Nowhere near as fun as 3. Just seemed like a rushed job this game. Yeah it had refinements in certain areas but was just a total cash in of the formula that made 3 work so well. Terrible, terrible story. Even less character development than 3 and just really trying too hard to be cool like Blood Dragon, side missions.
But in terms of the PS4 port/version. Very impressive. I played 3 at max settings on PC and other than the expected resolution/AA on PC, this game shows the sort of power you get out of these (relatively) cheap consoles. Looks great, runs great and no graphic issues at all. Even with my (still quite beastly) PC, I'm preferring the ease of just chucking in a disc, getting (for the most part) great visuals and performance and not worrying about settings or compatibility with this gen of console games.
PS4,Driveclub photo mode.
I didn't know you had this game. Nice shots.
Thanks for the clarification.Multiple screenshots combined to make 1 larger screenshot.
That was such a good game. Amazing music too
Ooooh, I love how spooky that last shot looks, I should give this game a go
the whole game is spooky. You should hear the music in some levels. Really awesome and freaky. Currently one of my favourite soundtracks in a game ever really.
Seriously, of all the indie games ive ever played, this and Outlast feel the most 'AAA' in production values because of the Music and atmosphere.
My Vette.
A couple of my competition's cars.
Still looks fantastic, love the motion blur in those, look quite realistic.
Great pics Shandy!
How the hell did you manage to do that? I thought after you killed
That was such a good game. Amazing music too
I nearly picked this up yesterday but read a review that it was boring?
You don't agree with that by the looks of things.
Good shots, mate. The game looks pretty damn nice there.
How the hell did you manage to do that? I thought after you killed, she would be at the Grand Cathedral? I'm confused.Rom
Yeah they look really great. You should stop by the next gen racing graphics thread.The cockpit modelling especially is among the best I've seen. Amazing attention to detail.
Nice shots, that race was great. This will be the first game I buy back when I get another X1, I miss it so much. I need to get me a good wheel too.
I wanna say it probably travels around 70mph but it does rubber band a bit to make the race close like most of the other showcase events (racing trains, planes, etc). I've never had problems winning showcases but my wife struggles with them.Great shots. Roughly what speed do you have to be to be faster than that train?
Thanks man.:0
That is gorgeous!
As Kuro-Law mentioned,How the hell did you manage to do that? I thought after you killed, she would be at the Grand Cathedral? I'm confused.Rom
Project Cars - Game-play
Project Cars - Game-play
Looks Good. How is the game?More of the Neon Jellyfish game
Forza Horizon 2 [Photomode]
Project Cars - Game-play