Love the ultrawide support!
You use DPX in most of your Reshade presets, right? They're usually good but I can't help but notice that purple tint on every single one of your shots. If you like it that's fine, to each their own (I'm not badly criticizing the shots themselves). But if you're in fact using DPX and haven't set that tint intentionally, try setting RGB_C to 0.350000,0.350000,0.350000, instead of 0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 (that's the default values which I assume you just left untouched). That'll remove any color filter, the rest of the shader effect will be unchanged. No idea why DPX comes like that by default... It's a pretty strong tint.
100% agree. But sadly until they decide to improve it that´s what I have to live with. Wish it would be more of the MB quality of Horizon 4. That games blur looks simply incredible.The motion blur in that game is terrible, it completely destroyed all your shots that are otherwise really nice.