The reasoning in the article is not good, but I’d like to make a side comment:
You know I had an interesting thought when reading the posts in this thread. Anime fans will sometimes be okay with a bad arc or 2(or long filler) of a series because of their love for the anime itself.
Not many people really question this, for the most part, because they know content exists or will exist soon where the quality of the property is possible to improve again. Either that or they’re in too deep and just want to see things to their end, even when they know the animators or writer(s) are being stretched too thin for time and worked to death to produce literally anything of substance. You end up with a crowd of people who consider certain anime top 10 material on certain lists, even though some of those anime with a ton of episodes might have up to or over half of the content not be good content.
For some reason a lot of today’s Marvel fans, specifically MCU fans, will do almost none of the above, even though the possibility of improvement is there due to the source material being present and the steps Marvel is currently taking to improve quality. In the past when we had a bad run of a few mediocre movies like Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Avengers 2, and Iron Man 3, people were still forgiving because they knew the potential of where the arc(s) can go, based on the source materials.
For some reason in present times however, even when a good or well received Marvel movie or TV series comes out today, people will go right back to thinking Marvel is bad. There’s a high percent chance it’s also going to happen right after Deadpool 3 as well. I just find this fascinating because one would think that Marvel MCU fans would at least hold out hope during their own bad arcs much like anime fans would hold out hope for their favorite series going through a bad arc, but instead the majority opinion is one of ‘wanting to hate/abandon’ everything MCU.