Great announcement, hate that release date though. "2013".
Better than nothing, at least
EDIT: Top of page! Buy Hot Shots Golf if you haven't!
Great announcement, hate that release date though. "2013".
Better than nothing, at least
EDIT: Top of page! Buy Hot Shots Golf if you haven't!
this man knows good games...
we should set up another gaf match again!!! it's always a blast
I'm down for that. I really need to work on my short game, though. Uphill I do fine, downhill I make the putt, close my eyes, and just hope.
I guess Yoshida wasn't kidding when he said Sony must court and support indie developers. Nice move.
Now, time to do what Nintendo is attempting and help Japanese developers localize their titles.
oh god i know.
what's worse is when the greens are running perpendicular to the putt, so you have to arc it.
Ill join some HSG![]()
There is a list of some of the newer announcements here:
There is also a more comprehensive list showing upcoming releases in all regions:
I'm down for that. I really need to work on my short game, though. Uphill I do fine, downhill I make the putt, close my eyes, and just hope.
well i'm at work for the next 8 hours, so if yall want to go ahead. else i'll try to organize something tonight or next few days.
Uphill I'm awful. Downhill I'm terrible.
I'm much better aiming for the edge of the green and then chipping it in. My putting game is weak. Still love the game though, I had to bring my Vita to work today because I can't stop playing it. Legacy Golf Links is crushing me, the greens are mental.
Vita 2012-2013
Sony best do some type of connection between vita & orbis.
Vita 2012-2013
Sony best do some type of connection between vita & orbis.
Great announcement, hate that release date though. "2013".
Guys. This (spanish?) interview with Guerilla Cambridge shows so much footage of people playing Killzone Mercenary using video out.
I really wish our the Vitas could do video out . It's kinda awkward having a bunch of friends huddle around a handheld when you have something awesome to show off.
Looking good, should be unlockables.Don't know if anyone posted yet.
Soul Sacrifice pre-order costumes.
oh hey a frozen synapse port to the ps3/psv it will be interesting to see how it will play
Double dipping. I didn't play the PC version much. But I'm excited to try this with touch screen controls.
Also: EscapeVektor purchased.
Don't know if anyone posted yet.
Soul Sacrifice pre-order costumes.
Looking good, should be unlockables.
Not sure if you're saying they should have been, or should end up being, but:
Fans who pre-order Soul Sacrifice will receive an exclusive pack of in-game content it will not be sold anywhere else!
I'd like to know if there's a male and female version of each. Guy's looks great, hate the girl's.
Should be in the game as unlockables too.Not sure if you're saying they should have been, or should end up being, but:
Fans who pre-order Soul Sacrifice will receive an exclusive pack of in-game content it will not be sold anywhere else!
I'd like to know if there's a male and female version of each. Guy's looks great, hate the girl's.
How is the vita struggling with the current library and this on the pipeline
not really sure if this thread is for this question.... but:
why is the psp still getting lots of games developed for it? i guess because of its established community and the fact of it not being discontinued - which goes to ask why hasnt sony discontinued it now that vita is out the gates? im guessing its still profitable for them and we are in hte transitional period. and once we truely are full on into ps4/next gen land it will go bye bye and vita will reign full on...
Because games are not the only thing that is matter here.
it's a combination of many things
-PSM is a complete and utter failure,anddidn't give Vita any apps and social stuff.
Hey, it gave us Qix for free, I can't complain.
And Lemmings!
I didn't get that one, you mean the Free (LOL NOT REALLY STUPID) or actually free one?
KZ mercenary should be goodthe devs said they spent a year porting the KZ engine to vita and 2 years in dev time after that
I might be slow on this, but just seen on the EU Webstore, that they have a PS Vita 1st Birthday Sale in the Deals & Offers drop down.
Few games in the list none of which have been given the discount treatment yet. I assume this is happening soon then.
PSM flop. When they said Cubixx is free for a week, I thought they meant longer than two days. I was doing to download it today.
Oh well, looks janky anyway (´ー`┌
can you guys list the games in the sale? the link doesn't work for me in canada.
Yeah.Are these new?
PSM flop. When they said Cubixx is free for a week, I thought they meant longer than two days. I was doing to download it today.
Oh well, looks janky anyway (´ー`┌
I've just been back through the updates and at no point do they actually specify how long they're free for. I'd just assumed they were available for a week as well.I thought they were free on Wednesday, for Wednesday, one game a week.
The wording of this PSN Blog post made it seem like it's available for free until the next free game. Why else would they say "Starting today" instead of "Today only"?I thought they were free on Wednesday, for Wednesday, one game a week.