Am I missing something or does the US version not support a busty evolution of the Samurai Ogre? I have all the items needed and in order but it won't allow me to use the Keeper of Water. Am I doing something wrong?
I've been having a very interesting morning. Finally got around to evolving my ADK. No clue why I waited this long when the bulk of my box is dragons. Was testing out the 2x ADK team with the dragon plant dungeon then forgot to switch in my Siren for Sky Ocean Expert. Thought 25 stamina gone... nope. Wow this team hits like a truck and everything I have is so under leveled.
Here's all it took to finish expert:
I am now kicking myself for not trying to max skill him and level my other ADK while the green dungeon was up. Needless to say, I'll be throwing a lot of levels at him this week.
Am I missing something or does the US version not support a busty evolution of the Samurai Ogre? I have all the items needed and in order but it won't allow me to use the Keeper of Water. Am I doing something wrong?
An ADK team is like driving a sports car. You're going so fast and it feels great.
Then suddenly you hit a tree.
Maybe it's on your favourites?
so true. It hits like a ton of bricks, until you can't match orbs and get hit. Although the mechdragon there helps, I'm still quite a ways away before I can roster that bad boy.
I ranked up soo much while farming Oceanus Falls and Ocean of Heaven for a Siren. I'm on day 34 and rank 107, with 0 stones spent on stamina. It's really nice to be able to use a mech or multiple rainbows, and to have enough stam to sleep and go to work without maxing out and wasting any.
Maybe it's on your favourites?
Sometimes this game trolls so hard. Its like it knows certain things you need and refuses to drop them. I need Dragon Fruit, I play the Thursday Dungeon 5 times using all my stamina, drops zero. Now I get to wait forever to play again. Awesome.
An ADK team is like driving a sports car. You're going so fast and it feels great.
Then suddenly you hit a tree.![]()
I completely agree and that's a great analogy. I almost cancelled the dungeon when I started thinking I had no chance. I was able to one shot everything and tanked one hit from the Mech. It was really close. I could easily see a lot of scenarios where this team wouldn't work at all.
problem is, it just makes your ATK through the roof, while HP is still the same. It benefits from being able to use every color though. Pairing w/ CDK would reduce ATK, but boost HP as well.
Thats why I'm prefering 2xGod teams right now. Getting that boost to all 3 is pretty awesome. Pushed my fire team to 17k HP and it's crazy underleveled as well.
problem is, it just makes your ATK through the roof, while HP is still the same. It benefits from being able to use every color though. Pairing w/ CDK would reduce ATK, but boost HP as well.
Thats why I'm prefering 2xGod teams right now. Getting that boost to all 3 is pretty awesome. Pushed my fire team to 17k HP and it's crazy underleveled as well.
Doing tech dungeon runs and maxing Pengdras is a bit more efficient at maxing a monster than waiting for these dungeons, is it not?
Im sure I'm not the first person to come up with Pengdra strats but here you go.
Pengdra take approx 2600 Exp to max, and about 300 coins. Pengdras give 9000 exp maxed out to like-colored monsters. One fertile land run nets you about 1800 to 2200 exp to rank up, and at least 3000 coins minimum, at a cost of either 7 or 10 stamina. You should get at least one pengdra from the 10 stamina dungeon each run. Thats equal to one High Dark dragon for 10 stamina instead of 15, constant and steady so there is no hoarding of stamina until a specific time. Additionally it gives far more exp to rank up.
You're lucky to get one King Dark every 3 runs. And its only 50K. You could get at least 54Kin the same stamina timeframe.
Thursday dungeon without 2x is BULLSHIT!! LIke 8 runs and got 6 dragon plants and 3 fruit.
Anyone know how often it's 2x?
The game is looking up. I should have a dragon knight sometime this weekend. Got 3 of my baby rippers and pulled a petras from my present. Fuck yeah. This game is crack. Also thanks for all the ADK uptime, i slaughtered sea cave mercury right after fire forest took me to town for a couple days.
Ran into a wall in the 4th Castle of Satan floor, the bosses keep one shotting me and I'm not positive why, even w/ both black/red resist as leaders and 4k+ hp?
Looking for some advice on group I guess, here's my useful roster:
Anyone on your friends list have a HP doubler leader skill? Like Indra? If so, load up on dragons and bring it along.
Isn't Undine's leader skill a HP doubler? Maybe you could load your team up with some Blues and a Dark Golem. Then bring an autohealer with you.
That was always my trick when I ran across bosses that could outhit my max HP's. I would use Sylph or Indra to give me a nice buffer of HP's to play with.
Hades has less than 400k hp, fights like that can be blitzed with an ADK team. Maybe add an Echidna for extra safety.So I just cleared tomb of the saint expert... I really, *really* hate gimmicky fights like Hades, because you just freakin' KNOW you have to build a resolve team (or a resist + high HP + odin team or something) and then your damage is utter crap
I have to use a blue ogre for resolve because I don't have an Orochi and nobody on my friend list has one, so it's a bit of a hassle.
I figured I wanted to be safe, so I took vritra x2 (for 100k damage when resolve activates), an echidna for safety and a max skill Siren, just in case.
I still had to blow 3 stones because I ran into some time-synched monsters that just destroyed me. Also that basilisk fight was HORRIBLE.
My Echidna saved my butt 3 times too, so I can't quite complain, but it's just horrible. At least the last boss of the next dungeon (Hyperion Lava Flow) is just a poison fight, which just requires me to swap out one monster for my Lilith, Witch of the Night and I'm golden.
