...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
go play bf4. its a good coping mechanism. just ask smokey.
Waiting for the PS4 version instead. Got my Killzone and DS4 on hand already.
go play bf4. its a good coping mechanism. just ask smokey.
Bargnani: 23 minutes, 6 points, 2 boards, 1 turnover
Bargnani: 23 minutes, 2 boards
Bargnani: 2 boards
Lakers are getting a top 5 pick. Deal with it, NBA-age.
New York should let Carmelo walk. He'll never win anything.
I am doing nothing but watching harden on defense. Everybody should just screen him to death.
MKG is a damn defensive savant. That is all.
Lopez: 25 minutes, 27 points, 7 boards, 2 assists, 2 steals, 1 block
New York should let Carmelo walk. He'll never win anything.
What is NYK doing?
Melo chucking probably doesn't help either huh
Who did the capable players post?
So how quickly does Woodson get fired and Shump traded for some 40 year old veteran?
Look at this team fucking teasing like this. Just end the fans' misery already.
So how quickly does Woodson get fired and Shump traded for some 40 year old veteran?
Look at this team fucking teasing like this. Just end the fans' misery already.
Ugh Mavs aren't hitting shots now.
You see how Henderson did that Shump? dammit...
Gotta hit a quick 2, fuck the 3.
"35 wins."
Lol, I was gonna post this. Don't forget the part where Dolan adds Hard Jr to make sure the trade goes through in place of a draft pick.
The coaching staff needs to be restructured from the ground up. The entire team is on the floor clustered up like a bunch of fucks.
Uhh...what game are you watching? They've led the Heat from the tip. They're up by 8 right now.
Maybe things will be more stable when JR comes back
What pisses me off now is that when the Knicks lose now, it will be because Shump missed that one FT and not because they were bootysweat the entire fucking night.
Dolan is a fucking cunt so you know he will. Bargs future.
I think Woodson is the best thing going for this team. Who else can replace him? Who the hell willingly wants this job?