Lionel Mandrake
I was blitzed out of my mind on nitrous oxide walking through the woods at like 3 AM. As to why exactly I was on nitrous oxide, let's just say if you got some friends in dental hygiene with fucked up senses of humor, avoid going to sleep around them. Anyway, like I said, it's around 3 AM, and I'm starting to come down. But I'm lost. Like, real lost. I'd come to find out later that my friends had driven me to the outskirts of the Teweska forest, a place that was once in consideration for being a national park, but didn't make the cut do to some zoning issue. It was about a two hour drive from my house, and I was deep within.
It's cold. Like, I mean, it's the south, and right around that transitional period between summer and fall. So, not freezing, but around 50-ish. Enough to be uncomfortable in my boxers/t-shirt combo. I'm walking around, rubbing my arms, trying to keep warm, when I hear a voice. Now, I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing at this point, because on one hand, "Thank God, humanity." But on the other, "Who the hell would be walking around Teweska at 3 AM on a Wednesday?" I risked it and followed the voice to a clearing with a campfire and an RV. That's where, I shit you not, I found Mavis fucking Beacon.
I know what you're thinking. "That's bullshit, Mandrake. Mavis Beacon is a fictional character." And about a year ago, I would have agreed with you. I didn't even put it together at first. I mean, sure, the pantsuit did get me wondering, but she was the one who came out and said it. She took out ID. Her driver's license, her business card, and a free trial CD with her face on it. Now, I know about 90% of you stopped reading right here. You're thinking, "Even if Mavis Beacon was real, there's no way you stumbled upon her in the middle of an abandoned forest at 3 AM in the foothills of Alabama." But I'm telling you, this shit happened. And no, I wasn't still tripping. I can't prove it, but I know. My mind couldn't come up with this shit.
Mavis reaches into her lunchbox and starts dropping acid. Like a lot of it. I mean, I'm no expert on acid, but she ate like a Bounty paper towel-sized sheet of it. I'm trying to warm up by the campfire, and she takes off her coat. Starts getting all feely. I really just want to go home, and I explain that to her, but she's not really taking the hint. Somehow she convinced me to take my shirt off, and she started feeling all over me. I'm really not into it all, but she goes inside the camper and comes back with some Hawaiian Punch/Everclear mix in a milk jug, and after some of that, I couldn't really control myself anymore.
So, there I am, drunkenly getting it on with Mavis Beacon. It starts out okay, but I notice that as I'm working on her, she reaches into her nearby purse and pulls out a little remote looking thing. At first I mistook it for some kind of 'toy' but then as I press on, I hear a sound. I look to her face and she gave me like this, "I disapprove" glance. I start back up and there's the sound again, and she sighs. I realize what it is. Her remote. It's playing the error tune from Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Everytime I tried something new, she'd make the "d-d-diii!" noise, and it'd kinda startle me. Eventually, I got mad and told her to knock it off. But then she says "Time's up!"
We'd only been doing it for like four minutes, and I'm confused as all hell. She looks at me like she's really disappointed. I didn't even get close to finishing. She pours me another drink and soon I ended up passing out.
The next morning I woke up, still in the woods. My friends had found me and started to apologize, explaining how the prank was just supposed to last a few minutes, but then they lost me. I'm really hungover, and trying not to crap myself. But I notice an odd feeling. There's something in my boxers. I remove it to find that it's a piece of printed paper.
"You beat your previous average of 0. Great! Scores for this lesson were:
Speed: Poor
Accuracy: Poor"
Around that time I started puking my guts out.
It's cold. Like, I mean, it's the south, and right around that transitional period between summer and fall. So, not freezing, but around 50-ish. Enough to be uncomfortable in my boxers/t-shirt combo. I'm walking around, rubbing my arms, trying to keep warm, when I hear a voice. Now, I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing at this point, because on one hand, "Thank God, humanity." But on the other, "Who the hell would be walking around Teweska at 3 AM on a Wednesday?" I risked it and followed the voice to a clearing with a campfire and an RV. That's where, I shit you not, I found Mavis fucking Beacon.

I know what you're thinking. "That's bullshit, Mandrake. Mavis Beacon is a fictional character." And about a year ago, I would have agreed with you. I didn't even put it together at first. I mean, sure, the pantsuit did get me wondering, but she was the one who came out and said it. She took out ID. Her driver's license, her business card, and a free trial CD with her face on it. Now, I know about 90% of you stopped reading right here. You're thinking, "Even if Mavis Beacon was real, there's no way you stumbled upon her in the middle of an abandoned forest at 3 AM in the foothills of Alabama." But I'm telling you, this shit happened. And no, I wasn't still tripping. I can't prove it, but I know. My mind couldn't come up with this shit.
Mavis reaches into her lunchbox and starts dropping acid. Like a lot of it. I mean, I'm no expert on acid, but she ate like a Bounty paper towel-sized sheet of it. I'm trying to warm up by the campfire, and she takes off her coat. Starts getting all feely. I really just want to go home, and I explain that to her, but she's not really taking the hint. Somehow she convinced me to take my shirt off, and she started feeling all over me. I'm really not into it all, but she goes inside the camper and comes back with some Hawaiian Punch/Everclear mix in a milk jug, and after some of that, I couldn't really control myself anymore.
So, there I am, drunkenly getting it on with Mavis Beacon. It starts out okay, but I notice that as I'm working on her, she reaches into her nearby purse and pulls out a little remote looking thing. At first I mistook it for some kind of 'toy' but then as I press on, I hear a sound. I look to her face and she gave me like this, "I disapprove" glance. I start back up and there's the sound again, and she sighs. I realize what it is. Her remote. It's playing the error tune from Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Everytime I tried something new, she'd make the "d-d-diii!" noise, and it'd kinda startle me. Eventually, I got mad and told her to knock it off. But then she says "Time's up!"
We'd only been doing it for like four minutes, and I'm confused as all hell. She looks at me like she's really disappointed. I didn't even get close to finishing. She pours me another drink and soon I ended up passing out.
The next morning I woke up, still in the woods. My friends had found me and started to apologize, explaining how the prank was just supposed to last a few minutes, but then they lost me. I'm really hungover, and trying not to crap myself. But I notice an odd feeling. There's something in my boxers. I remove it to find that it's a piece of printed paper.
"You beat your previous average of 0. Great! Scores for this lesson were:
Speed: Poor
Accuracy: Poor"
Around that time I started puking my guts out.