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A Game and/or Game Boss You're Proud of Completing

Queen Valkyrie on give me God of war mode in GoW 2018. I really don't think there is even a close second after that. But if I had to choice another option, it would be nameless king in DS3. Hardest boss for me in all souls game

Kings Field

Beating Demon Of Hatred and Owl father while rocking my son in his carriage with one foot. You’d be surprised how much concentration it takes to do both tasks. I also had the TV on mute so that helped a little.


Beating Switch Sports Tennis consistently at PowerHouse difficulty (frequently 3 to 0 in games won nowadays once I've had a warm up). :)

Winning the league in an eFootball season as the game scales the difficulty either by downing the form of your players and or by scaling by your ability, forcing you to always raise your game to get a run of wins or even a draw sometimes.


Gold Member
Has a kid I remember being proud of beating KH Sephiroth. Took me ages to be that mf.

More recently I would have to go with Genechiro Ashina and Isshin The Sword Saint, both from Sekiro.
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The final challenge in The Witness.

Think I played for like eight hours straight until I finally did it.

I'm so tempted to watch a playthrough for the puzzles in this game. I could waste a hundred hours in this game, easily, and not be anywhere near the end.

You have the patience of a saint if you finished this game.
Dead space 1 on xbox360 on impossible...damn that was intense back in the day.
Heartbeat GIF

I remember cheesing the necromorphs behind walls just so I can get through that difficulty. Or was it Uncharted? I dunno, but Dead Space is one of my most-played games. Probably beat it like 9 times since 2008.


I consider myself an “ok” Soulsborne player but I beat Ornstein & Smough, first encounter on the X360. Hadn’t watched any videos of it or knew it was coming. I lost to previous bosses multiple times up to that point. Thought for sure I was cooked and was on the edge of my seat.


Ori and the Blind Forest

There's a section about half or two thirds thru that has you doing ultra precise platorming to escape a rising tide of thorns (or something like that, its been a while so a little hazy on the exact details).

What I remember is how balls-hard it was. Mega frustrating but very compelling as well. It wasn't trying to be unfair to me, it's just uncompromising. Took me a lot of retries but after banging my head against it for ages I managed to get it done. Pretty proud of that one.

And yes, I'm sure many of you found it easy. But I'm an old man. Get off my lawn.


Back when I first started gaming, a lot of games were super difficult - I’m talking Manic Miner, etc.,back in the Spectrum 48K days. Even later than that, kids games were more difficult than a lot of regular games these days. Tiny Toons on the SNES springs to mind as a game that took me a good while to complete.

I’d say most games nowadays are more a test of patience than a test of skill.
Elden Ring’s Malenia & especially Promised Consort Radahn, that mofo was something else, they even nerfed him.


Some of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.
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This. My god. I lost years of my life taking him down. Easily the hardest (and very unfair, which is not great) From ever designed.

Isshin Sword Saint.

The entire game of Rygar as a 11 year old.
He only had that double slash attack that was broken, but it got patched, the boss is very fair now, but extremely difficult.


Biggest Trails Stan
Baten Kaitos- Holo Holo Bird
Star Ocean 2 Final Boss
Chrono Cross - Miguel
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Final Boss

Xenosaga Episode II - Forgot the Boss name but what made it hard for most people is you had to know the game mechanics to get through that boss

All of the Bosses in Fantasian Neo Dimension Part Two - Grinding does not help at all. You have to have the right equipment/status buffs and even learn their weaknesses. Also sometimes you have to look at thier movements since sometimes they show their weak spot which you can hit

Valkyria Chronicles 4 Final Boss- This one was annoying since you had to shoot the thing in a certain spot that would knock out all the torrents that it got complicated. This one was a pain is all I remember
Beating Dark souls with a level 1 character made me feel badass

Involved lots of pyromancy, since its power doesn't scale off stats. Also red tearstone ring, which increases damage at low health. Since you die quickly at level 1 anyway I just stayed low health all the time.


not tag worthy
Contra 3 final boss on the snes. (Two player) yeah I think we did the extra life cheat Konami code. Or not it was ages ago. Either way sigh of relief once done

Gannon BoTW. More for the fact i usually jump between games and forget to come back to them so i made an effort to skip to one game. So a big deal for me
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Im just gonna say we live in hc gaming bubble sometimes, on last thursday i showed this vid of elden ring, in particular guide of getting best shield in the game, ofc its relatively hard but still i think most of us got it w/o crazy problems altho im sure it wasnt super ez, to my casual gamer friend, he couldnt believe its even possible unless person is some professional streamer :p


Gold Member
1CC Ikaruga, Contra and Super C(ontra).

