“Heterosexual Pride Day” Is Stupid and Everyone Is Dragging It

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Because we can't have nice things, ”#HetersexualPrideDay" is currently the top trending topic on Twitter.

Thankfully, when you take the time to scroll through the tag, most tweets are there to lambast the concept and explain why heterosexuals don't need a Pride day. If you're heterosexual and proud of it, go you, but no one is trying to take that pride away from you. No one is trying to convert you, jail you, ban you from activities like marriage to the person of your choice. You are not estranged from your family because of your heterosexuality. You did not have to come out to anyone because your identity is considered the norm.

As the assumed ”default" sexuality and accepted worldwide, heterosexuals haven't struggled against hatred, fear, violence, and repression because of their sexuality. Every day is goddamned heterosexual pride day. Let the LBGTQIA community have June as Pride Month, which was hard-fought for. Let them have this one month. Expressing pride in you non-heterosexual sexuality can still be a death sentence in many places today around the world. STFU with Heterosexual Pride Day.

I'm reminded of people who yell about All Lives Matter, incapable of getting the point that all lives are not treated equally in this country. I'm reminded of the men who just could not handle the concept of a handful of women-only Wonder Woman screenings, who didn't feel it appropriate or ”fair" that females could dare choose to celebrate the first female-led superhero movie without them. For the love of God, people in positions of power and privilege, just let others have the things that, for ONCE, are not about you. It's not about excluding you. It's about calling attention to groups that are historically and still marginalized. Learn the difference.

Oh by god the only good thing about that is how many people are laughing at the concept of the majority once again trying to make themselves the victims. A reminder, nobody said "All lives matter," until black people said that black lives do. Same applies here.
"IF I CAN'T BE MORE IMPORTANT THEN YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE IT" - the straight white dudes who probably started this nonsense.


This is the second year running that people have taken this bait *Eye roll*

They don't realise that they are the ones making it trend by complaining about it. That's the whole joke of the troll.


The best part is the right wingers realising it backfired and switching into "LOL WE WERE JUST TROLLING YOU LOL TRIGGERED" defence mode.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Most of the tweets in that tag are shitting on the tag, FYI.

But yeah. It's a fucking stupid tag.
Hence the thread title and article in the OP. Which is a celebration of that fact. However it's still terrible that that had to happen in the first place.
This is the second year running that people have taken this bait *Eye roll*

They don't realise that they are the ones making it trend by complaining about it. That's the whole joke of the troll.

This whole notion of "trolling" being validated if you give it attention is dumb.

A stupid idea exists to be called out. It's not complicated.
*Eye roll*

They don't realise that they are the ones making it trend by complaining about it. That's the whole joke of the troll.

The best part is the right wingers realising it backfired and switching into "LOL WE WERE JUST TROLLING YOU LOL TRIGGERED" defence mode.

These hitting in the same minute is pretty good.

Also it appears Notch is eating a giant trough of shit over this, too.


I assume this was made by either trolls or people comically missing the point/undermining stuff. Then again that's what I used to think about men's rights activists until I realized that they might be serious.


This is the second year running that people have taken this bait *Eye roll*

They don't realise that they are the ones making it trend by complaining about it. That's the whole joke of the troll.

hope you realized it's a position of privilege to be able to not care about it

who cares if its a comparatively small sect of the majority that acts like total trashheaps? they still have plenty of numbers to match up against the minority that is directly attacked by it. if you dont care then dont walk into the conversation, all you're doing is showing how the apathetic majority enables shitheads to exist by being too "above it all" to care, while minorities suffer all of the indignities and are apparently not allowed to be upset or fight back because people like you have decided it doesnt matter

you know that not all of them are "trolling" as if that is even a noteworthy distinction. plenty of them believe it and are actively making the lives of the minority shittier
It's a troll. It was done last year too (To the same responses).

Sadly, there are peole (Like some above) who fall for it.

What's the difference between an attempt at "trolling" somebody and an earnest belief?

The end goal is the same thing. To deride and belittle gay people.


I enjoy being heterosexual, but am too busy fucking all the people Notch imagines while he's masturbating to attend a parade.


contribute something
like clockwork, Notch had a Very Good Take on this subject


he's since deleted the tweet, because he's a fucking coward


This is the second year running that people have taken this bait *Eye roll*

They don't realise that they are the ones making it trend by complaining about it. That's the whole joke of the troll.
All Lives Matter is a serious thing that actually happened as a genuine response. Trolling and Irony are just excuses people hide behind now.
It's funny any pushback/arguments I see towards women and gays as groups to empower themselves, is damn near the same pushback/arguments I saw towards Blacks decades ago that unfortunately still occur today.
It's funny any pushback/arguments I see towards women and gays as groups to empower themselves, is damn near the same arguments I saw towards Blacks decades ago that unfortunately still occur today.

I had an image macro I made like 3 hard drives ago that was "interracial or same sex marriage" where it was a list of quotes against both that you could sync up damn near perfectly.


I'm gay and I don't give a shit.

The entire hashtag is just to get a rise out of people. I find it sadder that people take the bait.

congratulations on not caring about all the rest of the gay community that is affected by it, you must be a really nice person
"Trolling" has never really made sense to me anyway, at least not this kind, if it even really is one.

Engaging a shit belief generated by shit beliefs doesn't magically make those beliefs valid or grant them validity.

Ignoring people saying stupid shit because they're "trolling" and not "really meaning it" is dumb, because it has the ssame effect whether they mean it earnestly or not.


Good trolling gets people to act stupid.

If the only one acting stupid is the troll, then it's not good trolling.
like clockwork, Notch had a Very Good Take on this subject


he's since deleted the tweet, because he's a fucking coward

The fact that that dude has more than a billion dollars genuinely pisses me off to no end. He couldn't pour piss out of a boot if it had instructions on the heel.
Even if it is a "troll" it further exposes assholes like Notch and let's people know who is a shit person

I agree wholeheartedly.

We're way beyond the days where "lol you fed the troll" is a viable response. Ignoring, dismissing, or attempting to minimize the importance of combating that noise doesn't work. It never did.

It's a troll in the White House, and trolls that elected him

A lot of us were too busy pretending that not addressing them earnestly and directly would make them disappear.

It's a lot better that people take the time to respond loudly and forcefully to this horseshit regardless its sincerity in hate.
In the notch twitter thread there was a guy unironically calling for All Sexualities Pride Day, and you were homophobic if you only supported gay pride. Oh and that straight people are harassed so there should be a straght pride day. His evidence of harassment? Notch getting shit on for saying we need a straight pride day.

Just all form your own country in the middle of nowhere somewhere thanks


Here's the skinny

You ignore the hashtag, it floods twitter with tweets supporting it and they paint it as them "winning" and "taking back their pride" which only leads to more hateful tweets

You react to the hashtag, you flood out the shitty ones with ones mocking it, making sure those tweets get popular instead of the initial tweets. They switch to "just trolling!" mode and act like they "won" by "baiting" them into tweeting

It's a lose lose of goalpost moving, but one is still better than the other.


Fail out bailed
It's a troll. It was done last year too (To the same responses).

Sadly, there are people (Like some above) who fall for it.
We should remember that trolling isn't actually a thing and has no beneficial outcome. No reason not to make fun of it.
The fallacy at the center of almost all trolling is the notion that caring about other people is corny, and being corny is somehow an unforgivable sin.

Trolling doesn't really work once you get past being wrongfully ashamed of your own sense of empathy.
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