Lol, this thread is proper example of what a bunch of whiny babies "meat eaters" can be.
Inb4 "spot teh vegan xddd" i do eat meat, mostly.
Inb4 "spot teh vegan xddd" i do eat meat, mostly.
How do you know that someone is a vegan?
He tells you.
I don't eat vegetables and eat as much meat as possible.
Someone has to stand up for the rights of the plants. They are lifeforms too, yet vegans want to slaughter them wholesale just so they can be picky eaters.
Its just the nature of an animal to eat other animals. Cant help it
Yet every time I make this argument to defend rape they just throw me right back in jail.
Ok, but do you know that "vegetarian" is native american for "too dumb too hunt"? :3So classic that someone already made that joke in this very thread. Across GAF, it probably measures in the hundreds. Nice.
I've always wondered something, what are vegan's/non-meat eaters opinion on eating insects? I know some vegans hate eating meat because of how the animals are raised and treated but what if it's meat from an incredibly low life-form?
Most people are able to care about several things at once. Why do you spend money on video games when you could donate to those hungry children?
Ok, but do you know that "vegetarian" is native american for "too dumb too hunt"? :3I had to... I'm sorry.
So do Vegan and Vegetarian groups do as much for other stuff too? Care to share?
And I do donate to hungry children.
So do Vegan and Vegetarian groups do as much for other stuff too? Care to share?
And I do donate to hungry children.
What I don't get is when meat eaters (and I eat meat) get all moralist with which meat they eat. Like I can eat pig, but not dog or horse? Or cat? Why not?
I swear the people that make these jokes are the same people who complain about gays "shoving it down our throats" when they casually mentioning having a same sex SO.
People are people. Not people are not people. Can you actually give me a solid reason for why I should be able to eat cow or pig but not horse? I eat cow and pig. Why the fuck can I not eat horse?
Dogs dont deserve human rights. They aren't human. If I want to breed dogs specifically for food, I don't see why that is immoral.
I know some person who can't think will try to compare this to eating someone's pet, but it isn't similar given that the dogs would be bred for consumption. We could breed extremely stupid but plump and fatty dogs for food.
Pigs are also as smart if not smarter than dogs. So you can't make an intelligence argument with that.
If I ever travel out of the US to some country that serves dog, I fully intend to try some.
No. I draw my own personal line at chimpanzees and other primates. I wouldn't eat a primate.
But dogs and cats? Yes I'll eat them. Horses? You bet. Cows? Mhmm. Pig? Yep. Chicken? Definitely.
I'll eat anything not a primate.
why would anyone abandon meat
Why ground them up? You can just fry some mealworms and they'll get crunchy.This has always been my position. Reduce meat intake instead of trying to convince people to give it up entirely.
But woe anyone who thinks fish is an alternative. There is nowhere near enough fish in the sea to make up the difference.
Almost certainly bugs are the future; bugs and larvae and worms etc. Ground up into a paste what's the problem?
Or maybe lab produced meat! I do see the day when meat consumption falls to a very low part of everyday consumption. But there needs to be a good replacement.
Because they taste bad. Also dogs will soon have human rights, along with great apes, dolphins and A.I.
Not just more judgmental, but, by a landslide, way more pushy of their beliefs. You occasionally encounter the preachy vegan / vegetarian. But if someone finds out you don't eat meat, rest assured, you'll be getting a lecture about "how plants die too" or "where are you getting your protein / iron from" or "omg bacon!"...
Just let people eat what they want.
For all the shit that gets thrown at vegetarians "telling everybody they're vegetarian," let me tell you: you meat eaters are about 100x as loud and fucking obnoxious. Your shit is everywhere, I have to look at it constantly, I have to deal with the jokes constantly.
And trying to criticize vegetarianism as some sort of self-serving enterprise when it is more sustainable, ethical, and healthy, is bizarro-world ironic. Especially since that criticism is coming from people whose diet a) is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and b) is rarely made possible in a humane way that offers any quality of life for the livestock. I honestly feel like the "judgemental vegetarian" trope is really just people's conscious telling them maybe they could be making better choices.
^ This, by the way, is the furthest I have ever gone on trying to convince anyone to consider changing their diet, while meat eaters have been dismissive assholes about mine, constantly. "Oh you're veg? Sucks for you," "how can you stand it?" "can you just make do with a salad and some bread -- I really want to eat here" "lol bacon" or some other generic and nonsensical joke about hippies.
Then there are people who act bewildered but absolutely know why someone would make that choice. "Why are you vegetarian? Ethical reasons, environmental reasons, or health reasons?" Like I have to choose just one of these? At least they're being nice, but their tension and unease is really weird. Like, I don't care. I'm not asking for this conversation to happen.
For all the shit that gets thrown at vegetarians "telling everybody they're vegetarian," let me tell you: you meat eaters are about 100x as loud and fucking obnoxious. Your shit is everywhere, I have to look at it constantly, I have to deal with the jokes constantly.
And trying to criticize vegetarianism as some sort of self-serving enterprise when it is more sustainable, ethical, and healthy, is bizarro-world ironic. Especially since that criticism is coming from people whose diet a) is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and b) is rarely made possible in a humane way that offers any quality of life for the livestock. I honestly feel like the "judgemental vegetarian" trope is really just people's conscious telling them maybe they could be making better choices.
