Deified Data
What's the cheapest you guys have ever found "Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment"?

No idea why one of Marvel's greatest stories is out of print. Sometimes I don't understand their policies.
BUT if you're looking for Doc Strange stuff and you haven't got The Oath, FIX THAT IMMEDIATELY.
Like, $30 bucks
Ten years ago >_>
No idea why one of Marvel's greatest stories is out of print. Sometimes I don't understand their policies.
BUT if you're looking for Doc Strange stuff and you haven't got The Oath, FIX THAT IMMEDIATELY.
The earliest issues of Amazing Spider-Man aren't in print in any form. You'd think that would be utterly absurd when it involves their signature character and creator.
Yeah hit him up at
Well, this is surprising: the Thanos origin miniseries, solicited for October, and announced with a fair amount of fanfare earlier this month, has been cancelled. Marvel has yet to provide any explanation.
So do you go around using the word "datum"?
This is one case where the incorrect usage is the more common usage and therefore the correct usage. In fact, I think both are technically correct.
No, I don't. I say "the data are" or "the data suggest." Yes the other usage is more common but it bugs me, because it is technically incorrect.
It's not technically incorrect. Both usages are correct. "The data is" is a more modern usage.
Yes, it is a more modern usage and is thus considered correct usage, but technically, i.e. based on the rules of grammar, "data" is plural whereas "datum" is singular.
Haha I don't think it's a topic worth getting into an argument over, it just bugs me when people say "the data is," and I was impressed that it was used the other way in a comic book of all things.
So I'm ready to take that plunge and get back into comics. I'm purchasing the Crises storyline but I want to get into the New 52. I'm hearing different things and since there's no comic store here where I live, I can only turn to GAF.
So what say you DC GAF? Is the New 52 worth jumping in? If so, what series should I get into?
I'd go with:
Wonder Woman
Batman Incorporated ( but read the previous batman inc hardcover first).
If it looks good to you:
Animal Man and Swamp Thing, really should be read together, violent non-horror horror, most people like it though it's going on a bit slowly
Justice League by Geoff Johns - Competent, though perhaps because Bendis does such a poor job on Avengers it makes Johns JL look better.
Justice League Dark = Lemire has taken over the book, i'd give it a look.
Demon Knights = a little slow, but a medieval fantasy book that can be read on its own and is fairly good
Flash = If you like Flash, it's a solid title.
Green Lantern = if you're okay with more GL crossover events.
Yeah, I'm into batman, flash, jla, and swamp thing.
Having been out for a while, does it seem like DC made the right decision?
Got a question for some collectors of physical comics if there are any on gaf - what's a good site to buy backissues of lower printed, recent comics? I'm starting to build a collection and want to grab some low # first prints of books I like but I'm having trouble finding these books on ebay and mycomicshop. Retailers like milehighcomics seem to ask too much if they have any in stock.
I suspect that Wacker is being a bit disingenuous; considering how recently the project was announced and how much it was being hyped as of just two weeks ago at SDCC, I have to think that there was some sort of behind-the-scenes drama. But who knows?
comixology sale.....seems like all of Irredeemable and Incorruptible.
I've always wanted to read it but would have preferred the Deluxe Hardcover version...but the first 12 issues in deluxe OHC costs the same as 50 issues digital.
Is the whole series worth reading?
comixology sale.....seems like all of Irredeemable and Incorruptible.
I've always wanted to read it but would have preferred the Deluxe Hardcover version...but the first 12 issues in deluxe OHC costs the same as 50 issues digital.
Is the whole series worth reading?
We Norms seem to like:
Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender
Mark Waid's Daredevil
Batman by Snyder/Capullo
I just started working at a comic shop, and I need to know a few good titles to start reading. I normally read 'indie' comics and shit but I need to start reading some superhero comics or they are going to hate me. Someone suggest like, 3 titles to get into. The biggest three currently going on that are worth a shit. Dc, Marvel, whatever normal comic readers read.
I just started working at a comic shop, and I need to know a few good titles to start reading. I normally read 'indie' comics and shit but I need to start reading some superhero comics or they are going to hate me. Someone suggest like, 3 titles to get into. The biggest three currently going on that are worth a shit. Dc, Marvel, whatever normal comic readers read.
I just started working at a comic shop, and I need to know a few good titles to start reading. I normally read 'indie' comics and shit but I need to start reading some superhero comics or they are going to hate me. Someone suggest like, 3 titles to get into. The biggest three currently going on that are worth a shit. Dc, Marvel, whatever normal comic readers read.
how do you get a job at a comicbook store and not know whats good? did they interview you at all? I guess a non-comic reader would be less inclined to read everything for free instead of working lol.
how do you get a job at a comicbook store and not know whats good? did they interview you at all? I guess a non-comic reader would be less inclined to read everything for free instead of working lol.
I just started working at a comic shop, and I need to know a few good titles to start reading. I normally read 'indie' comics and shit but I need to start reading some superhero comics or they are going to hate me. Someone suggest like, 3 titles to get into. The biggest three currently going on that are worth a shit. Dc, Marvel, whatever normal comic readers read.
I just started working at a comic shop, and I need to know a few good titles to start reading. I normally read 'indie' comics and shit but I need to start reading some superhero comics or they are going to hate me. Someone suggest like, 3 titles to get into. The biggest three currently going on that are worth a shit. Dc, Marvel, whatever normal comic readers read.
Been reading uncanny X force and I just finished the apocalypse saga. It was pretty good, this is one of my first comics ever(started superman birthright and supercrooks since i'm a fan of the artist(lienil yu) so it's kinda hard to follow. but I liked the ending of the saga and Opena's art was great(the main reason that I'm even reading comics is to see more artwork by my favorite artists.) . This next arc i'm not sure if i want to read. They changed the artists and I do not like the art much at all. Wolverine looks way ugly. Can anyone tell me if Opena comes back and if i can jump to the issue he returned without much confusion?