty sure I can vault around like a gymnast and stay out of trouble, but I have a sinking feeling I gimped myself. What say you, D3-GAF?
Yeah, I'm rolling with SS, vault, and prep for my three consonants, and multishot for my vowel. 220% magic find??! Without NV? Lawdy lawdy.
I actually found Hell got easier as I played and managed to naturally gear up my Barb, aside from the obvious shitty rolls on packs.When does Hell get really difficult? I'm in Act 2 with an undergrared DH and I do fine outside of the the occasional elite with the wall attack.
So I've been seeing my friend on at odd hours, and not responding to any of my texts. I got suspicious that he might of been hacked. Got in touch with him... this was his response.
"Neither! I run a bot to farm goldz lolol. (asks him how much he has made) Think around 50-60 million but I've sold it all online for real dollars. It is a new game for me, see how much money I can make off diablo! So far, $855 lol"
That whore.
So a friend just gave me this crossbow:
It brought my dps down by 10k (somehow..) but increased my attack speed by .70 and it feels like I'm attacking much faster and killing mobs much faster. Should I keep with it or just go back to my old bow here
Weird that it drops your DPS by 10k, but if it feels better, might as well use it, right?
Seems like the faster attack speed is going to be beneficial to refill Hatred with Devouring Arrow, meaning more Elemental Arrow casts in the long run.
Going to be honest: having played like nothing but Monk for the beta and release, to finally be this deep into a different class(which doctor) shows me just how fuck awesome WD is. It was the only class in beta I didn't want to play because it seemed like it'd be weak and a bit silly as well as complicated to play.
I'll eat my crow now. WD is the shit!![]()
The common barb builds are all Nerves of Steel/Tough as Nails/Superstition passive, War Cry/Impunity for your buff. Those are the only ones that affect your stats.
Otherwise, Revenge/provocation is obvious and 100% required, Frenzy sidearm procs more life on hit and does the most dps in almost all situations. You occasionally see slight variation in other abilities but it's PRETTY typical to have:
Frenzy/sidearm, Furious charge/Dreadnaught, Threatening Roar/(Falter or Grim Harvest), War Cry/Impunity, Revenge/Provocation, Wrath of the Berserker/Insanity.
Threatening Shout is actually garbage. The reason is that the damage reduction, like everything else, is multiplicative. 20% sure seems like a lot, until you realize that the number has already been reduced by probably 85% or more by your armor and resists, and then you're left with a 20% reduction of 15% of the original value. Not that great.Threatening and Wrath are the most likely not to be in someone's build, threatening you can drop for quake when you can handle mobs decently, but when you're 'fresh' to an act it's really good to have the -damage debuff.
One thing about shields is when you see the block text pop up, you're still taking damage. If you see absorb that means that the block roll was bigger than the damage you were taking. In A2-4 inferno I get block text way more often than absorb on my sacred shield which means if you were running SS you'd be taking an average of 916 more damage for those blocks. Even just a really good roll on a sacred shield is probably going to be more valuable than a stormshield imo (as long as the total block chance is over 25)
The great thing about SS is that it is guaranteed to roll a lot of stats that Barbs are already stacking so it's much more easily obtained which is why it is good.
wooooo sold my bow for 15mil
Very helpful, man. I need to fully learn (or study) this game. I know that for a barb the more resistance, armor, str and vit the better but I don't really know why, don't know how things scales and stuff like that. Is there a wiki when I could learn about this stuff?
Question. If I join a friends game that is inact4 inferno and I am only in act 2 will I teleport to act4? Not that I have friends or know anyone on act 4
Where do I get this bot? Lolz.
Ah, I see. That's where the many named spiders came from too, then. Was wondering what that was about.That's part of an event; there's a named Spider there guarding a cocooned Treasure Goblin and a chest.
Armor Damage Reduction = Armor / (Armor + Enemy Level * 50)
Resistance Damage Reduction = Resistance / (Resistance + Enemy Level * 5)
Damage Taken = Damage * (1 - Armor DR%) * (1 - Resistance DR%) * (1 - Other DR%)
If you successfully Block, it is blocking the result of that formula. As for the Attributes:
STR = +1 Armor, +1% Damage for Barbarians.
VIT = +35 HP (at Level 60)
INT = +0.1 All Resistances
DEX = +0.1 Dodge (up to 100 DEX; formula changes after that).
Aaaaaand bookmarked. Holy shit man, thanks!![]()
Personally I don't go with Furious Charge or Threatening Shout. I prefer Ground Stomp / Wrenching Smash and Leap/Death from Above. This combo gives me an off-the-bat 6 second stunlock, and combined with Wrath of the Berserker this often allows me to kill a minion of a champ back completely risk-free which makes fights seriously easier. Also leap is a god send when you're trying to escape.
I honestly can't imagine not having Ground Stomp in my build, the draw-in / stun is just so beneficial.