^ This, by the way, is the furthest I have ever gone on trying to convince anyone to consider changing their diet, while meat eaters have been dismissive assholes about mine, constantly. "Oh you're veg? Sucks for you," "how can you stand it?" "can you just make do with a salad and some bread -- I really want to eat here" "lol bacon" or some other generic and nonsensical joke about hippies.
Then there are people who act bewildered but absolutely know why someone would make that choice. "Why are you vegetarian? Ethical reasons, environmental reasons, or health reasons?" Like I have to choose just one of these? At least they're being nice, but their tension and unease is really weird. Like, I don't care. I'm not asking for this conversation to happen.
I'm assuming this are stats for the US?
Would be interesting to see the same stats for Europe, in comparison. I'd say there's a lot more vegan/vegetarian people in the EU, but that's pure speculation.
Being veg is objectively better for you, animals, and the environment, so deal with it. I'm not going to not say things that are true just to avoid making meat eaters feel "defensive." If you can't deal with hearing the reasons people choose to be veg in the first place, maybe you *do* have more of a problem with it than you claim.You wonder why meat eaters are defensive when you trot out shit like this. I've no problem with vegans/vegetarians etc. Eat what you like but don't start telling me your diet is superior to mine.
I'm assuming this are stats for the US?
Would be interesting to see the same stats for Europe, in comparison. I'd say there's a lot more vegan/vegetarian people in the EU, but that's pure speculation.
I am surprised so many people drop out of it. I am a meat lover and cannot survive without daily intake of meat, but I would imagine if I try to commit to something I'd give it my best shot to stick to it. Does that mean that the people just can't live without the taste of meat, because they lack the proteins and nutrition from meat or because of the lack of veggie options?![]()
Eating meat is immoral due to the suffering most farm animals go through.
For all the shit that gets thrown at vegetarians "telling everybody they're vegetarian," let me tell you: you meat eaters are about 100x as loud and fucking obnoxious. Your shit is everywhere, I have to look at it constantly, I have to deal with the jokes constantly.
And trying to criticize vegetarianism as some sort of self-serving enterprise when it is more sustainable, ethical, and healthy, is bizarro-world ironic. Especially since that criticism is coming from people whose diet a) is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and b) is rarely made possible in a humane way that offers any quality of life for the livestock. I honestly feel like the "judgemental vegetarian" trope is really just people's conscious telling them maybe they could be making better choices.
^ This, by the way, is the furthest I have ever gone on trying to convince anyone to consider changing their diet, while meat eaters have been dismissive assholes about mine, constantly. "Oh you're veg? Sucks for you," "how can you stand it?" "can you just make do with a salad and some bread -- I really want to eat here" "lol bacon" or some other generic and nonsensical joke about hippies.
Then there are people who act bewildered but absolutely know why someone would make that choice. "Why are you vegetarian? Ethical reasons, environmental reasons, or health reasons?" Like I have to choose just one of these? At least they're being nice, but their tension and unease is really weird. Like, I don't care. I'm not asking for this conversation to happen.
I don't give two shits about how cattle are treated if they end in my stomach in the end.
Pretty sure I've read the opposite, that too much red meat is linked to several health risks.
Interestingly enough though, I haven't seen rice consumption as an independent predictor of much anything.
For all the shit that gets thrown at vegetarians "telling everybody they're vegetarian," let me tell you: you meat eaters are about 100x as loud and fucking obnoxious. Your shit is everywhere, I have to look at it constantly, I have to deal with the jokes constantly.
And trying to criticize vegetarianism as some sort of self-serving enterprise when it is more sustainable, ethical, and healthy, is bizarro-world ironic. Especially since that criticism is coming from people whose diet a) is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and b) is rarely made possible in a humane way that offers any quality of life for the livestock. I honestly feel like the "judgemental vegetarian" trope is really just people's conscious telling them maybe they could be making better choices.
^ This, by the way, is the furthest I have ever gone on trying to convince anyone to consider changing their diet, while meat eaters have been dismissive assholes about mine, constantly. "Oh you're veg? Sucks for you," "how can you stand it?" "can you just make do with a salad and some bread -- I really want to eat here" "lol bacon" or some other generic and nonsensical joke about hippies.
Then there are people who act bewildered but absolutely know why someone would make that choice. "Why are you vegetarian? Ethical reasons, environmental reasons, or health reasons?" Like I have to choose just one of these? At least they're being nice, but their tension and unease is really weird. Like, I don't care. I'm not asking for this conversation to happen.
Being veg is objectively better for you, animals, and the environment, so deal with it. I'm not going to not say things that are true just to avoid making meat eaters feel "defensive." If you can't deal with hearing the reasons people choose to be veg in the first place, maybe you *do* have more of a problem with it than you claim.
The people I know who have been vegetarian since birth haven't changed. I guess it was just the way they are raised. One of my aunts won't even eat veggie burgers because the idea of something tasting like an animal disturbs her.
I don't give two shits about how cattle are treated if they end in my stomach in the end.
I don't give two shits about how cattle are treated if they end in my stomach in the end.