We did though. That's empirically true. We didn't win it alone but we'd all be speaking German right now if we didn't get involved.That's what the majority of US citizens actually believe. Which isn't surprising when they've seen hundreds of Hollywood movies about how the USA "won" World War II.
And the USA certainly carried the lions share of the work against Imperial Japan (yes the Soviets helped at the end).We did though. That's empirically true. We didn't win it alone but we'd all be speaking German right now if we didn't get involved.
If it were Christianity CNN would have no problem whatsoever calling it out.Nah, dude. It's pretty much *the* problem.
You don't have to worry about their mental gymnastics if you don't pay any attention to them in the first place (my preferred method).Am in permanent cringe mode over every commentator's strident denunciation of this situation - while at the same time making sure that they don't actually ever mention the problem: religion. The mental gymnastics on display not to offend anyone must be hell on their backbones.
Come on man. Let's not get nuked for opinions. Right or wrong.....If it were Christianity CNN would have no problem whatsoever calling it out.
No one could have seen this coming.
Similar thing happened when the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in the 80s.What a Mad Lad.
God speed Miles of Arabia
Heard on the radio that the Taliban have Drones now GGgreat way to arm your enemies
If you're talking about stringers. Yeah US did that. If you're talking about new tech....then look towards Pakistan.What a Mad Lad.
God speed Miles of Arabia
Heard on the radio that the Taliban have Drones now GGgreat way to arm your enemies
This looks like Hollywood movies where a bunch of farmers are traided for some warriors in order to save thier town from an evil army...
It seem does not works in real life.
Similar thing happened when the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in the 80s.
They left behind millions of pieces of equipment including guns, trucks, etc. It's what terrorists have used to arm themselves for decades.
I can only imagine the goodies America left behind for the fucks this time. It makes me sick to think about.
If you're talking about stringers. Yeah US did that. If you're talking about new tech....then look towards Pakistan.
The more you know.
Secularism cannot mitigate secular religions like Communism.The problem is that backwards religious belief leads to this kind of thing. Now, I'm of course not suggesting that all religious people are like these head chopping lunatics, but the basis for their lunacy does indeed come from their holy book, in the same way Christian lunacy comes from the bible. The Taliban's cause is 100% shaped by their religious belief. Ergo, the reason this is all happening the way it is, is because of religion. Could The Taliban have formed around a secular ideology? Possibly. Would it have resulted in the direct subjugation of an entire gender, and a march across the country completely unopposed? Doubtful.
I guess the question isn’t so much what we already spent. It’s what it would’ve cost to prevent this complete debacle. I’m not sure I know the answer, but this is about the worst possible outcome.
Well this thread got awfully political. Jesus.
all anyone has to do is turn on TV to see that we are a befuddled people right now. Its a bad look? Sorry but I am not a paid PR rep and I doubt anybody as much interest in my opinion in all honestly. The last 20 years in the ME has been a cluster fuck and it doesnt take someone reading my opinion on GAF to come to this conclusion.My answer would be stir the pot in their home and not ours. Right or wrong that's what was decided kiddo. Blaming here makes our country and us people look befuddled. It's a bad look. Just so you know.
And not a Spock in sight to give a solution.A real life kobayashi maru.
Secularism cannot mitigate secular religions like Communism.
There is no safe ground.
So regarding the situation there it seems strange to me all these people are fleeing afganisthan, falling from plane and escaping from taliban
this are the table of country who support the rule implemented by taliban
As you can see over 99% afganisthan citizen actually support it
I know this is old ( from 2012) but i dont think statistic like this will change drasticly over a short period of time
So whats with the change of attitude
Well, Joe Biden just said the goal was to end Alqeda not stablish a democracy in afganistan, at least he is honest....
I guess we can talk about politics again?
Are you seriously equating NeoGAF with the fucking Taliban?Oh the irony, seeing people trying to suppress discussion with preemptive obedience in a thread about an extremist group who can't tolerate even slightly different opinion to their dogma...
If it takes a trillion to start a war and take all that equipment there it would take an equal amount to get it backI havent followed much other than I know Taliban is taking back over but did we seriously just LEAVE everything behind? like what the fuck