I love David Poland's DP/30 interviews; they're very laid back. In addition to the Hanna one,
she and Neil Jordan did one together at TIFF last year (where Byzantium premiered), and David also first interviewed her
a few years prior, after her Oscar nomination for Atonement. (It's
ridiculous that she didn't get another nom for The Lovely Bones.)
Paging Mr JaseC, paging Mr JaseC...
I seriously thought he would be the one to open this thread lol. Damn it, his username eludes me at the moment, I remember he often frequents the Steam OT threads.
Keeps a whole folder of her pictures to use as avatars, if I recall correctly.
You do.
EDIT:- Found
him! JaseC, get your rear in this thread now, lol.
Jase will enjoy this thread
Not the thread starter I thought it would be.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider making a thread on the odd occasion, but I settled on letting it happen organically.
She turned down a role in The Hobbit films for that....smh
The Hobbit would have been a supporting role and turning it down ultimately allowed her to take a bunch of starring roles instead. The Host wasn't quite the quick ticket to mainstream recognition many had expected it to be, but there's a second opportunity waiting if Whedon does the right thing and casts her as Scarlet Witch in The Avengers 2.
And, for the record, while I did see The Host, I didn't particularly like it.

I had hopes that, despite the Meyer source material, we'd see glimpses of Gattaca-era Niccol in how he approached the film's sci-fi elements, but, christ, what a phoned-in mess. He accepted the project assuming it'd be an easy way to make a quick buck and it shows.