Hades has less than 400k hp, fights like that can be blitzed with an ADK team. Maybe add an Echidna for extra safety.
Pteras is pretty much a starter dragon, so in other words it isn't that good. Focus on getting the Dragon Knight to ADK as well as getting the rippers to their final forms.
So I just cleared tomb of the saint expert... I really, *really* hate gimmicky fights like Hades, because you just freakin' KNOW you have to build a resolve team (or a resist + high HP + odin team or something) and then your damage is utter crap
I have to use a blue ogre for resolve because I don't have an Orochi and nobody on my friend list has one, so it's a bit of a hassle.
I figured I wanted to be safe, so I took vritra x2 (for 100k damage when resolve activates), an echidna for safety and a max skill Siren, just in case.
I still had to blow 3 stones because I ran into some time-synched monsters that just destroyed me. Also that basilisk fight was HORRIBLE.
My Echidna saved my butt 3 times too, so I can't quite complain, but it's just horrible. At least the last boss of the next dungeon (Hyperion Lava Flow) is just a poison fight, which just requires me to swap out one monster for my Lilith, Witch of the Night and I'm golden.
Hades has less than 400k hp, fights like that can be blitzed with an ADK team. Maybe add an Echidna for extra safety.
I think this is possible, Hades has 6 rounds till he attacks. with 2 charged rippers, and 3 charged adks and 1 charged CDK it might just work out!
I have two Viper Orochi's between my 2 accounts. I keep him permanently up on my iPad and can put him up whenever needed on the phone. Send me an invite, still have some space.
I don't understand why people don't do Odin + Chaos Devil Dragon leaders for Hades. Odin's aren't that rare on a friends list if you need one.
The only hard part is killing that first ballisk in time before they start grinding you down.
God damn, thank you. I'll look you up in the list.
So I added you from the ID I saw on the list, but I didn't see your 2nd account?
Well the problem with Odin + CDD is that you do manually need to heal up. If you run out of hearts, you're essentially screwed - now I have 2 max skill sirens, so the odds of that happening are pretty low, but then you're sacrificing a *ton* of damage.
Pure resolve is much simpler and "safer" in that if you do resolve + a good auto healer, you're golden. There's zero risk to that fight, you just have to tough it out.
I don't understand why people don't do Odin + Chaos Devil Dragon leaders for Hades. Odin's aren't that rare on a friends list if you need one.
The only hard part is killing that first ballisk in time before they start grinding you down.
No luck at all. With an orb change each monster of that colour will deal 30-50k damage. Unless you're very unlucky he should die in 3-4 rounds. With an Echidna it's virtually impossible to fail.Not a chance. Attack of 66,666. Need to do resolve or resist+odin. Unless you are confident you can do a 70k combo, which would require an INSANE amount of luck.
This game sometimes...
I've been farming Ocean Expert a lot to max skill a second siren (only two skillups in 20+ tries) and hoping for a second Mystic blue. I had this scenario happen last night.
Flat multiple of that monster's attack stat, and bypasses defense. I think Lilith/Neptune is 1x and Sea Deity Neptune is 5x.What is the damage calculation behind poison?
ATK of the monster using it x 1.What is the damage calculation behind poison?
No luck at all. With an orb change each monster of that colour will deal 30-50k damage. Unless you're very unlucky he should die in 3-4 rounds. With an Echidna it's virtually impossible to fail.
With a high lvl ammy it will work but with only one ADK and a lot of green your damage will be crap so you're better off just using a normal healer+resist with non-green monsters. For any dungeon that isn't red you should replace the blue dragon with something green or dark, preferably ADK/CDK.Here's an ADK team I put together:
I left red out because the ADK turns red into green. I left yellow out because the CDK turns yellow into black. I typically run this with a second ADK from a friend, though that composition can't handle the red skydragon dungeon boss, probably because there is too much green. I am thinking of trying it with a healer friend instead; it won't be as fast but it should work. Any suggestions?
With a high lvl ammy it will work but with only one ADK and a lot of green your damage will be crap so you're better off just using a normal healer+resist with non-green monsters. For any dungeon that isn't red you should replace the blue dragon with something green or dark, preferably ADK/CDK.
I ranked up soo much while farming Oceanus Falls and Ocean of Heaven for a Siren. I'm on day 34 and rank 107, with 0 stones spent on stamina. It's really nice to be able to use a mech or multiple rainbows, and to have enough stam to sleep and go to work without maxing out and wasting any.
What team did you use to get to Oceanus Falls? I am stuck at Hades on Tomb of the Saint - Expert.
In most cases yes. Rippers often don't have time to charge up before the dungeon is over. Personally I would replace the CDD, since you only have one dark orb switcher dark monsters are a little less valuable on your team than green ones, unless it's a red or light dungeon obviously.Switched out the blue ripper for the black mech dragon. I do have a 2nd ADK - would that be a better choice than the green ripper?
I used a green/dark ADK team for almost everything. It can handle Hades if you have decent combo skills, safer with an Echidna. Though dark resist + Odin or healer + Odin might be safer for that specific dungeon.What team did you use to get to Oceanus Falls? I am stuck at Hades on Tomb of the Saint - Expert.
What are the chances I could actually make it through ToSE Hades with the following team?
Moogle & Carbuncle (it's a Light/Light healer)
4* Echidna
4* Verche
Gvalk friend