Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Type 0 and it's subseries along with Versus will become 3DS games.

In order of release:daripad said:How many million sellers does the 3DS have? Worldwide please
Nintendogs + Cats (Nintendo)
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (Capcom)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
Pokémon Rumble Blast (Nintendo/Pokémon Co.)
Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo)
Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo)
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Capcom)
Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (Nintendo)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo)
Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (Square Enix)
+ Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (Square Enix)
+ Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo)
Simply the less desirable handheld yetI still can't believe how well the original 3DS is selling. That thing is horrendous in every way possible.
KH3D is pretty likely by now (650k west + ~300k Japan by last fall iirc). KIU is a maybe, but we won't know until Nintendo's annual report to see if it's added to the 3DS million sellers list.
to clarify i'm saying Versus13 -> FF15, exclusive Ps4 as rumors said.
I don't want to live in that world. D:lol
I'm envisioning a future where XIII sequels will outnumber the main series.
The only way you'll see an exclusive FFXV is if it's on clarify i'm saying Versus13 -> FF15, exclusive Ps4 as rumors said (development changed to ps4 from ps3)
It's only a question from a unlikely theory.
I still can't believe how well the original 3DS is selling. That thing is horrendous in every way possible.
The only way you'll see an exclusive FFXV is if it's on 3DS.
Iwata must go crazy. On one hand they are dominating their homecountry, on the other hand they are in trouble.
Getting repetitive I know, but I'll say again I think some of the Wii U doom is very premature.
You gathered that from the system about to drop below 10k
WiiU has a NSMB and a Monster Hunter and will have access to a DQ, yet is selling behind the PS3 right now, an old console. You're applying too much of the 3DS and DS success to the console equivalent. The Wii was an anomaly due to its casual reach and focus, and those people then also got the Mario's for that system they own already. WiiU just aint gonna claim that sort of install base. Its back to Gamecube-land.
Of the 4 games you listed, 2 of them are not even available yet. Why would people buy the console now instead of waiting for it to release?
I will launch a question here (where the sales experts are)
What effect will have a ps4 launch with a "main" Final Fantasy game with it? I'm not saying it will be the case of course, but it will be interesting (and with main FF i'm sure you all know what title is). Altough FF games are a bit down currently. But a fight with this vs mario titles will be curious to see.
Getting repetitive I know, but I'll say again I think some of the Wii U doom is very premature.
Getting repetitive I know, but I'll say again I think some of the Wii U doom is very premature.
Iwata must go crazy. On one hand they are dominating their homecountry, on the other hand they are in trouble.
Orbis/Durango is the most likely imo, if Versus/XV gets pushed to nextgen. If not, then PS360 and possibly U.Well, all the things are possible
Nah, I think the most expected way is multiplatform ps3/orbis if it's only sony's game. If not, ps360/nextgens, not sure about wii u.
But 2 are. And they are 2 huge franchises. There's really no excuse. The other two games should keep interest in the machine, not drive sales up for the machine. I don't know, I'm just saying the games for the WiiU are a lot more JP centric and yet its sales are very poor. We can kind of guess why the vita failed so badly (lost its major franchise to its main competitor, no major JP centric IPs are out for it, 3DS started beasting, etc) but it's hard to pinpoint exactly why the WiiU is failing in Japan.
lherre, a bit OT but since you are here, why not not ask. Based on the WiiU known specs and assuming we would not know of the Japanese garden demo, would we have assume it would have been able to run it ? To me, the demo is not too far off Agni Philosophy but I am no technie.Well, all the things are possible
Nah, I think the most expected way is multiplatform ps3/orbis if it's only sony's game. If not, ps360/nextgens, not sure about wii u.
lherre, a bit OT but since you are here, why not not ask. Based on the WiiU known specs and assuming we would not know of the Japanese garden demo, would we have assume it would have been able to run it ? To me, the demo is not too far off Agni Philosophy but I am no technie.
I want DQ7. Japan gets to have all the fan. I'm glad 3DS is doing so well in japan, but it's also not that great due to region lock. I want more japanese support but how will I enjoy it.
You gathered that from the system about to drop below 10k
but for games that DEFINITELY won't come to NA, there will be some that can be played with a guide of sorts, or if it's pick up and play then I wouldn't need anything.Not arguing region-lock is a good thing as such - as a matter of principle I think that's an anti-consumer policy -, but to be fair I reckon most Japanese games would be quite unplayable from those not able to read Japanese, so most people would always have to wait for games being localised.
Just sucks.
Not arguing region-lock is a good thing as such - as a matter of principle I think that's an anti-consumer policy -, but to be fair I reckon most Japanese games would be quite unplayable from those not able to read Japanese, so most people would always have to wait for games being localised.
That's worth a big :-(.I won't put bird demo in the same "league" than agni's philosophy. Bird demo is nice like zelda techdemo but not impressive in my opinion. I don't see a problem for wii u or ps360 to run it.
That's why region lock is idiotism - business impact is small - while it hits the most enthusiastic fanbase - so the people you want the most since their enthusiasm will sell consoles through the word of mouth.
It is pemature if you are only viewing the current data. But when you forecast the short term environment, it is looking kinda bleak right now.Getting repetitive I know, but I'll say again I think some of the Wii U doom is very premature.
I wonder if Nintendo will release a new model in a couple of years with a high end screen. Whatever, 3DS has become a phenomenon there, it may even outsell the DS. I predict Miiverse will be huge on it, and games won't stop coming.So I heard Japan likes 3DS. Good Lord.
Free 3DS in all Wii U's.
BAM. Hire me, Nintendo.
I wonder if Nintendo will release a new model in a couple of years with a high end screen. Whatever, 3DS has become a phenomenon there, it may even outsell the DS. I predict Miiverse will be huge on it, and games won't stop coming.
Free 3DS in all Wii U's.
BAM. Hire me, Nintendo.
Getting repetitive I know, but I'll say again I think some of the Wii U doom is very premature.
Wow, Wii U following the Vita's original trajectory. Soon to drop below 10k.
It is more future proof than the DS, in terms of 3D graphics and connectivity.I highly doubt it.
Vita at least had to compete with a 3DS which just got a big price drop 3D Land, Mario Kart and Monster Hunter.....WiiU on the other
And to add to that, it isn't competing with another handheld, the 70million+ market that PSP held world wide is not in the cards for vita, of course mobile will eat into 3ds but if China and other markets open up, Nintendo could push 3ds beyond ds in a 7 year life cycle.It is more future proof than the DS, in terms of 3D graphics and connectivity.
And it's getting DS and PSP franchises.