
I'm gonna be honest: my guess right now is that if AA as a series becomes annualized, alternating between standard AA games and DGS, Capcom USA is only going to localize the mainline games. It would still give them a new AA game every two years, keeps the "safe" market of well-known characters/setting, and avoids the snarls of trying to localize/market the very Japan-heavy DGS.

I hope I'm wrong on that, but I wouldn't be surprised.

That's plausible enough to be incredibly depressing. A fan-translation being the only way to play it in English is starting to seem more and more likely...

Though if something like that ends up going ahead, it might be in Nintendo's best interest to work out an agreement for publishing DGS (and any hypothetical sequels) internationally - the popularity of the series is still fairly consistent despite its current treatment.
Just finished DGS. It's great, but the cases are really easy. Lots of clever twists and you'll feel like a genius when you figure out how to progress, but I also frequently found myself able to guess where the case would be heading in the next five minutes. Animation is lively, music is grand, and the ending credits are so cute! I wonder if they're a reference to
Okami and Ghost Trick
. Holmes is best character. Need more of him. Not much of a fan of the other protagonists though.
Just finished DGS. It's great, but the cases are really easy. Lots of clever twists and you'll feel like a genius when you figure out how to progress, but I also frequently found myself able to guess where the case would be heading in the next five minutes. Animation is lively, music is grand, and the ending credits are so cute! I wonder if they're a reference to
Okami and Ghost Trick
. Holmes is best character. Need more of him. Not much of a fan of the other protagonists though.

It sounds wonderful. I'm jealous :p

I do hope it gets an English localization, but it seems really unlikely now? I haven't been following it closely but at this point I doubt it's gonna happen.


Just finished DGS. It's great, but the cases are really easy. Lots of clever twists and you'll feel like a genius when you figure out how to progress, but I also frequently found myself able to guess where the case would be heading in the next five minutes. Animation is lively, music is grand, and the ending credits are so cute! I wonder if they're a reference to
Okami and Ghost Trick
. Holmes is best character. Need more of him. Not much of a fan of the other protagonists though.

Really? I enjoyed Ryuu and Susato a lot (Iris I could take or leave.)

And re: that (not-much-of-a) spoiler:
they confirmed they took inspiration from Ghost Trick for stuff like the Joint Reasoning segments, and given Takumi and Kamiya's friendship I wouldn't be surprised at an Okami nod.
I just realized that the client of case 4 is
based on a real person. Googling his name and realizing they incorporated that pose of his made me laugh. Speaking of poses, I didn't notice until the credits that the last villain's pose was intended to match the two brothers. That was a nice touch.


Any reason to get the 3DS AA trilogy instead of DS copies of the games? I'd rather play on the DS, but I'll settle for the collection if it's a significantly better experience.
I'm playing through the trilogy right now. I've only finished the first game. All the sprites are prettier, and there's some cool music at the title screen. I imagine it'd also be easier to get all three games in the trilogy than on three separate carts, maybe cheaper too.

I just finished watching the movie. It's completely ridiculous, but I love it. I don't think I can convince anyone to watch it with me other than my one friend who likes Ace Attorney. I don't know if others will be able to appreciate it. I also wish I could find the soundtrack somewhere.


I just finished watching the movie. It's completely ridiculous, but I love it. I don't think I can convince anyone to watch it with me other than my one friend who likes Ace Attorney. I don't know if others will be able to appreciate it. I also wish I could find the soundtrack somewhere.
I would love to buy a copy of the movie but i can't find a localized copy in Amazon.

PAX time! So stoked to bust out this cosplay again :')


I just picked up Dual Destinies cause it was on sale, should I do the DLC case right after case 1, because I've heard it's really good.


I think that the gimmick this go around is gonna be looking for tells in the witness's water reflection.

We might even see "ghosts" of witnesses in the water too, or the "evil spirits".


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Got back to AA5 after a long break. Now at the final case, and wow...

Surprise Pearls appearance! Then Miles! An intriguing case within a case!

And this is all just the investigation part.

Some classic stuff right here. I loved how the
fourth case transitioned into the last. Not to mention that pretty much everything is connected, from Blackquill's history to Athena's.

These last cases have really redeemed the game for me. DLC is also worth it right?

And I loved this:


There was even a King of all Cosmos reference. Localization for these games continues to be great.
Snazzy pencil work Seven Force.

I want to get more pumped for AA6 and it actually getting localised but man I was really looking forward to the Great Ace Attorney so it's like one step forward and one step back with the recent news.
It took me waaaaay too long to get through the Trilogy, but I finally finished it! 3-5 was an incredible case with an insane amount of things going on! There were parts that blew my mind, and other parts that just didn't feed my needs... I mean, I loved it all, but at some points it was just too much to handle all at once.

