This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
No Halo at launch. So buy a PS4 first. Wait for price-dropped Xbone and new Halo. And Sell PS4?