Beating Sekiro left me with mixed feelings. It took me way too long, and way too many tries on that final boss. I spent literally an entire night to do it, something like 9 or 10 hours straight. I knew if I didn’t do it then, I’d quit the game again.

Oh, and I beat that infamous NES Ninja Turtles game multiple times as a kid. And I did it again a few weeks ago, no savestates. In the last stage I was down to Donatello alone and sweating bullets all the way through, but in the end I made it.


The closest I can think of to an answer is the last boss of Sekiro. That felt like a fair challenge and a culmination of everything you've learned until that point.

Everything other top level challenge I can think of, including pre-patch Radahn, feels more like I had to stop playing a game for fun just to get through it. The veil of entertainment lifts and it's more like a chore. Radahn especially with its lack of decent reward was a bit of a let down.


Wow raiding during BC. Only time I went full nerd.

We cleared SSC, Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau. 21/40 lock.

Illidan is my best gaming boss ever. Just the fucking coolest.
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The closest I can think of to an answer is the last boss of Sekiro. That felt like a fair challenge and a culmination of everything you've learned until that point.

Everything other top level challenge I can think of, including pre-patch Radahn, feels more like I had to stop playing a game for fun just to get through it. The veil of entertainment lifts and it's more like a chore. Radahn especially with its lack of decent reward was a bit of a let down.
Pre-nerf Radahn was nonsense.

It’s a rubbish fight. Looks cool, but it’s rubbish. I’ll defend From against most complaints, but some of their fights are awful and the community spends years trying to convince itself otherwise.
Battletoads: Battlemaniacs.

Honestly, fuck that game!

Shit inflicted endless frustration on my childhood. Fucked over my sense of self-belief (because clearly, if I couldn't beat that game I couldn't call myself a man).

After like two decades when I finally developed the hand eye coordination to master that motherfucker, completing it left me feeling an immense sense of accomplishment (it being two decades in the making) but also feeling a bit hollow.


Pre-nerf Radahn was nonsense.

It’s a rubbish fight. Looks cool, but it’s rubbish. I’ll defend From against most complaints, but some of their fights are awful and the community spends years trying to convince itself otherwise.
Definitely. I'd wager their own programmers wouldn't be able to do it hitless, which should be a internal measuring stick of whether or not something needs scaling back.

I'm curious to know where they will go next with their boss/enemy design. Nameless King inspired roll catching throughout ER, and decided long string attacks (and for some enemies infinite poise) were the way to go. If they're not careful they could easily push things too far - some of ER/SotE's worst bits already toe the line.



Completed 100% on Hard difficulty with Heavy Traffic option.
It's the only way to unlock the filters and alternate camera angles for use during gameplay rather than just for replays.

Note: Timed platforming missions in sewers... in a CAR... will test your resolve like few other things in life.


Beating Master mode in F-Zero X with every vehicle and then beating more than half of the staff ghosts.

I also beat Master in F-Zero GX but i didn't like that game as much so i didn't bother with the staff ghosts on that.


Gold Member
Parrying Orphan of Kos and defeating the Soul of Cinder with Lorian’s Greatsword. Lots of awesome moments over the years. Those are simple things, but they’re what I remember.

Lords of Shadow on Paladin on PS3. That final boss reminded me of Ikaruga. Defeating the final boss in Tactics Ogre Rebirth on my Steam Deck. The amount of planning I did during that fight was a true experience.

RE Village on Village of Shadows difficulty. That one wasn’t hard because I had a super powerful revolver. Lol

AAP07: BALTEUS Pre-patch. Enough said. 😊
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