
Developer: Digital Extremes
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Price: Free to Play
Genre: Third Person Shooter, Loot-based.
# of Players: Up to 4 player squads.
Warframe is a Free-To-Play, third person, sci-fi shooter. Since its launch in March 2013, the game has been under continuous development, with 20 major content updates and numerous smaller updates since release. All free.
Warframe is a third person, objective-based, loot driven shooter. Players collect materials and weapon upgrades (called "Mods") as they complete missions and progress through a map of the solar system. Players may harness the powers of their Warframe and weapons in order to clear hordes of enemies in the PvE maps, or against each other in the specialized PvP mode. Players also have access to public spaces known as Relays where they may interact with each other, trade, or practice their skills.
Warframe's Mod system allows for players to customize the various aspects of their equipment, which comes with 8-10 slots for the card-like mods that can be upgraded as the player progresses through the game. Character mods include things like enhanced health, damage resistances, and ability modifications. Weapon mods are typically focused on damage types, but can also include silent firing, magazine changes, and unique effects during battle.
Where to Get!:
Warframe Steam Page
Please note: The Steam version is required if you want access to Steam Workshop community created content, also known as Tennogen. These are purely cosmetic additions and have no impact on gameplay.
Useful Links:
Warframe Forums.
Warframe Steam Community.
Warframe Wiki. This is an extremely useful, detailed, and well maintained wiki, and is even used by the developers for quickly referencing details.
r/Warframe's Exhaustive Beginner Guide. Also good for returning players.
DapperMuffin's Warframe Handbook (Google Docs). Covers everything you'll need to know, top to bottom. Reading the introduction is recommended for new players.
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Playing on the PS4 and looking for a clan invite? Head over to the PS4 OT!
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