Without question, black people dominated news coverage this year, but often not for reasons many would celebrate.
As America witnessed the killings of unarmed black people by police, the reality of a broken justice system, the perpetuation of various anti-black stereotypes and racism rearing its head within many major institutions, the country had no choice but to face its racial demons head-on.
And although these issues don't surprise many African-Americans, they still prompted widespread outrage at every level. Thousands more took to social media, even to streets in cities across the country, sending a clear message: Black lives matter.
Here are but a few of the many moments when the country failed its black citizens in 2014.
1. The officer who killed Eric Garner is free despite video evidence.
In July, a New York police officer used an illegal choke hold to apprehend Eric Garner, a married father of six who was accused of illegally selling loose cigarettes. It was recorded on video for America to see as Garner gasped for air, his final words repeated more than a dozen times: "I can't breathe." But on Dec. 3, a Staten Island grand jury voted against an indictment for the officer who killed Garner.
And with that decision, yet another wave of national protests erupted in defiance of law enforcement's treatment of unarmed black people.
2. A white politician "threw gang signs" while posing with black people.
"This is a photo of Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, arm in arm with a man flashing what law enforcement agencies tell us is a known gang sign for a North Side gang," said an anchor for Minneapolis station KSTP. In the incident that would become known to everyone as #Pointergate, reporters and police alike accused Hodges of showing solidarity with a convicted criminal, fearing it would put the public at risk.
All of this because she posed with a constituent while pointing, something people commonly do in photos, especially with celebrities and public figures. The difference here? There's a black guy on one side and he happened to be a campaign volunteer.
3. NBA team executives profited from black players but hated black fans.
Two NBA team owners were disgraced and forced to leave their organizations after private remarks about black fans became public, demonstrating the contempt and racist attitudes they harbor toward black people. L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his girlfriend V. Stiviano in a recorded tape that he didn't want her bringing black people to games, noting that it upset him to see them present. On the other coast, Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson sent emails to staff complaining that they were having trouble attracting season ticket holders because the environment at the games was too black.
Apparently, it's only OK to be black in a basketball stadium if you're there to be the entertainment.
4. Black culture and music kept getting appropriated by white artists.
Rap music found its original roots in the lived experiences and oppression of black people, but the art form has since become universal so much so that many more white artists have picked up the mic. But there's a fine line between appreciating and appropriating a culture different than one's own, let alone taking leadership within that space. But during a year that continued a trend of white people appropriating black music, dance moves and other black cultural staples, it incensed many to read headlines claiming Iggy Azalea "runs hip-hop" and witness Macklemore virtually sweep the rap categories at the 2014 Grammy Awards.
5. No one cared about Ebola until it started affecting white people.
Before this past summer, many Americans considered Ebola a disease that's only a concern for people living on the African continent. But once the United States had its first Ebola case, news outlets, TV stations and everyday people could not stop obsessing over a disease that, while devastating, only spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids. Some concern is understandable, but it's telling that the nonstop news coverage and panic only picked up when Ebola came in close proximity to a predominately white, Western country, as Mic's Sophie Kleeman noted in response to a poignant illustration.
Worse, some mocked people from Africa, even opting to stay away from them, because they feared those individuals could have the virus.
6. 12 Years a Slave won Best Picture and this is how front pages looked:
The film 12 Years a Slave captured the brutality and dehumanization endured by blacks during American slavery, resonating with audiences so much that it won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It was a cinematic feat that made acclaimed director Steve McQueen more of a household name, and called everyone's attention towards diversity in Hollywood, especially as Lupita Nyong'o catapulted into the spotlight. But after the film won top honors, some newspapers created the most offensive headlines about slavery, making a mockery out of an issue that still affects America today.
7. Richard Sherman was called a "thug" for celebrating a Super Bowl win.
Shortly after the Seattle Seahawks won the 2014 Super Bowl, cornerback Richard Sherman gave an explosive interview with NFL sideline reporter Erin Andrews. The outspoken Sherman was on an emotional high, celebrating the victory while pointedly putting his critics in line. That one interview earned Sherman the distinction of being called a "thug" all over social media in the moments and days that followed, illustrating a clear double standard even an educated, professional black athlete can't express himself publicly without it being attached to racial stigma.
As both Sherman and the Daily Beast's Jamelle Bouie highlighted, "thug" has become a new way for many to say "N-word."
(I'm doing to add this as well:
8. Marissa Alexander got three years in prison for firing a warning shot.
Near the time of Trayvon Martin's death and national outcry over whether George Zimmerman would be taken to trial, another story emerged from Florida over the storied "Stand Your Ground" laws. In May 2012, Marissa Alexander was prosecuted and sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot in the presence of her husband a man with a history of domestic abuse who threatened to kill her. Although it resulted in a retrial, she could have faced 60 years if a Florida jury found her guilty. Instead, she accepted a plea deal in November to serve only three years instead.
Whereas Zimmerman got off scot-free for harassing and killing an unarmed black teenager, a woman who fired a warning shot in self defense gets her freedom taken away and hit with a felony.
9. Gap thought an "MLK Day Sale" would be cool to launch.
Quite a few people don't go to work on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday that calls Americans to reflect on racism's legacy and the work of the civil rights movement. But for Gap, it's apparently just another day for people to shop in their stores. The retailer appealed to the masses with an "MLK Day Sale" that totally defeats the purpose of what the observance stands for.
As Colorlines' Aura Bogado wrote, "The company's website and emails to its potential customers do not include one mention of the civil rights movement, racial justice or King himself but do feature several white women, who are promoting 50% off 500 styles from the Gap."
10. People dressed as Ray and Janay Rice for Halloween in blackface.
It was the story that sent shockwaves in the sports world, calling attention to a long history of professional athletes committing domestic abuse. The tragic episode played out for the entire nation to see, as TMZ released camera footage of Ray Rice brutally attacking his wife, Janay, in an elevator and dragging her unconscious body out with him. But during Halloween celebrations, numerous people turned it into a punchline, going even one large step further by dressing as the couple in blackface, a form of entertainment that has historically denigrated black people.
11. A school served stereotypes in a "Black History Month" meal.
It's a common racial stereotype: Black people love fried chicken and watermelon. In February, a California high school played right into the stereotype, announcing a Black History Month-themed menu that included both items, along with a hearty side of cornbread. Administrators for the school eventually apologized, but the damage was already done. In fact, according to government data, black people actually don't care that much for watermelon.
Fried chicken and watermelon aren't racist foods in themselves. But as Arit John wrote for the Atlantic, "The problem stems from the way fried chicken is associated with black people, and the historical baggage that comes with it. The same way blackface recalls minstrel shows, the 'black people love fried chicken' image recalls negative portrayals of black people."
12. Vogue credited JLo and Iggy Azalea for pioneering the "booty trend."
Black women's bodies have long been objectified by mainstream audiences, going as far back as the Hottentot Venus during the late 18th century. That doesn't stop many from celebrating their curves in their own way, as numerous black female artists have done over the years, even before Destiny's Child's 2001 hit "Bootylicious" and Nicki Minaj's 2014 summer smash with "Anaconda."
But in an article for Vogue, the magazine highlighted two non-black women as purveyors of the current "booty trend" in Hollywood: Iggy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez. Although Lopez is a woman of color, many took umbrage with how the feature diminished the cultural contributions of black women, panning the magazine with the hashtag #VogueArticles.
Without question, black people dominated news coverage this year, but often not for reasons many would celebrate.
As America witnessed the killings of unarmed black people by police, the reality of a broken justice system, the perpetuation of various anti-black stereotypes and racism rearing its head within many major institutions, the country had no choice but to face its racial demons head-on.
And although these issues don't surprise many African-Americans, they still prompted widespread outrage at every level. Thousands more took to social media, even to streets in cities across the country, sending a clear message: Black lives matter.
Here are but a few of the many moments when the country failed its black citizens in 2014.
1. The officer who killed Eric Garner is free despite video evidence.

