Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Takes a 50% Pay Cut, But It's Not as Big a Cut as It Sounds


He got a 200.000.000 $ BONUS after that!
Google says, the average yearly income at Activision is $78,972

So from his BONUS(!!!) they could have employed about 2.532.543 of these "average" income employees for one year or maybe even better those 800 fired employees for 3.165 years (!!! again) each.

#Mathgenius@work :D
So cut the bonus from the guy who saved the company from near bankruptcy, and turned Activision on a publisher powerhouse so you can keep 800 extra people on the payroll...
Who you will immediately fire anyway?

Jason Bateman Cotton GIF


He got a 200.000.000 $ BONUS after that!
Google says, the average yearly income at Activision is $78,972

So from his BONUS(!!!) they could have employed about 2.532.543 of these "average" income employees for one year or maybe even better those 800 fired employees for 3.165 years (!!! again) each.

#Mathgenius@work :D
and an economically illiterate one at that


Hes the reason blizzard is dying.

Who the fuck wants to work there, with a boss like that.

Also have fun trying to get people to pay subs with shit like this.
It's two separate things. He doesn't pick how much he gets paid (though he does accept it). Years ago he agreed to continue to work at Activision for X amount of dollars, Y amount of stock and a bonus based on A, B and/or C. Stock goes up, and certain conditions happen and so he gets the bonus they agreed to but it's a lot higher than most people expected he would ever get. Even major shareholders are pissed about the deal that was made basically saying that a lot of the success was likely exasperated by COVID.-19. They are actively trying to make sure this doesn't happen again. I can see how it can seem like the big boss decided to pay himself $200 million dollars by firing a bunch of people. But he didn't choose to pay himself that much money, that's what he's owed from the company that he made a deal to work for; and the layoffs are due to them backtracking on something they no longer want to do. Similar to Microsoft shutting down their Xbox TV division or Google shutting down their Stadia publishing. Unless staff can be repurposed (which some usually do with these types of ( layoffs), there's no need for them to be employed and it's just unnecessary cost to the company for no purpose.

I think that a lot of the people who got laid of will find work elsewhere. Even though job statistics aren't that great when you look at the aggregates, certain industries/sectors do a lot better than others. Gaming and tech for example has been doing really well and continue to not be affected as other industries/sectors. Even before covid layoffs happen all the time, companies try things, they fail they move on. Or sometimes they hired too inefficiently so they cut down.

Astral Dog

A 50% cut is still a 50%cut,of course he should get money for being the CEO of one of gammings biggest companies. He still has managed COD for years.


I don't think anyone who says "eat the rich" has the creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage to ever start a business, let alone grow it.
You're asking the right question to the wrong person.
I had the 'creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage' to start and grow a business, so what? Bobby Kotick didn't earn that money. No-one can 'earn' that much money.

Get the spit ready, it's filet of Kotick for everyone.
I had the 'creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage' to start and grow a business, so what? Bobby Kotick didn't earn that money. No-one can 'earn' that much money.

Get the spit ready, it's filet of Kotick for everyone.

He was at the right place, right time to seize the opportunity. You can argue he’s one of the reasons why the gaming industry became as big as it is - he saved a company with talent that ended up releasing call of duty which helped gaming become mainstream, an industry worth billions of dollars. People don’t have to work at Activision, people have left after all, it happens all the time. It does take management skills to bring certain groups of people together with the right talent to release a game like cod and keep it a consistent quality for over a decade. Other game publishers have not been as fortunate. There’s something good going on with Activision and investors would rather not ruin that by removing a leader who helped make it happen. Look at the market cap of Activision, relatively speaking whatever the CEO is getting paid is minor and would rather have the party continue
I don't think anyone who says "eat the rich" has the creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage to ever start a business, let alone grow it.
You're asking the right question to the wrong person.
Starting a business takes access to capital, principally by means of inherited wealth, not "creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage." People who think that you can get rich by being smart and good at business are like poor kids who think they're going to grow up to be famous rappers and basketball stars.
Starting a business takes access to capital, principally by means of inherited wealth, not "creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage." People who think that you can get rich by being smart and good at business are like poor kids who think they're going to grow up to be famous rappers and basketball stars.

Not necessarily. There have been millionaires/billionaires who come from nothing, immigrants, etc. They are few and far between but if you have it in you, you can definitely rise to the top albeit a bit more difficult. That’s why it’s called the top 1%
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Not necessarily. There have been millionaires/billionaires who come from nothing, immigrants, etc. They are few and far between but if you have it in you, you can definitely rise to the top albeit a bit more difficult. That’s why it’s called the top 1%
The 'top 1%' is noted because of outrageously disproportionate wealth that they've accumulated. It has nothing to do with merit.

EDIT: On reflection this is probably a little closer to a political discussion than the site would like at the moment, so I'm out.
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Starting a business takes access to capital, principally by means of inherited wealth, not "creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage." People who think that you can get rich by being smart and good at business are like poor kids who think they're going to grow up to be famous rappers and basketball stars.
You act like getting access to capital is some impossible feat.

In reality it is pretty easy to obtain. Having access to capital doesn't mean anything.
"creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage" is what turns that capital into wealth
You act like getting access to capital is some impossible feat.

In reality it is pretty easy to obtain. Having access to capital doesn't mean anything.
"creativity + work ethic + willpower + courage" is what turns that capital into wealth

We're in a highly financialized economy, people who are born rich just get richer by playing around in the stock market. Take a look at economic mobility indicators. The odds of a poor guy making it big due to his natural talents and drive are at an all time low.
Bobby Kotick is the symbol of why Modern gaming sucks. Nothing but brainless shooter and brainless sportsball games that are the same each year for the equally brainless costumers to coonsume
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What about when you grow your own business and become rich? Will you change your mind then?
But if we eat the rich we'll be rich inside. So new business eating the rich it is, we get to eat people, you get rich (inside) we all win. I'm also onto you "grow" our own business, you just wanted to save the tasty rich for your own munchies and not share.
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