Overall, 3-5 was definitely one of my top cases so far. It's been a while since I've played the rest of the series, but yeah... These games are awesome! :)

I might take a bit of a break before starting Apollo Justice, though. I've heard mixed comments about the game, but I want to play it for myself first... Plus, I feel like I'd be missing out if I skipped it and went to Dual Destinies.

I wonder where Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney and Investigations should fit into my playthrough timeline... >_> hmmm...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm at the part where
Apollo takes the stand
in the final case of DD. This case is definitely classic trilogy level, love it. I wonder though, did I miss/forget the explanation for Apollo's
eyepatch? I've played this game with breaks in between, I forget if it was ever mentioned how he got it.

The 'Tell the truth' theme for this game is so awesome, too bad it only gets played like 2 or 3 times.

Right now I'd rank the games 3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 4. Still have to play Investigations one day.

It took me waaaaay too long to get through the Trilogy,

I'm always surprised at how long these games are, I think my playtime on 3 was like 30 hours. 5 is nearing that as well, excluding the dlc even.


I wonder though, did I miss/forget the explanation for Apollo's
eyepatch? I've played this game with breaks in between, I forget if it was ever mentioned how he got it.

The game leads the player to assume that Apollo
got the eyepatch due to the courtroom exploding, when he got his injuries protecting Juniper.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Been slow playing the series again since before 6 was announced. Got to the circus case...and I still love it. My only real beef is in the first investigation segment I remember it being very obtuse to get the story moving.
The game leads the player to assume that Apollo
got the eyepatch due to the courtroom exploding, when he got his injuries protecting Juniper.

He has it in Case 4 before the bombing ever occurs though. The real reason is [Dual Destinies Case 5 Spoilers]
because his Perception ability kept acting up around Athena and it pained him to be subliminally suspicious of her, so he bandaged his magic eye to stop the feeling from distracting him whenever he looked at her.


He has it in Case 4 before the bombing ever occurs though. The real reason is [Dual Destinies Case 5 Spoilers]

I avoided that explanation because those are spoilers for a moment he has not reached yet. No reason to elaborate on a point he hasn't seen.

And that doesn't sound right. Apollo had his bandage before the bombing ever occurred? If I recall correctly, case 4 leaked into case 1 which then lead to case 5, so are you misremembering?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I avoided that explanation because those are spoilers for a moment he has not reached yet. No reason to elaborate on a point he hasn't seen.

And that doesn't sound right. Apollo had his bandage before the bombing ever occurred? If I recall correctly, case 4 leaked into case 1 which then lead to case 5, so are you misremembering?

I think you're right.
4+5 leads into 1.

Anyway, I finished the case and even though it was cool until the end, I felt it was kind of a copout how
the killer didn't have a real identity. I thought it was cool that you had to use powers from the magatama, bracelet and Widget to take him down

Maybe I'll start the dlc case right away.
I avoided that explanation because those are spoilers for a moment he has not reached yet. No reason to elaborate on a point he hasn't seen.

And that doesn't sound right. Apollo had his bandage before the bombing ever occurred? If I recall correctly, case 4 leaked into case 1 which then lead to case 5, so are you misremembering?

Nah, he's wearing the eye bandage at the start of the Starbuck trial and then proceeds to receive the arm and torso bandages while protecting Juniper in the bombing.

He looks like this at the outset of Case 4:



Nah, he's wearing the eye bandage at the start of the Starbuck trial and then proceeds to receive the arm and torso bandages while protecting Juniper in the bombing.

He looks like this at the outset of Case 4:


Huh, then I'm the one misremembering; I must have been as weirded out when I saw that, too. I need to play that game again at some point.

And I just realized that they had to have pushed back the Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies art book to late September because of the Ace Attorney 6 reveal. Sly.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I've started the dlc case, it's the good kind of zany so far, I like it.

I'm reading the wiki's of the previous cases and came across this, what happens in Monstrous Turnabout (finale spoiler):

While Jinxie Tenma tends to refer to the people she meets as some sort of yokai, upon meeting Bobby Fulbright for the first time she instead calls him a ghost, to which Fulbright objects that he "is no phantom." This is subtle foreshadowing of the reveal in Turnabout for Tomorrow that not only is the real Fulbright dead (a "ghost"), but also that he has been replaced by the international spy known only as "the phantom" who was responsible for the UR-1 Incident.

that's pretty cool.


The part where
it was a fucking accident and that all that shit would never have happened if he didn't have an obsession with killing that orca. It went something like that, right?
Wait a minute, I thought that part was great! A nice unique concept on a AA case ending.

And yeah, the DLC case is one of my faves in the whole series.
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