I first saw him in Boomerang where he had a small part as David Allen-Grier's father where that entire scene had me in stitches
Then again in The Wayan's Show as Pops. Again him being on screen is the draw for me
And of course , the Friday series . Probably my fav comedy movie series (if you don't count BttF) . He was hilarious in all 3 !
I know it seems like I'm writing a lot that's because if I was having a bad day watching one of his movies always made me feel better

Then again in The Wayan's Show as Pops. Again him being on screen is the draw for me

And of course , the Friday series . Probably my fav comedy movie series (if you don't count BttF) . He was hilarious in all 3 !

I know it seems like I'm writing a lot that's because if I was having a bad day watching one of his movies always made me feel better

John Witherspoon Dead at 77: Regina King, Ice Cube and More Stars Pay Tribute - E! Online
The Friday star passed away in his home on Tuesday. Sinbad, D.L. Hughley and Marlon Wayans also expressed their condolences on social media.

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