not impressedAnd to think the most difficult tasks of his career was menu screens on Jak X: Combat Racing ...
But later wanted to be moved to game design but was refused a position because he lacked experience.
Only to later be put on the game design team of Uncharted because they had to meet a deadline and it would give him the experience he wanted to further his career
He later due to his positive relationship with Amy Hennig requested to work alongside her to gain experience in writing on Uncharted 2.
Although he was put in charge of Game Design the majority of it was spent with Hennig
Showing promises he was put on another project to continue his experience with Bruce Straley, but this time be credited as Co-writer while production of Uncharted 3 began.
That project was The Last of Us.
What the lead creators at Naughty Dog didn't realise when naming the title was they where referring to themselves.
By Uncharted 4 Neil wasn't the young intern wanting to learn but the one going against Amy Hennig and later Bruce Straley.
And then finally being Studio President by elimination of other core members.
Truly a Gaming God.

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