Very nice - I've got practically the same list. Currently got around 92 mods in total, with most of them focused on visuals. I sill prefer the Nudel version of the Immersive Lighting over version 2.1. Too much fog for my tastes.compilation trigger / merged files are script merges so they are not mods. everything else are mods.
Gameplay tweaks to make the witcher 3 playable in my view are, as the stock value's are dog shit.
- Over 9000 weight, so u can now hoard all your loot now.
- UnlimitedDurability, no longer repair your weapons, absolute worst thing they added into teh game.
- Travel from anywhere, ( does break quests at times as sometimes triggers are outside doors of quest area's where normally walk through, if you teleport quest breaks, nothing to bad tho, had it 5 times but could easily be fixed by reloaded a ealier save. Still massively improves movement in the game to the point u actually don't have to run around like a idiot for countless of hours
- removecamerashakeeffect, no longer wobble camera when u run on horse / gerald or ciri. super annoying in this game.
- Applyoil or whatever its called exactly, automatically loads oil so no longer have to manually do it. which is annoying as hell.
Things i heavily advice to get.
- AMM, basically can make your horse and gerald from the start look like how u want, all cosmetic as no stats will be adjusted. Really good. Instead of looking like a hobbo the entire game, u now look great. same for your horse. U can also disable it by 1 button whenever u want and reload it. its so simple.
- Tweaks, now run everything at 2-3 steps higher then base game settings and far more control over settings in general.
- Textures all of them, huge huge improvement over the base game, honestly with the textures on armor / weapons / faces / enviroment being on par with ac valhalla i would say, it really pushes the game into a new dimension.
- longshadows / true fires, incredible performance demanding basically cuts fps in half in the nights, but god dam it looks so much more better
- immersive lightning 2.1, base game looks like a cartoon, this will push it into a realistic natural color look. but still with colors. Lots lightning mods kill colors entirely. Game looks really good now ( only tested in base game as i am currently playing through the game myself, 94 hours in and just 100% cleared the main game, dlc tommorow )
- Combo blood, far more brutal kill effects blood everywhere but still realistic. Far better then the base game.
- E3 animations, far better then the standard animations. Really pushes the game upwards as the walking/running animation are a bit dated at this point.
- Meadows, more grass far more grass, your game actually now has grass everywhere and more detailed, sadly no DLSS so shimmering does happen unless u blur it a bit with mipmap textures, unless u want to dsr the game.
All with all this makes the game from janky outdated feeling, and outdated overly cartoony looking towards a more modern up to date game.
It looks absolutely amazing pretty much everywhere with those mods.
I'd check out Alternate Alnus Trees and Fall Birches for small, but effective boost in visual variety. Also, if you don't care for the default HUD and Menus then consider Vladimir UI for a beautiful overhaul.