I've spent a bit more than I expected these past several days as I had to push forward an Amazon JP order; plus I've also came across a surprise Gravity Rush Remastered listing at a local retailer that I couldn't miss out on. Anyway, here's all the stuff I've ordered (all physical games).
Gravity Rush Remastered (Switch) - €40 |
They emailed me back earlier in the morning to let me know they fixed the listing on the website so I've managed to snag it. It should be arriving in a couple of days. Can't wait!
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Switch) - €40
Tetris Effect: Connected (Switch) - €28
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Switch) - €27
Cygni All Guns Blazing (PS5) - €30
Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ (Switch) - €50