In July, a New York police officer used an illegal choke hold to apprehend Eric Garner, a married father of six who was accused of illegally selling loose cigarettes. It was recorded on video for America to see as Garner gasped for air, his final words repeated more than a dozen times: "I can't breathe." But on Dec. 3, a Staten Island grand jury voted against an indictment for the officer who killed Garner.
And with that decision, yet another wave of national protests erupted in defiance of law enforcement's treatment of unarmed black people.
2. A white politician "threw gang signs" while posing with black people.

"This is a photo of Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, arm in arm with a man flashing what law enforcement agencies tell us is a known gang sign for a North Side gang," said an anchor for Minneapolis station KSTP. In the incident that would become known to everyone as #Pointergate, reporters and police alike accused Hodges of showing solidarity with a convicted criminal, fearing it would put the public at risk.
All of this because she posed with a constituent while pointing, something people commonly do in photos, especially with celebrities and public figures. The difference here? There's a black guy on one side and he happened to be a campaign volunteer.
3. NBA team executives profited from black players but hated black fans.

Two NBA team owners were disgraced and forced to leave their organizations after private remarks about black fans became public, demonstrating the contempt and racist attitudes they harbor toward black people. L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his girlfriend V. Stiviano in a recorded tape that he didn't want her bringing black people to games, noting that it upset him to see them present. On the other coast, Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson sent emails to staff complaining that they were having trouble attracting season ticket holders because the environment at the games was too black.
Apparently, it's only OK to be black in a basketball stadium if you're there to be the entertainment.
4. Black culture and music kept getting appropriated by white artists.

Rap music found its original roots in the lived experiences and oppression of black people, but the art form has since become universal so much so that many more white artists have picked up the mic. But there's a fine line between appreciating and appropriating a culture different than one's own, let alone taking leadership within that space. But during a year that continued a trend of white people appropriating black music, dance moves and other black cultural staples, it incensed many to read headlines claiming Iggy Azalea "runs hip-hop" and witness Macklemore virtually sweep the rap categories at the 2014 Grammy Awards.
5. No one cared about Ebola until it started affecting white people.

