“Heterosexual Pride Day” Is Stupid and Everyone Is Dragging It


there's women's history month, why not men's history month???

explain that liberals

There's a women history month?
e: fuck there IS!
I knew about the woman's right day because of course but this one I'm glad exists.
For dumb people like me : it's March.
The fallacy at the center of almost all trolling is the notion that caring about other people is corny, and being corny is somehow an unforgivable sin.

Trolling doesn't really work once you get past being wrongfully ashamed of your own sense of empathy.

I mean that's really it. Trolling is simply attempting to shame people for having empathy and engaging people who they perceive to have shitty views but, really are just "doing it for a laugh" (though really the difference between the two is negligible at best).

And I like to think we haven't demonized empathy so much that we've made it laughable.
I'm not talking about that. This is about the fact that this would not be trending if it wasn't for the outrage. Thats. The. Whole. Point.

The #Niggernavy trended for a hot minute.

It's trending because it's being mocked. I'm looking at twitter (something I don't do) right now and all the top trending tweets about this are fucking jokes at it's expense.

Edit: And some idiots on the "Other side" who are actually taking the joke seriously too.


I'm not talking about that. This is about the fact that this would not be trending if it wasn't for the outrage. Thats. The. Whole. Point.
You do realise people who do this stuff tend to get bot accounts to rapidly post hashtags so they'll get traction quickly and rise to prominence. I highly doubt that the outrage is what made the hashtag popular in the first place.


I'm not talking about that. This is about the fact that this would not be trending if it wasn't for the outrage. Thats. The. Whole. Point.
NiggerNavy trended because Black Twitter got jokes off bout that shit

Things trend sometimes when folks pop jokes off

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
"Everyone is dragging it"?
I expected something different...
It's less "outrage" and more people making fun of the concept coupled with the intense stupidity that is people genuinely thinking it should be a thing.


Same month, Same story, these same people also yet again massively thumbed down the pride video YouTube uploaded this year just as they did last year.
Together with the horribly bigoted comments.


I mean that's really it. Trolling is simply attempting to shame people for having empathy and engaging people who they perceive to have shitty views but, really are just "doing it for a laugh" (though really the difference between the two is negligible at best).

And I like to think we haven't demonized empathy so much that we've made it laughable.
I think actual funny trolling exists.

It's when someone manages to get people riled up over silly things, like what the best Transformers series is or whether Marvel or DC are better. The key is that the troll is not mocking empathy so much as obsession.

Good trolling is annoying but you can laugh over it later.
Even if this hashtag was made just to "troll" people it doesn't negate the fact that there are people who legitimately believe in a "heterosexual pride month/day". Let them know they're stupid as fuck for believing it should exist.
The key is that the troll is not mocking empathy so much as obsession.

I agree, in that it comes down to the importance of the subject at hand.

Trolling people over equal rights? pretty shitty
Trolling people over Persona backstory? Probably okay.

Making a joke of someone's level of obsession makes sense when that obsession is focused on something relatively lightweight (gaming, film, $30 italian meals, etc.) - I can see it, sure.

Making a joke out of someone's inherent belief in someone's right to just fuckin' live? Doesn't play.

And again, in most of those instances, the point of the joke is to teach the trolled a "lesson" about the dangers of being caught giving a shit in public, which is apparently one of the biggest crimes against the internet you could ever commit.


Even if this hashtag was made just to "troll" people it doesn't negate the fact that there are people who legitimately believe in a "heterosexual pride month/day". Let them know they're stupid as fuck for believing it should exist.

Yeah there's quite a few people I've met that think that way. It's the same camp that shouts "all lives matter" and doesn't believe discrimination exists.
If people truly want a Heterosexual Pride Day then they better also get all the fears of rejection, pain, discrimination, and death for being who they are.

Pride is about celebrating the right to exist not to celebrate equality, because we sure aren't at the equality stage yet.
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