holy shit, lol like a boss...
I gotta get round to playing shadow fall again
Saying goodbye to the Year of the Bow.
Is there gaffers game video thread?
SNOW is awesome
Fuck, thought that was the PC version... damn that looks nice.
What makes you think it isn't the PC version?
What makes you think it isn't the PC version?
One of the main reasons I asked him to post it in this thread was because I knew you'd be stoked by it.
I doubt he/she is lying...
There is also the dpad selector at the bottom and "O to reload" at the right.
Thought I remembered him saying it was the Console one.
Actually the Post is titles PS4...
I doubt he/she is lying...
Good catch, and the "Battlelog" button is the giant touchpad on the DS4.
What do I need for VirtualDub to run mp4 files? I downloaded some codec thing, but VirtualDub just crashes when I load the video.
Nothing works unfortunately ;\
I guess I'll stick to avidemux, Jasc, and Gifcam.