Before this past summer, many Americans considered Ebola a disease that's only a concern for people living on the African continent. But once the United States had its first Ebola case, news outlets, TV stations and everyday people could not stop obsessing over a disease that, while devastating, only spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids. Some concern is understandable, but it's telling that the nonstop news coverage and panic only picked up when Ebola came in close proximity to a predominately white, Western country, as Mic's Sophie Kleeman noted in response to a poignant illustration.
Worse, some mocked people from Africa, even opting to stay away from them, because they feared those individuals could have the virus.
6. 12 Years a Slave won Best Picture and this is how front pages looked:

The film 12 Years a Slave captured the brutality and dehumanization endured by blacks during American slavery, resonating with audiences so much that it won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It was a cinematic feat that made acclaimed director Steve McQueen more of a household name, and called everyone's attention towards diversity in Hollywood, especially as Lupita Nyong'o catapulted into the spotlight. But after the film won top honors, some newspapers created the most offensive headlines about slavery, making a mockery out of an issue that still affects America today.

7. Richard Sherman was called a "thug" for celebrating a Super Bowl win.

Shortly after the Seattle Seahawks won the 2014 Super Bowl, cornerback Richard Sherman gave an explosive interview with NFL sideline reporter Erin Andrews. The outspoken Sherman was on an emotional high, celebrating the victory while pointedly putting his critics in line. That one interview earned Sherman the distinction of being called a "thug" all over social media in the moments and days that followed, illustrating a clear double standard even an educated, professional black athlete can't express himself publicly without it being attached to racial stigma.
As both Sherman and the Daily Beast's Jamelle Bouie highlighted, "thug" has become a new way for many to say "N-word."
(I'm doing to add this as well:
8. Marissa Alexander got three years in prison for firing a warning shot.

Near the time of Trayvon Martin's death and national outcry over whether George Zimmerman would be taken to trial, another story emerged from Florida over the storied "Stand Your Ground" laws. In May 2012, Marissa Alexander was prosecuted and sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot in the presence of her husband a man with a history of domestic abuse who threatened to kill her. Although it resulted in a retrial, she could have faced 60 years if a Florida jury found her guilty. Instead, she accepted a plea deal in November to serve only three years instead.
Whereas Zimmerman got off scot-free for harassing and killing an unarmed black teenager, a woman who fired a warning shot in self defense gets her freedom taken away and hit with a felony.
9. Gap thought an "MLK Day Sale" would be cool to launch.

Quite a few people don't go to work on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday that calls Americans to reflect on racism's legacy and the work of the civil rights movement. But for Gap, it's apparently just another day for people to shop in their stores. The retailer appealed to the masses with an "MLK Day Sale" that totally defeats the purpose of what the observance stands for.
As Colorlines' Aura Bogado wrote, "The company's website and emails to its potential customers do not include one mention of the civil rights movement, racial justice or King himself but do feature several white women, who are promoting 50% off 500 styles from the Gap."
10. People dressed as Ray and Janay Rice for Halloween in blackface.

It was the story that sent shockwaves in the sports world, calling attention to a long history of professional athletes committing domestic abuse. The tragic episode played out for the entire nation to see, as TMZ released camera footage of Ray Rice brutally attacking his wife, Janay, in an elevator and dragging her unconscious body out with him. But during Halloween celebrations, numerous people turned it into a punchline, going even one large step further by dressing as the couple in blackface, a form of entertainment that has historically denigrated black people.
11. A school served stereotypes in a "Black History Month" meal.

It's a common racial stereotype: Black people love fried chicken and watermelon. In February, a California high school played right into the stereotype, announcing a Black History Month-themed menu that included both items, along with a hearty side of cornbread. Administrators for the school eventually apologized, but the damage was already done. In fact, according to government data, black people actually don't care that much for watermelon.
Fried chicken and watermelon aren't racist foods in themselves. But as Arit John wrote for the Atlantic, "The problem stems from the way fried chicken is associated with black people, and the historical baggage that comes with it. The same way blackface recalls minstrel shows, the 'black people love fried chicken' image recalls negative portrayals of black people."
12. Vogue credited JLo and Iggy Azalea for pioneering the "booty trend."

Black women's bodies have long been objectified by mainstream audiences, going as far back as the Hottentot Venus during the late 18th century. That doesn't stop many from celebrating their curves in their own way, as numerous black female artists have done over the years, even before Destiny's Child's 2001 hit "Bootylicious" and Nicki Minaj's 2014 summer smash with "Anaconda."
But in an article for Vogue, the magazine highlighted two non-black women as purveyors of the current "booty trend" in Hollywood: Iggy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez. Although Lopez is a woman of color, many took umbrage with how the feature diminished the cultural contributions of black women, panning the magazine with the hashtag #VogueArticles.
Viktor T Kerney @wondermann5
Bo Derek, the Golden Girl of Street Style #VogueArticles