Well, you have a golden dong. That is a passport to all things good in life. I'm not even gay, and I am jealous. Beats my white/pink dong any day of the week and they let me in here.Welcome to all new members!
Does GAF still have a “trial period” where you can’t create a OT until you pass X numbers of posts without any moderation?
I remember when I joined (9 years ago LMAO) I was nervous as fuck knowing that anything too stupid I said could kill my chances of becoming a “real” member.
Rise and shine, you little newbies. Rise and... shine. Not that I... wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest... and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has... come.
The right plebs in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, you little newbies. Wake up and... smell the ashes...
Same phenomenon with any public forum and even social media. The vast majority of people browse silently, perhaps finding value/entertainment in the discussion, and occasionally shoot a reaction to a post. That’s how I am. I’m on GAF every day but rarely post in comparison.strange how typically you only see the same 50 or 60 people posting though
What's better: 60 different thoughts, or 200 agreements with one approved message?strange how typically you only see the same 50 or 60 people posting though
strange how typically you only see the same 50 or 60 people posting though
Yes, 50 posts and one month of affiliation.Does GAF still have a “trial period” where you can’t create a OT until you pass X numbers of posts without any moderation?
hello,i got banned on the other forum for saying i wanted to play hogwarts legacy
Welcome! And you all now can talk about hogwards legacy!! Think about that!
But no safe space shit around here ! So be prepared
Hi, thank you for accepting my account request. I am new here, I used to be in Resetera but everytime I expressed my opinion I was banned by these guys, I am done with that forum. Hopefully here I will feel like home
Sure sounds like this is a safe space for us Hogwarts bros.
ThisIsBait.gifIn all seriousness, welcome newcomers and old friends. It really is better to be here than any other gaming forum.
Few things to keep in mind. You can only post a new thread about Phil Spencer if he’s done something great, like a new interview, seen drinking a cup of coffee, posts on Twitter about being one of the people, etc. Basically, post as many threads about Phil Spencer as you like. Everyone here loves him. He was voted best gaming CEO for a reason.
Second, you are free to diss on VR as much as possible, but onlyEddie-Griffin can make the threads about its doom. You can post infinitely in them though.
Third, you are allowed to talk about Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Cyberpunk or just about any game that’s made by people that hate trans people. As a bonus, NeoGAF will also look the other way if you are posting or viewing this site on a smart device that was made by slaves, children forced into work or really bad people. NeoGAF understands the world is a bad place and bad people are everywhere. I mean, when was the last time you looked into a mirror?
hi, dont get banned
Welcome to the last place in the internet were you can discuss Hogwarts legacy without getting death threats.
17 years in and couldn‘t care less about avatars but I agreeHey new members.
don't forget the avatars/
I genuinely think, and this is saying something, that banning the discussion of HogWarts on that forum is the dumbest thing they’ve ever done in terms of turning people away from the forum forever. They even banned people trying to buy/sell it in the BST thread, with no warning.hello,i got banned on the other forum for saying i wanted to play hogwarts legacy
Don't forget the hentai!And please respect our foruns tradition... if you are going to have a melt down and kill you account, do it publicly, in a thread with lots of drama so we can farm for gold tickets
Ah man.(also rip TintoConCasera, your presence on the forum was appreciated very much by me)
Everything is normal here, I promise.