Actress Allison Mack "Chloe Sullivan" from Smallville arrested for sex trafficking



Unconfirmed Member
It comes off as a cash grab.

And no matter how many times these documentaries try, they can't make these victims look like anything else but stupid as hell. I mean, as dumb as a box of rocks.

The 2nd one on Starz is absolutely a cash grab, but I don't think "The Vow" on HBO is. This season centered around the "victims" and evidently next season is going to examine everything from Raniere's point of view.

You're absolutely right about the victims looking stupid.


The 2nd one on Starz is absolutely a cash grab, but I don't think "The Vow" on HBO is. This season centered around the "victims" and evidently next season is going to examine everything from Raniere's point of view.

You're absolutely right about the victims looking stupid.
oh definitely the Vow is 10x better documentary. I just think they were a few moments when they tried to make Keith Raniuere look worse than he really is. This really stood out to me during the episode about the men's support group, and when they would have Bonnie recount her midnight walks with Keith


I feel like Nexium could have been potentially really good and beneficial if it weren’t for the side grift of having concubines.

Keith seemed truly gifted at speaking to people and telling them what they needed to hear.


Unconfirmed Member
I just think they were a few moments when they tried to make Keith Raniuere look worse than he really is.


The guy may be a scumbag but in the documentary, he just comes off as a weird multi-level marketing dude who is into polyamory.

Now, some of the followers on the other hand seemed batshit crazy. Plus, they really didn't go into detail about what happened to DOS members, other than the branding.

I feel like Nexium could have been potentially really good and beneficial if it weren’t for the side grift of having concubines.

Maybe I was expecting more about the human/sex trafficking side of things but after watching "The Vow" most of the DOS stuff seemed consensual, particularly with the higher-ups like Allison Mack and the India girl. I don't think it's against the law to have concubines if the concubines are cool with it.

NXIVM just seemed like a huge MLM-scheme and a way for the higher-ups to avoid paying taxes.
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The guy may be a scumbag but in the documentary, he just comes off as a weird multi-level marketing dude who is into polyamory.

Now, some of the followers on the other hand seemed batshit crazy. Plus, they really didn't go into detail about what happened to DOS members, other than the branding.

Maybe I was expecting more about the human/sex trafficking side of things but after watching "The Vow" most of the DOS stuff seemed consensual, particularly with the higher-ups like Allison Mack and the India girl. I don't think it's against the law to have concubines if the concubines are cool with it.

NXIVM just seemed like a huge MLM-scheme and a way for the higher-ups to avoid paying taxes.
I agree but it’s about the power structure and him essentially being a figure of power and he for sure abused that power. But yeah it seemed consensual, who really knows. But he was with an underaged girl and that shit is gross.


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly I really have an interest in cults. I find them so interesting.

Last Podcast on the Left has done some really deep dives into Jim Jones/Peoples Temple, Children of God, Ohm Shinrikyo, and Scientology which are really worth listening to.


Been watching this. My main takeaway is that HBO tries really hard to make these women far more sympathetic than they should be. They're fucking morons and they did this shit consensually for the most part. You're not a victim here, just an idiot. Are women even responsible for their actions?
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Been watching this. My main takeaway is that HBO tries really hard to make these women far more sympathetic than they should be. They're fucking morons and they did this shit consensually for the most part. You're not a victim here, just an idiot. Are women even responsible for their actions?

Probably connected to someone on HBO and they're trying to lessen the blame through their influence.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
My first thought when I read the headline was that someone was blowing the story of a kinky sex club all out of proportion. But no, that sounds like a creepy cult.

As an aside, putting people on a 500 calorie a day diet doesn't just make them thin. It's a well known brainwashing technique.

I read about her being in the cult a few years ago, including the branding part. People are into some weird shit. The actress who played Cally on Battlestar Galactica is also in it.
Been watching this. My main takeaway is that HBO tries really hard to make these women far more sympathetic than they should be. They're fucking morons and they did this shit consensually for the most part. You're not a victim here, just an idiot. Are women even responsible for their actions?
The show tries to make most of the people sympathetic when in reality they are all a bunch of morons.

Watching the show, I never got the feeling that anyone, even the women, was being forced to do anything, not even the branding. It seemed like anyone could walk away at anytime because some people did. Maybe they would face civil legal ramifications for doing that, but a company suing former employees to protect their IPs isn't anything new.

Keith Raniere probably deserves to be in jail for tax evasion or financial crimes but I'm not sure about anything else. Same with Allison Mack.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The show tries to make most of the people sympathetic when in reality they are all a bunch of morons.

Watching the show, I never got the feeling that anyone, even the women, was being forced to do anything, not even the branding. It seemed like anyone could walk away at anytime because some people did. Maybe they would face civil legal ramifications for doing that, but a company suing former employees to protect their IPs isn't anything new.

Keith Raniere probably deserves to be in jail for tax evasion or financial crimes but I'm not sure about anything else. Same with Allison Mack.
There was certainly extorting and blackmailing going on. Some of it willingly, but when you say "I want my stuff back" and they don't do it, then it is full on blackmail.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The show tries to make most of the people sympathetic when in reality they are all a bunch of morons.

Watching the show, I never got the feeling that anyone, even the women, was being forced to do anything, not even the branding. It seemed like anyone could walk away at anytime because some people did. Maybe they would face civil legal ramifications for doing that, but a company suing former employees to protect their IPs isn't anything new.

Keith Raniere probably deserves to be in jail for tax evasion or financial crimes but I'm not sure about anything else. Same with Allison Mack.
They had people divuldge their deepest secrets and fears including documentation under the guise of 'therapy' and then blackmailed them into further brainwashing over the course of several years and then to sexual acts and finally too branding.
I do wish I could meet a Kieth Raniere type because I am pretty sure I wouldn't fall for their crap, but you never know.
They'd probably get me with the batman theme.
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wow thats really fucked up. I never thought she was such a person.

Never judge a book by its cover... as they'd say...

"If convicted of all charges, Mack and Raniere faced imprisonment for a minimum of 15 years. In March 2019, it was revealed in court that Mack and the other defendants in the case were in active plea negotiations as Raniere appeared in court to plead not guilty to child pornography charges related to the case. On April 8, 2019, Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and racketeering charges, and was scheduled for sentencing in September 2019.
On October 27, 2020, Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison."

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The thing I find the most eerie about this, is that you wouldn't know it just by looking at her. She just had this harmless look to her, like a quirky girl next door type. Then you find out she was a leader of some cult of sex traffickers.

Reminds me of Ted Bundy in a way. Harmless, handsome and charming looking dude, but absolute monster inside.
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