Psychological Intellect
yea Nick Young isn't gonna be in the league much longer
lol deandre just made a turnaround fade
lol deandre just made a turnaround fade
Now that the actual season is coming I wanted to post the best gif from last year..... A few post already deserve it but let's start fresh.
If he'd done that when Kobe and Dwight were playing...
1) they may have won more games.
2) Dwight might have stayed.
Maybe not.
Idk stern might be gone and silvers might want to continue this parity thing least for a little while. Imagine if a team like the kings got Wiggins.... Or the magic.....
Clippers look terrible all things considered. Lol lakers leading
:jncSweep the fucking leg Clips, you fucking dicks.
i dont know what's happening,
the lakers are good
the clippers are overrated
i dont know what's happening,
the lakers are good
the clippers are overrated
What if it is both?
Blake still cant shoot ft's?
Blake still cant shoot ft's?
Blake still can't shoot period
Blake still can't shoot period
that blonde in the white T. right of coach doc.
that blonde in the white T. right of coach doc.
these lakers
kaep/moris tell me how to feel about this development
these lakers
kaep/moris tell me how to feel about this development