Threatening Shout is actually garbage. The reason is that the damage reduction, like everything else, is multiplicative. 20% sure seems like a lot, until you realize that the number has already been reduced by probably 85% or more by your armor and resists, and then you're left with a 20% reduction of 15% of the original value. Not that great.
Wrath, also, I can't see going without it any reasonable build. you can kill almost anything with it before dying. Or as Kungen said, "It solves almost every problem."
Aaaaaand bookmarked. Holy shit man, thanks!![]()
Wait, so at high levels, barbs don't have any non-cooldown based fury spenders that they're using? And they don't have open spots in the passives to use the "at full fury, do more damage" skill?
Bots already? Especially with the RMAH, Blizzard should have these shutdown as fast as fucking possible.So I've been seeing my friend on at odd hours, and not responding to any of my texts. I got suspicious that he might of been hacked. Got in touch with him... this was his response.
"Neither! I run a bot to farm goldz lolol. (asks him how much he has made) Think around 50-60 million but I've sold it all online for real dollars. It is a new game for me, see how much money I can make off diablo! So far, $855 lol"
That whore.
I dropped to 43k BC/90k WotB to gain back some HP/resis
Can't really edit the OP right now as GAF has been brought to its knees, but there's a Reddit AMAA coming up with developers on Wednesday:
Wait, so at high levels, barbs don't have any non-cooldown based fury spenders that they're using? And they don't have open spots in the passives to use the "at full fury, do more damage" skill?
Hey guys, my character is kind of in a rut and I need some advice.
I rolled a HC Monk and I am at level 56. My stats (unbuffed) are:
Dex: 921
Vit: 1034
Armor: 3803
Damage: 3750.95
Dodge chance %: 28.4
All Resist (baseline): 57
I'm currently in Act 1 Hell and getting my ass kicked by elites past Leoric. I see that resists are probably my glaring weakness and need to find the right gear, but I'm low on gold.
Are there any good spots to farm quickly for gear and gold at my current level in Hell, and if there are, where? Also, do my stats look okay to be able to solo Act 1 Hell?
Are there any good spots to farm quickly for gear and gold at my current level in Hell, and if there are, where?
You'll definitely want to get more gear. Since you're playing HC, it's better to play it safe. Your DPS is a tad low and you'll want much higher All Resist. Going back to Nightmare might be ok for a bit of gear or just the money you need to buy upgrades, it'll be safer too.
Nightmare Heart of Sin, I guess. If you have some good equipment with Gold Find that will help but don't take it too far since ... well, hardcore and all.
I guess that answers it, thanks!
I'm expecting a lot of questions on the lack of Inferno "balance" and errors/downtime.
You'll be in Act 4. If you finish a Quest there, you'll also keep that Quest completion despite not having anything between your Act 2 and Act 4 quest credit.
Aside from barbarian, I'm kind of ok with the balance. I dont' know, I mean it's not perfect, but it's not as broken as I had first thought.
Barbarian though, I mean it's doable, but the amount of gear you need just to do anything is so far beyond the amount of gear you need for like DH that there's definitely an issue there.
Is the solution to buff barbarian or nerf other classes? I'm not convinced that a huge buff for barbarian is necessarily the only solution. Some kind of buff is certainly needed, but other things like simply increasing the ilvl of drops in each Act would also go a long way.
Inferno mobs run 2x faster, game balanced![]()
Hey guys, DH here that's still struggling with progressing further than about 2 quests into Act 2. Here's my build right now:
Essentially Impaling as often as possible (crit rune), Multishot (fire at will) for CC, and Hungering Arrow (Piercing) for general shots.
Vault (tumble) + Caltrops (slow 80%) to avoid attacks, with Companion (Bat) for Hatred Regen.
Should I be sticking in elemental arrow in here? Or SS? I have a love/hate with Vault and its delay, but it is incredibly useful, and helps me avoid attacks amazingly well.
I have a lot of DPS, but I was wondering if I should be focusing on High Res/Vit items to help me advance further in inferno, and I get killed easily by any fast past of critters (Savengers, Soul Lashers, Sand Leapers, etc.). Any thoughts?
Depends on your build. Beams are a bust as it drains your arcane dry. I've been beefing IAS for my Spectral Blades and Blizzard spams. Pretty effective into Act 3 Hell so far. Sometimes I need to switch to Magic Missile for distance.Question for wizards:
Is attack speed on weapon important or should i go for highest possible DPS even if it's on slow weapon ?
Did anyone have any issues getting a refund from Blizzard?
I just submitted a ticket asking for one because of constant severe latency. I can't play this game at all. I waited a few weeks hoping these issues will be resolved by they weren't yet and I can't play this game.
I died so many times because of lag issues it's not even funny. The game is really unplayable (I run from a mob, the server doesn't register that and a few seconds later I see that I died).
My PC is way above the requirements and my internet connection was fast enough when I played WoW for a few years (and I don't have issues in other games as well).